The Day

Without a Trace


Sure, Lee Byunghun heard his alarm clock. It was impossible not to hear it. But when you don't go to bed unto three in the morning, it's kind of hard to wake up earlier than seven, much less six-thirty. So it was no surprise that he pressed the snooze button and pull the covers over his head to block the sunlight so he could sleep more.
"It's time to wake up, sir." Byunghun felt someone gently push him.
"Five more minutes." He groaned, pulling his pillow closer to his head.
"But, sir, you start school today."
Byunghun's eyes shot open and he jumped out of bed and saw the time. 7:30. School started in half an hour. "Crap!" He ran around his room to his closet as the maid walked out of the room for him to get changed.
After putting on his uniform, he went to the mirror to check his hair. He fixed his tie. "Looking good, handsome." He pointed to himself, winked, and clicked his tongue.
He grabbed his bag and quickly ran the hall and downstairs to the kitchen where the chefs were currently cooking breakfast for his parents and their business meeting this morning. He didn't stop as he grabbed a bagel off the counter nor did he slow down when the head chef held out a plastic container full of his lunch.
"Thanks!" He yelled back, pushing the door open while running backwards.
The head chef looked at one of the maids and shook his head with a small smile. "Another year of rushing, that boy..." He turned back and went to his duties, sending the maid into the dining room with a plateful of food.
Byunghun threw himself into the car that was already in the driveway. His bagel was stuck in his mouth as he tried to force it down as quickly as possible.
"There you are, Byunghun-ssi." His driver, Jongjun smirked, looking at him through the rearview mirror. He pushed the car into drive and pressed the car out of the gates onto the main road. "You seem in a rush."
Byunghun stopped what he was doing, bagel still in his mouth as he dig through his bag. "A hlef eh." Translation: I slept in. 
Jongjun kept his eyes on the road. "Uh huh."
In no time, the car stopped on the side of the road right in front of school, where kids were going inside because the bell had sounded, signaling the beginning of the day.
Jongjun got out of the car and opened the door for Byunghun, who had finally gotten himself together. He stepped out of his seat onto the sidewalk and turned to Jongjun, slapping him on the arm before running away. "Thanks Jongjun!"
His driver rolled his eyes and got into the drivers seat and drove off.
The halls were pretty much bare as Byunghun raced down them, not bothering to go to his locker. He checked the first class he had and slammed the door open, freezing what everyone was doing.
"There he is!" His friend, Yoo Changhyun stood up in the back with his other friend, Bang Minsoo, who held up a hand. Girls started hitting each other and giggling, pointing at him.
Byunghun looked at the head teacher who just shook her head. "Don't worry, you're not late." He sighed in relief and dropped his bag in the seat next to Minsoo where he doubled over panting.
"Close call, man." Minsoo nodded. "Slept in, huh?"
Byunghun fully stood and in air from his teeth. "Yep! Heartburn and running doesn't go well, trust me."
Changhyun cocked his head. "Heartburn?" He whispered to himself. The teacher stood in front of the classroom as the bell rang once more, the school day officially starting.
Minsoo was still laughing. "The rest are wondering if you're sick."
"I might as well be." Byunghun huffed, finally getting his heart rate down to normal. "They're here already? On time?"
Changhyun nodded. "Within ten minutes of school starting. Maybe you're just slow." He shrugged, turning to the front of the room again. "Oh well, you're here. That's all that counts."
Minsoo leaned in closer to Byunghun. "Don't let him fool you. This guy was almost late too. He only got here a few minutes before you did." He motioned to Changhyun.
"Yah! Hyung!" Changhyun yelled a little too loudly.

The teacher slammed a ruler on her desk. "NOT THIS YEAR, YOO CHANGHYUN!"


"Hello there, ." Lee Chanhee slapped his cousin on the back of the head. "Where were you, huh?" His eyebrows raised. The 6 had all found each other after the first part of classes to eat lunch together at their usual table in the back corner.
"He slept in." Minsoo answered for him.
"You even have a scar from last night." Chanhee clicked his tongue and pointed to Byunghun's cheek. "It's okay. At least it's not as noticeable as Changhyun's face bruise.
Byunghun looked over. "Oh! He does!" He outstretched his arm. In all the hurry that morning, he didn't even notice. "How'd you get that?"
Minsoo answered again. "Because he ran into a door."
"Because Daniel pushed me!" Changhyun moved the blame.
At the mention of this whole topic, Ahn Daniel started laughing and hitting Choi Jonghyun who was sitting next to him. "This loser was complaining that he couldn't see in the dark!"
Changhyun pouted. "That was because it was dark and the doors were made of glass like the windows! We were in an office, it's not like the door was wooden." He defended himself.
"It's okay, hyung. You can't see it at all." Jonghyun said.
"Good, good. Don't want this face getting beat up." Byunghun caressed his own face to feel for the scar. When he found it, he noticed that it wasn't that big, just like his friends had said.
A pair of hands landed on Byunghun's shoulders, causing the group to just stare at the owner. Changhyun gulped.
The strictest teacher at school, Mr. Cheon, was staring down right at Byunghun through his thick glasses. "Hello, Mr. Byunghun." Byunghun bowed his head. "I presume your break has gone fine?"
"It has, seonsaengnim." He replied, putting on a serious face. "And yours?"
"Not to bad." He said monotonously. "I hope you keep up your grades enough to go to Seoul National University?"
"I'll try my best."
"And to be sure you become a better influence for your other peers." Mr. Cheon looked up discretely and eyed the rest of the table, making everyone stiffen and wipe their smiles off their faces. Chanhee inwardly scowled.
"Of course, seonsaengnim."
"Then I'll see you." His teacher looked up one more time at his friends before turning away and walking off into the distance.
Changhyun shivered. "That guy gets scarier every year."
"You're lucky you're on his good side." Daniel told Byunghun. "I just wish he wouldn't look at us with glares every time he sees us."
"What do you expect?" Minsook questioned. "He's a top notch student! Of course he'll get special treatment."
Byunghun looked away and mumbled. "It's not like I want it."
"Well, think again because the fan girls are coming." Chanhee put on a smiling face of an angel as a crowd of girls came up to them.
"Oppa, can I have your number?"
"Oh, you look much more handsome this year!"
"I like you, oppa, would you consider going out with me?"
"Could you sign my phone?"
Constantly, girls came up to them and tried to talk to them. But it would always be the same. Either they admired you or wanted a relationship. They never wanted to just 'talk'. 
Same with guys. Guys would go to the asking to hang or go to the game next weekend, if they were paying of course. For others, it was all about the money and social ranking. And those 6 were the people to get with hands down.
But that's how they all became friends from this common bond.
"Sorry, ladies." Chanhee held one girl's hand. "Maybe next time." One of her friends had to carry her away because she was blushing so much, she could faint. The rest of the crowd cried and moaned as they turned to leave, still catching backward glances to see if any of the boys were looking at them, which they weren't. Besides Chanhee of course.
"Don't they get the word 'no' anymore? Geez.." Daniel scoffed. "I mean, I wouldn't have a problem with it, it's just that it's the same people every single time!"
Changhyun feigned a sigh. "We just can't catch a break!"
Jonghyun blinked and grabbed a leftover piece of chocolate on girl left behind and unwrapped it.
Byunghun slapped his hand away and Jonghyun looked up curiously. Byunghun shook his head and motioned at the girl who left them who was looking eagerly their way. She bit her lip and almost fell out of her chair when Jonghyun threw it to the middle, disappointed.
"Nothing's safe anymore!" Changhyun whined. "We can't even eat chocolate without falling into a trap!"
"It depends if you want to fall in it or not." Chanhee shrugged and at the chocolate anyway. The girl saw it and started squealing with her friends.
Minsoo put his hands on his head and groaned.


"See you later, guys!" Byunghun waved to the guys before getting into his car safely. 
Jongjun drove the car back onto the freeway. "Have a good day, sir?"
Byunghun waved it off. "Yeah, yeah, it was fine." He paused. "Hey, Jongjun?"
"Can you cancel my plans for today, please?"
"What am I, your manager?" Jongjun joked.
Byunghun sniffed. "I just have homework and I'm feeling tired because I slept in."
"But you have an appointment with your parents for dinner and a party tonight at your mother's office."
Byunghun opened his eyes and scowled. "Just tell them I'm not feeling well or something. I have homework tonight anyway."
"I'll do my best, sir." Jongjun told him. He probably didn't have much homework, seeing it was the first day and all, but he didn't want to push him. Besides, his parents had parties all the time everywhere they went. And Byunghun hated them because they were always formal.
They reached his house and Byunghun trudged up to his room and fell on the bed. "A nap couldn't hurt, right?" He said, closing his eyes.
The door to his room suddenly opened at his name was shouted. "Lee Byunghun, where were you today?"
He looked up to see his parents, dressed in formal attire, staring at him from his room's entrance. He rolled his eyes and unwillingly sat up. "I had school. It's the first day of my senior year." He informed. He wouldn't be surprised at all if it had 'slipped their minds'.
His father was taken aback, just like he predicted. "Oh. Well, it's good that you got to school in time." He coughed into his hand. "Get ready for tonight, we have a party to attend."
Byunghun was going to decline, but the door shut, leaving him alone in the silent room. He let out a big breath and fell back to his bed, closing his eyes once more to fall asleep before tonight's activities. He was just glad their family wasn't hosting it tonight like most nights. Yes, he was very thankful for that.
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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!