Jobs to Get Done

Without a Trace


"Can you just do my part for me? I'm too tired." Ricky whined, falling onto the bench next to him and shut his eyes. He curled over when a wooden bar fell over him. "Oomf!"
"No way! You're not in your suit anymore, so there's no excuses." Niel told him. "Hurry up! I wanna eat! And play games! You'll ruin everything!"
Ricky sat up immediately. "Hyung! If anything, you're the one who's gonna ruin everything! You're more athletic than me! You can do this twice as fast!"
"Yah, I'm the hyung, so we do what I say! Work! Hurry up, you pig!" He ordered, starting to push the other into the pond behind him.
"H-hyung! No! You can't!" He couldn't help it, but he started to laugh when Niel tickled his stomach to make the pushing easier. "Saejin's mom will come over and kick our butts!"
"Who's fault is that?" Niel questioned. "You're the one who's too lazy! Start working or else I'm gonna push you for real, you lazyass!"
Ricky grimaced. "That's not a nice word, hyung."
Niel sighed and turned around to clean up. "Start working, or I'll call Minsoo hyung!"
"Don't have to tell me twice." Ricky rushed and grabbed the trash bag and began to run around.

"Geez, these things are high." Chunji jumped up and down, streamer in hand. "They need to be in the form of toilet paper or some thing."
"Like tp-ing?" CAP guessed.
"Exactly." Chunji nodded. "They couldn't have given us ladders or anything. Ah, adults. Everyone knows tp-ing is the fastest way to cover trees, I still don't get why we gotta put streamers, on trees. Does that make any sense?"
"Don't question everything, you idiot." CAP said, jumping himself. He smiled and started chuckling. "This reminds me of that one time you fell while trying to throw rocks at Byunghun's window."
Chunji cranked his head. "How does that have any relevance to what we're doing right now?"
CAP kept chuckling. "I don't know. It's just funny." He stopped and glanced over to where Johye was putting up flyers for the game and contest times alone. "Yah! Johye!" He called and her head snapped up at her name. "Come over here! There's another wall."
Johye nodded and followed where he said to tack it on. 
"Damn!" Chunji cursed under his breath. "All that talk tp-ing made me mess up."
"What?" CAP wondered, pointing his attention to the tree Chunji was looking at. "You idiot." He sighed himself. In the branch above their heads, was a roll of streamers. It was stuck. "Come on, get on my back." He ordered Chunji.
Chunji did as was told and jumped on, but the two toppled over almost instantaneously.
"What have you been eating now days?" CAP shook his head.
"I can't help it! The cookies the new chef makes are just really good! The cheesecake isn't that bad either!" Chunji whined. "What do you wanna do about it, just leave it up there?"
"There's a whole other row of trees and benches to cover." CAP pointed out. "We still need to get that." He noticed Johye peering up at the streamer as well. He clapped. "Johye, we need your help."
Johye blinked and pointed to herself. "M-me?"
"Yes, you. Now come over here and get on my shoulders." CAP said like it was obvious, but not too mean to scare her off. "You're probably lighter than this fattie, and we need to get the roll back. It won't take long."
Chunji scowled at the 'fattie' reference, but agreed. "Don't worry, I'll be at the back if you fall."
With quick and light steps, Johye made her way over and with the help of Chunji, got on CAP's back with ease, standing up like she was the lightest thing on the planet.
"Okay then, to the right a bit." Chunji directed. "Now forward.. Okay, good. Right there. It's just above your head, Johye."
Johye nodded. She felt queasy, looking up and not being able to tell if she was balanced or not. She rested one hand on CAP's head and another stretched up, fingers open to grab the streamer that was blowing in the wind.
"Just a bit more." Chunji bit his lip and CAP walked forward the slightest.
"Almost.." Johye extended her arm as far as she could go and felt the paper on the tips of her fingers. "Got it-ah!"
All eyes widened at Johye's cry. She had indeed grabbed it, but she had to reach forward so much that she lost her balance on CAP's shoulders and was falling.
"Johye!" Chunji reached for her and ran in front of his hyung to catch her just in the nick of time. All three fell, thankfully, on the grass in front of them. He looked up at the girl on top of him. "You okay?"
Johye nodded, grabbing her head.
"Good. Then get off." He said bluntly. "I gotta go to the bathroom."
Johye's eyes widened and she got off, rolling onto the grass besides CAP who held her in place. "Just lay down for a while. Might as well." He shrugged and closed his eyes.
She quietly agreed and set her back down on the cold soft grass and looked at the clouds.

"Jonghyun, I don't think this is right." A confused Byunghun stared at the too-wide tablecloth. "Maybe it's supposed to go the other way." He guessed.
"I don't know, hyung. We could try." Changjo pursed his lips. "But we've tried it five times. What makes this time different?"
Byunghun shrugged. "Yah, just try again. Maybe we'll get it right this time. It's just a damn tablecloth." He huffed impatiently and threw the white sheet the other way. "See? Told you!" He pointed out when it landed on the table correctly.
Saejin sarcastically started clapping on the side. "Good job, guys. That looked so hard." She ended up chuckling when the boys glared at her. "Kidding, kidding." She added, putting the finishing touches, the center balloons and tableware.
Changjo put his hands on his hips. "What do we do now? We're done." He looked around at the finished and clean tables. Saejin and Byunghun sat down at the table, answering his question. "Aish, you guys are no fun. I'll be over there with Minsoo hyung if anyone needs me." He told them and ran off in the other direction.
And that's why Byunghun and Saejin sat in silence once again. "Do you do this a lot? I mean, charity work?"
Saejin scrunched up her face and laid her head on her hands from the heat. "Yeah, I guess. I've been helping my mom with it since I was little. That's how I made most of my friends back home." She explained.
"But why? You don't get anything out of it." He stated.
"Well yeah. That's why it's called 'charity' work." She raised an eyebrow with a side smile. "I don't see why not. We should help the needy as much as we can, if we're blessed with everything we have." She reasoned. "Plus, you feel good inside about it." She shrugged.
Byunghun studied her face. She was being completely serious. He could understand her a bit, since he technically did the same thing. He just had to become a secret vigilante and do illegal stuff. But the intentions were the same.
He unconsciously smiled at the sweet side of her. She really was unlike any other girl he had ever met before, but in a good way. She was so... Innocent. It was unreal.
"Why are you creepily smiling like that?" Saejin broke his train of thought by hitting him in the head with a balloon.
"What?" He felt his ears turning red from embarrassment. "It's a beautiful day! Am I not allowed to try to fully embrace nature right now? I truly believe I am having a moment!"
Saejin had to stifle her laughter by biting her lip hard. This guy was ridiculous. He had the most weirdest excuses for everything. "Are you staying all day?"
"When does it end?"
"I think clean-up starts at 5:30, but I could be wrong." She answered, awaiting an answer.
"I don't see why not." He shrugged while pouting. "But then again, I have homework and all." He sincerely thought about what he should do.
"You should stay!" Saejin blurted, surprising both of them. "I-I mean, that's if you want to, I'm just stating my opinion, but you don't have to stay, there's gonna be a lot of people-"
"I'll stay." Byunghun agreed quickly. "It is the weekend after all. My homework can wait until tomorrow."
She blinked and smiled on the inside. "That's good."
"Why?" Byunghun leaned his elbows on the table and gazed at her playfully. "You like my company, don't you?"
Saejin nodded without hesitation. "Yeah, you're a nice guy. We're friends, aren't we?"
"Of course!" He nodded and whined like it was obvious. "So with me being a nice guy, let's team up against everyone in the games, huh?" He proposed with a snicker.
She gave him a look which he couldn't tell if it was bad or good, but when she offered to give him a high five, they agreed to partner up to take down the rest of the group together.
update!! WOO
it is currently like, midnight and I am still wide awake with a whole lot of cookies next to me
Life is good right now :D
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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!