New Complications

Without a Trace


Mr. Lee pointed to each of them. "You two... know each other already, I presume?"
"We uh.." L.joe straightened up. "We go to school together." He looked at Saejin, who just nodded. In both minds, thoughts were shooting around all over the place. What the hell was going on?!
The dads talked to each other for a while, their kids at the side deep in thought.
I didn't know Byunghun was this well-off. Saejin pursed her lips. And his dad! So they were the reason we came here? It was his family who hired my dad? Well, this is something new...
WHAT IS THIS?! SONG SAEJIN IS DETECTIVE SONG'S DAUGHTER?! L.joe tried his hardest to keep his face neutral, but it was getting harder by the second. Especially with Saejin in a dress right in front of him. The navy complimented her eyes as well. He bit his lip. There was no way.
"Excuse me." He cut off the dads' conversation, earning looks from the other three. "I'm going to find my friends, okay?" He asked his dad, who nodded and went back to talking. He looked at Saejin once more, bowed to her dad, and walked away quickly.
Saejin nudged her dad as well. "I'm going to find Johye." She looked around the room, trying to find her friend.

"This can't be happening. This can't be real. This has gotta be an imagination or something or else I'm gonna lose it." L.joe splashed water on his face for the tenth time. He gripped the sink and closed his eyes. "Calm down. Go out there and find the guys." He nodded to himself, agreeing with himself. "Yeah, let's just ditch."

Soon, he walked out of the bathroom and found the rest of the boys lounging about on the couches in the far corner. He sat down next to Niel on the end.
Laughing at Ricky's joke, he turned and dropped his smile into a worried expression. "H-hyung, you look like you've just seen a ghost."
"Whoa! Your face is reeeeally pale." Ricky agreed, focusing his attention on him. "You wanna go-"
"Look who I ran into guys!" Changjo walked back from getting a drink with a familiar face.
CAP snapped his fingers and pointed to everyone. "I knew I wasn't hallucinating! I knew it!"
"Hi Saejin!" Niel waved, pushed Chunji to the side to make room for her to sit down.
"Hey, guys." She waved back. "What's going on?"
"Actually..." Ricky motioned over his shoulder. "We were gonna ditch and go downstairs. Wanna join us?"
"Sure, but.." Saejin looked over her shoulder anxiously. "Johye's here too and I couldn't find her."
Chunji stood up with his hands in his pockets. "You go down with them, I'll find her for you."
Saejin's eyebrows knit together. "I don't know.."
"Aye, it's not like we're on the streets, we know for a fact that she's in here." Niel pulled her up. "Hyung will find her quickly, he's got a good eye. Let's go!"
L.joe followed the group of guys who snuck out of the room and out out of the door. He ended up being right in front of Saejin, while leading them down. By now, she had taken off her heels to keep the sound down.
"Why do we have to sneak around?" She asked out of nowhere making him jump.
"I don't want my parents to find out." He explained. "If my mom found out I skipped, she would skin me alive." He shuddered at the reminder of her threats.
Saejin nodded. "Sounds scary-oof!" She ran into his back after he stopped surprisingly.
He held out an arm. "Shh. Maids." He motioned to the guys in the back, who shut their traps immediately after CAP had to smack a hand on Ricky's mouth.

Chunji twisted his mouth at the crowd. Why did he offer to find Johye? He could've been downstairs eating food right now. Idiot.

"Chanhee oppa!" He heard on the side. With his eyes closed, he rolled his eyes. He was too tired for this. But he smiled anyway and walked over.
"Hello, ladies." He greeted.
"We haven't seen you at all tonight!" One girl whined, pulling him closer.
"Yeah! Did we do something wrong?" Another his arm suggestively, making him gag on the inside. Huh, weird.
He backed away from them, but kept grinning. "Sorry, I've been busy with my friends and all." It was the only excuse he could think of. It wasn't like it wasn't true either."
"You'll stay and talk for a while with us, right, oppa?" She raised her eyebrows.
He crinkled his nose, looking for a way out. "Sorry, ladies. Maybe next time." He winked and left them, dazed.
He forced down an drink and gulped, leaning on the table behind him. Where the hell is she? It's not like it's a huge space.
"Aw, come on!"
"S-sorry, I don't-"
That voice. Chunji straightened up and shot his head to the side.
"Just for tonight! Just one dance, please?" He heard a guy beg. Sounded pretty desperate too. He came into Chunji's range of sight, clasping his hands together. "I promise I won't ask you next time!"
"You always say that." The girl trailed off.
"I'm begging you here!" He grabbed her shoulders a bit forcefully, making her wince.
"Excuse me." Chunji grabbed one of his wrists. "I think she said she doesn't want to dance with you. Take rejection like a man." He advised.
The other guy, lost for words, just spat in his face and stormed off, pushing her away.
Chunji caught her from falling back and widened his eyes.
"Ch-chanee-ssi?" She blinked.
"Johye?" He steadied her and looked up and down. "Wow, you look... different from usual. In the good way, I mean." He added, not wanting to offend her. And he meant it. Her legs looked so long, even though she was so dang short!
She looked down at the ground, playing with her fingers.
Chunji caught the awkward atmosphere and scratched the back of his head and cleared his throat. "Uh, so the guys and Saejin went downstairs. You wanna come too?"
Without making a sound, Johye nodded.
"Then, follow me. I guess." He let out a breath and led the way downstairs to the rest of the group.
"Well, finally!" Ricky got up, holding a bag of popcorn. "We'd thought you'd never- who's this? I thought you had to get Johye?"
Chunji gave him a weird look. "This is Johye, you dimwit." He took off his jacket and tossed it to the side. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch the movie."
He sat on the couch, only to be tugged by a certain frantic cousin to the bar.
"Geez, Byunghun! Trying to give me whiplash?"
"Yah!" L.joe tried to shut him up. "I have a huge problem here!"
"Saejin is Detective Song's daughter." He cut to the chase. "If you don't understand my words, I'll tell you again." He coughed. "Saejin," he motioned to her on the couch. "Is the daughter of the man who my dad hired to catch us." He shook his hands. "Do you see my problem here?!"
Chunji blinked rapidly. "W-what do you..? Holy crap." It dawned on him. "Saejin, your crush Saejin?"
L.joe closed his eyes defeatedly and nodded, pulling his hair. "What am I supposed to do now?!" He grabbed Chunji's shoulders and shook him. "What if we get caught and are revealed?"
"I didn't help her escape from the police, she followed her dad there!"
"That happened twice!"
"I took her phone and never gave it back!"
"YAH!" Chunji yelled. The whole room looked at them, then focused back on the movie after a while. "Let's deal with the issue at hand here." He gave L.joe a weird look. "You took her phone? Really?"
"I'm not proud of it, okay? I still need to give it back." L.joe shook his head. "How do I tell her I like her now? Do I need to wait or something?"
"Honestly?" Chunji asked. "I would say keep it in for now until this whole deal blows over. None of us are planning to get caught, so tell her later I guess. Plus, this way, you can see if she likes you back genuinely, not just because you said you liked her."
"I don't think she's that kind of person." L.joe defended. He groaned and put his head on the counter. "But she looks so pretty tonight! Why does this have to happen?"
"Look on the bright side, buddy. She's not a criminal like we thought." Chunji patted his shoulder.
"Gee, I'm so happy." L.joe scowled.
"You guys gonna come watch the movie or what?!" Niel yelled.
The two nodded. "You'll find a way out. Trust me." Chunji encouraged and took a seat next to Changjo and CAP.
L.joe sat down in his original spot next to Saejin. "There you are." She looked at him and yawned.  "About time."
"Y-yeah." He gulped.
"That was a shocker. I didn't know your dad was my dad's boss." She made conversation.
"Total surprise." He agreed wholeheartedly. "Shocker."
"Then I guess we'll see more of each other then." She offered. "You know, since our dad's are connected with work."
He chuckled. "What? Not gonna ask me to buy anything?"
"An ice cream would be nice." She shot back. "You still owe me one."
He was taken aback. "You're gonna ask for ice cream? With my money, you ask for ice cream?" Not a car or clothes?
"No? Should I?" She shrugged.
"Hey! Shut up over there! I can't hear anything!" Ricky threw a handful of popcorn their way.
"Aish." Byunghun cursed, locked eyes with Saejin, and together laughed quietly, turning their attention to the movie.
45 minutes later, Saejin's eyes closed and L.joe felt weight fall on his shoulder. He looked over, eyes bulging out of his sockets. Be cool. He gulped. He didn't want to wake her, so he did his best not to move. But it was uncomfortable position to be in, so he shifted his position for both of their comfort.
He looked at her face and how calm it looked. What an amazing girl. Even after finding out about his money situation, she didn't care. At least, it didn't seem so for the moment. But he really was cornered. Things were going to get a whole lot more difficult for the two of them.
As long as you're by my side now.
updated with a longer chapter, FINALLY
STRESS . But school is almost over for the year so that's GOOD
btw, sorry for the y chapter, but I wrote it tonight BECAUSE I LOVE YOU GUYS
Happy reading! ^^


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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!