The Confession

Without a Trace

Another long update! Wooooo! :)


After hours of watching dramas, the girls finally went to bed in the living room. Before they knew it, Saejin and Johye had to go to school for the day. They said goodbye to Saejin's parents and boarded the bus.
"Do you always take this way?" Johye pushed up her glasses on her nose. "I mean the bus?"
Saejin nodded. "It doesn't smell as bad as it does during the evening, since people get back from work then." She joked.
They hopped off the bus and entered the school building with the crowd. Saejin looked over at the spot where L.joe had pulled her away from the biker and her face got red. What the hell.
They didn't have time to talk to Johye since the bell rang and everyone rushed to their classes. When she got to her class, she sat next to CAP and Ricky like usual, but she kept glancing around.
"Guys, where's Byunghun?" She blurted, regretting it from the looks the two gave her.
"Don't know." CAP shrugged and turned to Ricky. "Is he sick?"
"I don't think so, I mean, I saw him in the hall earlier. I think he was taking to Minah." He answered. The two of them peered through the corner of their eyes, watching Saejin's reaction.
She looked away. "Really? He's gonna be late in another minute." She checked the clock, then the door again.
Ricky wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at CAP who returned them with an evil grin. They turned their attention to L.joe who walked in the room briskly and sat down in his chair.
"I'm not late am I?" He asked.
Saejin shook her head and Ricky turned to him. "So what did Minah have to say? It looked pretty important."
L.joe brushed it off. "You know she's in the student council. She was asking me if I would help them decorate the building for back to school night."
"She didn't ask anything else?" CAP wondered.
"She asked me what time I would be available for Saturday night too. Something about everyone who was helping getting together to plan and stuff." He trailed off. "But I had to decline for obvious reasons."
Saejin bit her lip. Why the hell would she be worried? There's nothing to worry about. She didn't even have the right to because she wasn't his g-. She coughed to get the idea out of her mind and she internally shook her head. Saejin, you gotta be kidding. She told herself.
Meanwhile, Ricky was motioning towards her to L.joe, who did a double take because, well, he noticed her arguing with herself in her head. He forced back a smile so scratched his nose as the teacher came in to start class.
The day flew by in a flash. Lunch was awkward because everyone was monitoring L.joe and Saejin after the talk in the cafe with Hyejin.
"Saejin!" L.joe caught up with her and Johye leaving campus. "Could I talk to you, alone?" He gave an apologetic look to Johye, who understood completely.
"I'll be at the stop then." Johye said and walked away.
Saejin turned her attention back to L.joe who sighed. "I'm gonna say this one time, but.." He looked at her expectant face. "Saejin, do you wanna hang out with me today? I mean it's the weekend now, and I was just wondering, since I'm not doing anything." He scratched the back of his head and looked down. "Like maybe go to the river or something."
"I'm not dong anything either, so sure." She agreed.
"Great! Then I'll pick you up at five. And I promise I won't be late, bye!" He rushed his words and basically ran to the car, leaving Saejin dazed.
Had she just been asked out? She shook her head. Nah, they were just friends.
"Saejin–ssi!" Johye called from the stop and interrupted her thoughts.
"Yeah." She waved back and with a sigh, went on the bus home with Johye.
"YOU DID?!" The boys exclaimed through the video chat.
"Are you serious? You finally did it?" Niel questioned, not believing that he actually asked. "Are you sure you didn't just imagine it?"
"I did though!" L.joe argued.
Changjo clapped. "Good for you hyung."
"But, how did you ask?" Ricky asked, still a little skeptical.
L.joe shrugged. "I just asked if she wanted to hang out and she said yes. I don't see why-"
Chunji face palmed himself. "You didn't ask her out, you asked to hang out, you dumbface. She probably thinks you're hanging out as friends. Idiot."
CAP exaggeratedly inhaled. "I smell a confession tonight."
"You're gonna have to if you're convincing her it's a date." Niel nodded, agreeing.
"Wear a suit." Ricky advised. "Then it'll seem more official."
"No, , wear casual cloths." Chunji mocked. "You don't want to make her feel pressured. Maybe jeans and a t shirt or something. But not too much."
"So are you meeting her or are you picking her up?" Changjo asked.
"I'm picking her up." L.joe said. "But with what? Should I bring the bike or the car?"
"Car!" Everyone answered at once.
"Alright, alright, geez. Just a thought." He grimaced. "I'm going to go get ready, so I'll tell you guys about it tomorrow, see ya." He turned off the chat before anyone else could say anything, and got up to get dressed.
"HE WHAT?!" Hyejin spit out her drink. "He asked you out?"
"To hang out." Saejin corrected. "But I can cancel, Johye if you wanna hang out-"
"No, it's okay." Johye grinned. "We're fine."
Hyejin nodded and wrapped an arm around Johye's shoulder. "Yeah! We can watch dramas! How did he ask you out?"
Saejin rolled her eyes jokingly. "He just asked. I don't see what the big deal is, he just asked me to hang out, it's nothing big."
"When's he coming?" Johye asked.
Hyejin shot up to her feet, heading to her sister's room. "Five?! That only gives us an hour to get you ready! Where are you going? Are you going to wear heels? What about makeup! Oh my gosh, you have nothing. How are we supposed to do this?!"
"You sure you're okay with this?" Saejin asked Johye once again.
"I'm positive." Johye confirmed. "So where are you two going exactly?"
"The river." Saejin answered. "We'll probably get something to eat too, but I don't know where that is. The only thing for certain is that he's coming at 5 and were going to the river."
Hyejin came out and put five outfits on the sofa, carefully examining each one. "You said you're going to the river? Then these two are out." She put them to the side.
"Unnie! We're just hanging out! It's not a date! I'm just going to wear casual clothes." Saejin took the clothes back to her room. She ended up putting on a sweater with shorts and flats on.
Hyejin scowled. "Fine. But I get to do your hair." She called, tugging her sister to the chair. When it was almost five, she watched Saejin. "So are you nervous?"
"No? He's easy to be around." Saejin said. "Easy to talk to. Why? Should I be?"
"I don't know, should you?" Hyejin shot back. The two raised eyebrows at each other, when Johye informed them that someone knocked on the door.
Hyejin squealed silently and pushed Saejin up. "He's here, he's here! Where the hell is mom and dad anyway?"
Saejin opened the door to L.joe standing on the porch in jeans and a jacket. He smiled and waved.
"I'll be back." Saejin informed the two girls eyeing the couple. Confused, she followed him to the car, where he opened the door for her.
"Thanks." She said, getting in. L.joe turned the car on and peeled off into the road. "I didn't know you could drive."
L.joe nodded. "Yeah, I just like company so I have Jongjun hyung drive me around. But I'm warning you now, I haven't had practice in a while, so-" he halted to a stop when he noticed a light, and the two would've gone flying if not for their seat belts. "-that might happen. Sorry." He nervously laughed.
Saejin laughed it off and watched the scenery. "So where are we going tonight other than the river? Or is that it?"
"I was going to go to take us to this restaurant first, is that okay?" He asked.
"Of course! What kind of food is it?"
"Seafood, pasta," he counted off, "sandwiches, it's not Korean food."
Saejin nodded, and L.joe parked on the side of the road in front of the restaurant. He ran over to the other side before Saejin could open the door for herself.
"Uh, th-thanks." She said, hopping out of the vehicle. And again, L.joe opened the door to the restaurant for her. Saejin had to hold back laughter because he looked so hurried.
"Table for two?" The young host asked, eyeing them. "Do you want a booth or a table?"
L.joe looked around. "Table is fine."
"Right this way." The host smiled at Saejin before leading them to their seats. When he was about to pull out the seat for her, obviously taking a liking, L.joe quickly beat him to it, glaring the whole time.
Saejin could only blink, but sat down with a thank you.
"Can I get you two drinks?" The host asked, looking at Saejin the whole time.
L.joe coughed loudly, getting his attention. "I said tea please." He sent a look, which the waiter sent right back.
"And I'll take water." Saejin answered.
The waiter wrote it down and went to the back.
L.joe glowered at his back. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Should we have gone to another restaurant? Maybe a cafe? It's your choice."
"What's wrong? Do you not like it here?" Saejin asked, oblivious. "We can if you want-"
"Drinks are served!" The waiter came back, setting the cups on the table. "Were you guys ready to order?"
"Uh.." Saejin knit her eyebrows and looked across the table.
L.joe opened the menu. "I guess, just hold on.."
"So.." The waiter tried to make small talk and pointed to the two. "Are you guys like, brother and sister or something? Because I can see it, you two look alike."
L.joe shut the menu and mocked him. "No, we're not."
"You two, aren't dating are you, then? Because if not-"
"We are." Saejin answered, cutting him off, making his face fall in the slightest. "I'll take spaghetti, please." She handed back the menu and took a sip of her drink.
"Same." L.joe said coldly, hitting the waiter in the chest with his menu, who then dejectedly went back to the kitchen. "So, we're dating?" He raised an eyebrow, but his heart was thumping wildly.
Saejin sighed. "I didn't like the way he was looking at me. It was creepy. I hope that was okay with you." She whispered.
He had to remind himself to nod. "Yeah, definitely!"
The two talked mostly about school and what was going on with each other for half the time until they got their food.
"So did you like Busan?" L.joe asked.
Nodding, Saejin ate a bite of her pasta. "Yeah, it was pretty and simple. We knew everyone, and I grew up with the kids there and it wasn't awkward with anybody after a while."
"Was school more fun there?"
Saejin chuckled. "When the guys weren't horsing around, that is. Then again, Changhyun does enough of that too come to think of it. Has he always been outspoken?"
L.joe nodded. "Ever since I can remember knowing him. I don't know, he's just a loud kid." He joked.
This went on until after they paid the bill and left the restaurant, walking over the street to the riverside. By now, it was seven thirty, and the sun was just beginning to set while the street lamps . Families were going home before it turned too late.
Saejin and L.joe sat on the grass, overlooking the wide river. "It's so big." Saejin said in awe.
L.joe looked over and saw Saejin watch the boats go by, and he made a mental note to remember to take her on the river in his family's yacht sooner or later. "Do you wanna wait until the sun sets? I heard it looks amazing."
She nodded. "Have you never seen the sun set before?"
"Besides my friends, no. You?"
"Same." She said, closing her eyes and feeling the breeze. The temperature was perfect. "I remember going to the ocean with my dad when I was younger. The weather was just like this."
"Mhm." Saejin smiled. "Hyejin unnie and mom would go out shopping, but I never really wanted to so I went to the beach with my dad. We'd build sand castles and play games all day. I don't think I ever got tired of it, playing in the water." She paused. "But then dad got promoted to detective, so we never saw him as much. Only because he became a top detective so he was put on more cases. But he never changed his childish self." She laughed a little at the end.
"My dad.." L.joe started off. "He's a business man, so he has to travel a lot. He's always been traveling. The only times I really ever see him is when we have parties to attend, or, vacations. Which aren't really vacations, since he's still on business calls, or off with his other business friends. But I always managed to keep myself busy with Chanhee since he always came with us, being family and all. Then again, he was always flirting with girls, that player." He shook his head.
"Sounds like a lot of fun." Saejin smiled at the sky which was getting darker and darker each minute.
"You've, never had a boyfriend, have you?" L.joe gritted his teeth and asked.
Saejin opened her eyes and looked at him with confusion, shaking her head after thinking about it. "I haven't I've had guy friends before, but no, never a boyfriend. And have you had a girlfriend?" She shot back with a knowing look.
"No." He said with a bit of attitude, looking down. "You've really never been asked out before? Ever?"
"I've been asked out before." Saejin nodded. "But I turned them all down. They didn't seem like the right guy though, and some of them were just for jokes and dares. Or maybe I was just too young. That was back in junior high."
"Ah." L.joe thought about that.
"Why the sudden question?"
He shrugged. "Just curious." He stood up and went over to lean on the railing, Saejin following him. "It really is more beautiful at night." He overlooked the water. "Speaking of, you look nice tonight."
Saejin's breath hitched and she looked at him. "Huh?"
"You do! From the regular uniform look." L.joe sighed.
"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself." She snorted.
"Why, thank you. That's what I was going for." He bowed. "I could tell our waiter knew too."
Saejin shuddered. "That was just..." She shook her head. "That was just plain awkward, holy crap. That's the first time that's ever happened before. I hope it's the last."
"You did call me your boyfriend." He wiggled his eyebrows at her.
"Shut up." Saejin snorted, softly pushing him, making him laugh. The atmosphere around them turned stiff, yet relaxing at the same time with the scenery, which kept Saejin's attention.
Something clicked in L.joe's mind. Now was the perfect time. The weather was beautiful, and so was the river. It was nice and quiet out. No one was around them. Everything felt so right.
"Hey, Saejin." He propped himself up and got her attention. "The reason I brought you out here tonight was because I needed to tell you something."
"Go ahead." Saejin encouraged, listening intently.
L.joe his lips and started. "I wanted to tell you that you're probably the first female friend I have ever made besides family, and even saying that, you're trustworthy, and unlike any other girl I've ever met." He paused, trying to think of the perfect words. "You actually take initiative, but you aren't fake either. And you're kind and nice to everyone. But tonight, it's my turn to take initiative."
He subtly reached out and grabbed her hand to her surprise, and her face showed it. She didn't expect this at all and he could tell. L.joe gazed into her eyes and smiled.
"Song Saejin, I like you, will you go out with me?"






sorry for not updating recently OTL

this week was my birthday week so my family was pretty busy, and, okay but it was fun! 

I hope you guys are having a great summer so far! ^^


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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!