Games and Lunch

Without a Trace


Byunghun walked to the familiar door of Ricky's house and hit the doorbell with the top of his head, since his hands were already full. He waited for a while, then kicked the door.
"Yah! I'm coming! Don't break anything!" He heard Ricky on the other side. The door unlocked and Byunghun fell inside, dropping the bags he had in his hands.
"Thanks, man!" Ricky beamed, reaching for a bag, until he just got a bag of chips.
Byunghun gave him a look of disbelief. "Really?"
"I got it hyung!" Changjo ran down the stairs and grabbed the heavier bag.
"Thanks." He rolled his shoulder. "Everyone here already?" He walked side by side with Changjo while Ricky went to get something from the basement.
Changjo nodded. "But you could get in there and they wouldn't even notice you. They might even think you'd been there the whole time."
Byunghun grinned and went into the room for himself. "How much late am I again?" The whole room was already filled with yells and empty cans of soda lying on the floor. "Yah! Clean up a little bit in here or something!" He ordered. No response. They were either ignoring him, or too engrossed in the video game they were playing to pay attention.
"Maybe fifteen minutes?" Changjo shrugged and answered the question. "I haven't really been keeping track." He set the backs down. "FOOD'S HERE."
"Really?" Chunji took off his headset.
”Whoo!" Niel paused the game.
"Finally!" CAP groaned, throwing his controller on the bed.
"Pigs." Byunghun commented. But he couldn't really talk. Five minutes later, the six boys were seated around the coffee table with bags and drinks spilled everywhere. Byunghun himself was still stuffing himself with the cookies nonstop.
"This is really good hyung!" Ricky praised, taking another bite of chicken. "Amazing!"
"You got here just in time." CAP told him. "We were about to be raided too. Scariest thing ever."
Byunghun gulped down a soda. "Is there another controller anywhere?"
"Of course hyung, I'll get it now!" Ricky ran out the room.
Chunji sighed, looking at his empty plate. "What took you so long anyway? We were waiting for half an hour!" He complained.
"What? I went to the store. Is it that hard to believe?" Byunghun raised an eyebrow.
Niel read through the receipt that was thrown on the floor. "Hyung, why did you get band-aids?"
"Oh! They're already open!" Chunji commented at the box, surprised that he would get a cut on the way from the store to the house. "You clumsy idiot."
"Are you okay?" Changjo asked.
"Hyung's hurt?" Ricky raced in. "Where? Do we need to take you to the hospital?"
"What?!" Byunghun asked and waved his hands. "I'm fine! Geez, you guys overreact." He said, amused. They worried too much, but that's one of the reasons he liked them, they genuinely cared.
"No but seriously?" Chunji wondered.
Byunghun shrugged. "I saw someone I knew there. Why?"
"Saejin." He answered bluntly. "Why? What's wrong?" He looked up and saw the others smirking and chuckling at him behind their hands. "What?" He demanded.
"You have that good of a relationship with her that you're seeing her outside of school now too?" Chunji teased. "About time!"
Changjo pouted. "I still wanna meet her. She seems pretty cool."
CAP agreed. "It's decided then. You're inviting her to eat lunch with us tomorrow. It's final."
Byunghun was about to protest when Ricky interrupted him. "Come on hyung, lighten up and share! She doesn't seem as.. Uh.. Eccentric as any of the other girls at our school."
"Got that right." CAP nodded. "It's about time we get a female friend. A normal one at that."
Byunghun sighed. He didn't see anything wrong with it. He noticed that she had only been sitting by that Johye girl now by themselves. What's wrong with adding two more people to their table? "Aish.. I guess there's nothing wrong with that."
"Just ask her after first hour." Ricky advised. "So we make sure you actually do it."
"We'll be watching." CAP narrowed his eyes playfully, making Byunghun cringe a bit. Once the boys were done eating for the hour, they went back to playing video games and yelling at each other and the other players.
Saejin huffed,hitting her materials away for the end of class. Right as she was about to leave after everyone else for her next class, she was stopped by someone blocking her path.
"Byunghun-ssi?" She blinked.
"Hey Saejin, I had a question." He started nervously until he looked to the back of the classroom where Ricky and CAP were shooting glares, not daring to rip their gaze off of him. He looked back at Saejin who kept listening intently. "Do you want to, I mean, sit with my friends and me at lunch today?" He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, awaiting her answer.
She considered it. Johye probably wouldn't mind, so why not? She finally nodded after a moment. "Sure. See you then." She sent a small smile his way, going past him to leave.

Byunghun swallowed and felt a pat on his shoulder. "Good going, buddy." CAP said proudly. Ricky just gave him thumbs up. Byunghun faced each of them, then left the room with a sigh.


"Johye!" Saejin waved when the familiar shortie came into sight. The two had gotten pretty close over the week, seeing as they knew each other only in the whole school.
Johye slowly made her way over, slithering through the crowd of students getting lunch. "Hello, Saejin-ssi."
"Hey, I told you to just call me Saejin." She jokingly pouted for a second.
Johye nodded sheepishly. "S-Sae-Saejin...-ssi." She gave up. "Sorry, I just can't do it."
Saejin chuckled. "You don't have to force yourself if you don't want to. It's totally fine." She bit her lip and opened . "Johye, I wanted to ask, but is it okay if we sit with some other people today?"
Johye stiffened. Was it safe? No. There's no way her new friend Saejin was that kind of person. She already proved herself a couple times already. She timidly nodded. "Ne."
"Great! Because someone asked and-"
"You must be Saejin!" Saejin felt an arm wrap casually around her neck. She glanced over her shoulder at the person. "I'm Ricky by the way. We have the same first hour together." He grinned at her. 
"Oh! You're Byunghun's friend, right?" She asked and Ricky nodded.
"That coward told me to get you since he's too scared to come over himself." He whispered so no one else could hear besides the two girls. "Well, you guys coming or what? I promise we don't bite!" He assured.
Saejin held out her hand for Johye to grab. "Let's go!" She said softly and pulled her over.
Circled around a round table in the corner, the Teen Top boys usually only had six chairs, but today there were two extra ones, which caused a bit of gossip between students here and there, wondering if they were saving spots for anyone. Which they were.
Ricky led them over and the girls took their places in the empty chairs. Johye's face was already bright red at being in the presence of the school kingkas.
"Took you long enough." Byunghun snickered to Saejin next to him.
"I was getting my lunch." She answered. "So... Too scared to get us yourself?"
"I'm Changhyun!" Ricky slammed his hands on the table, stopping everyone else's conversation. They just stared at him. "We need to introduce ourselves of course!" He explained.
Changjo when next. "I'm Jonghyun."
"I'm Lee Chanhee. Byunghun's hotter cousin." He winked at the two who exchanged looks. "He's told us all about you, you know Saejin-"
"Minsoo." CAP interrupted.
"I'm Daniel." Niel sweetly waved.
"And, I'm Byunghun." He said for Johye in case she didn't know.
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Saejin." She bowed her head with a grin playing on her lips.
All eyes reverted to the last person. Johye glanced around the table, uncomfortable with their stares. She looked to Saejin for help.
"This is my friend, Johye." Saejin introduced for her, sending Johye an encouraging look. She wanted Johye to try to talk with people other than her, to branch out and make friends, because she actually wasn't a bad person that everyone called her out to be.
"She seems familiar.." Ricky tapped his chin and whispered to CAP who shrugged.
After the introductions, the table became quiet and awkward. It didn't help the two girls that everyone else in the room was gossiping about how Teen Top actually let them sit with them. Was it possible that they had friends other than themselves, much less girls?
"So.." Chunji broke the silence. Everyone stared at him. "Uh, what kind of things are you guys into?"
Saejin blinked. "Well, I mean, I guess music?" She said out of the blue. She likes everything, really.
Johye bit her lip and mumbled. "Ice skating."
"You ice skate?" Changjo caught it and said with amazement. How could this small and quiet girl ice skate?
She nodded in response and gulped. "I've been skating since I was young." She explained.
"I wanna see! I bet it's great." Saejin nudged her shoulder. Johye shyly smiled back.
Chunji leaned over to Byunghun. "She's quite a catch, buddy."
"What?" Byunghun responded, not hearing because he was focusing on something else like their next heist which was tonight. "Did you say something?"
Chunji scowled and sighed, sitting up regularly. His cousin was so dense.
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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!