Setting Up

Without a Trace


Saejin looked around the park and waited. She was going to help her mom out with the victims of a building fire by a special game day to get their minds off everything. In these situations, the women would usually help with the cooking and games while the men would help the city clear up the ruins.
Suddenly, the person Saejin was waiting for in appeared in the corner of her eye and she stood up and waved them over. "Johye!" She called and waved.
Johye peered over heads and slowly made her way to Saejin across the grass. "Hello, Saejin-ssi." She bowed shyly.
Saejin smiled and tapped the latter one's shoulder. "Aye... No need to be formal, this is a party!" She smiled and pointed behind her.
Johye looked and sure enough, there were balloons and tables with food and sweets everywhere. There were also booths that you would find at a carnival. But it was still being set up. The event wouldn't start for another hour. The layout looked beautiful since it was on the concrete centered around the fountain under the shades of the surrounding trees. "It really is! It's beautiful!"
"Come on, my mom and I baked pretty good cookies if I do say so myself." Saejin tugged the collar of her shirt and walked around jokingly confident.
"Should I have brought something too? I can ask the maids-"
"Nah, we got plenty." Saejin reassured. "Plus, even if we run out of food, we can just grill up some stuff."
Johye thought about it, then shrugged and looked around. "How long did it take you guys to boom this place?"
Saejin put down a box of utensils and started to organize them. "Well, the fire happened last week, so... last week? I don't know, I don't help plan."
"Do you need help?" Johye asked. "Can I do anything?"
"No way! Everything is under control!" Two spoons were pulled apart. "I love days like these. They're so warm and breezy." Saejin smiled and felt the wind go through her ponytail.
Johye grinned and nodded as well. "Why did you ask me to come? Not that I didn't want to, but..."
Saejin knew where she was going. "Because I want a friend to be here! Come on, it'll be fun! You won't regret a thing that my mom plans." She nodded, as if agreeing with herself.
She nodded in return and checked out the banner behind Saejin that was dangling between two trees. "What happened to the building anyway?"
"Huh?" Saejin glanced over her shoulder and turned back. "Oh, I don't know. My dad said something along the lines of an office fire in the kitchen or another. I think everyone was okay since it was lunch break and they were all downstairs. It was just the building that caught fire and burnt, no one was dangerously hurt. I hope." She threw in since she had absolutely no idea.
"That's good." Johye droned and eyed the car coming on the side of the road. It was black and had totally tinted windows so that you could only see reflections. "Oh! Who's that?" She pointed, curious.
"Who?" Saejin followed Johye's glance. "I think that's the president of the company who's building burned down, I'm not too sure." She shrugged. "We'll find out."
A foot stepped out of the car and the boy got out and complained. "Daaad, why'd we have to come? Couldn't I have brought my friends or something?"
"This is a formal event for us." His father coldly answered.
"But everyone's wearing shorts and tank tops!"
"Just... Be quiet. We won't be here long." His father rolled his eyes and stepped out to talk to the head of the committee who planned everything.
The boy crossed his arms and pouted, looking around for something to do. He couldn't play games because they weren't set up yet, and the food wasn't ready to eat either. He was going to be bored out of his mind.
Saejin spotted him sitting down on a bench and lifted a brow. "Hey, Johye... Isn't that Changhyun?"
"Huh?" Johye opened her eyes from her small nap. "Looks like it. Why is he here?"
"Dressed in a suit?" Saejin added, confused out of her mind. "Wait, is he the son of the company president?" She put the pieces together. "I didn't know he was the high up in the job area, though. I mean, wow."
Johye nodded. She knew, but she knew them... Knew of them longer than Saejin did.
"Let's go over and say hi." An offer was placed by Saejin, who put down everything she was working on. "Come on!" She raised her eyebrows at Johye and pulled her along. 
They didn't have to leave their positions at all. Ricky noticed them and jumped up to run over. Forgetting he was in a nice suit. "Saejin! Johye!" He waved and almost ran down the table. "What are you doing here? I thought I was gonna be all alone! I was so bored! How long have you been here? Is it just me or is it really hot outside?" He fanned himself. "I mean really, my dad just had to bring me along."
"Aren't you excited for the games at all?" Saejin wondered.
"Well I mean, how he hell can I event participate wearing this?" He pointed to himself in a suit and tie completed with nice black shoes. "They even did my hair for this, like, what?"
"You look nice." Johye bluntly commented. 
Ricky blinked at the unexpected compliment. "Th-thanks."
"Saejin! You almost done? I got something else for you to do!" Mrs. Song sing-songed bringing another box over. "Oh! Hello!" She reached and noticed the other two talking to Saejin. 
"Right!" Saejin whispered to herself, remembering. "Hi mom." She greeted and got off the stool she was seated on.
"Are these your friends?" Her mom pressed, smiling at them.
Saejin nodded. "Yep! This is Park Johye and this is Changhyun. Guys, this is my mom."
"It's nice to know Saejin made friends here." Mrs. Song smiled and shook their hands. Her daughter inwardly groaned.
"There's more coming too." Ricky added with a grin. "What? I called the guys over secretly before I came. I didn't know how long I was going to be here." He explained to Johye and Saejin.
Mrs. Song clapped her hands. "That's great! I'll tell the men to prepare more food then! Anything specific we can get you? Do you want any drinks? We have tons of water and juice in the cooler-"
"Mom." Saejin stopped her. "Don't worry, we got it." She grimaced.
"Aish.. I can tell when I'm not wanted." She murmured. "All right! I'll be over there if you kids need anything. See you all later!" She waved with a dramatic smile and left.
Saejin turned to the two again after a minute. "All right, sorry about that, what do- what the hell?!"
"What?" Chunji asked after jumping back and hitting Changjo.
"Are we not invited?" Niel asked, hiding behind Ricky.
"We brought a change of clothes for you." Byunghun held up a pair of jeans and a tshirt to Ricky. "You're welcome."
Ricky slapped his shoulder. "Thanks man! I'll be right back!" He ran to the bathroom and started to change.
"How'd you guys get here so fast?" Saejin wondered, eyes wide.
CAP shrugged. "We were just bored today. Plus, we can't miss out on game days. Those are the best." He explained, the rest of the guys nodding in agreement. "And food is always good. We're starving. When is it gonna be all ready?"
"In about half an hour I think." Saejin replied, thinking on it. "You guys are staying the whole day?"
The boys all nodded. "Anything we can help with?" Chunji looked around at everything being set up.
"Ah! Your other friends are here, I see!" Mrs. Song skipped over. She had like, supersonic ears.
Saejin gaped at her. "Guys, this is my mom- mom, this-"
"Nice to meet you, but it seems that we are on tighter schedule than we thought." Mrs. Song held her daughter's arm. "Turns out the workers are coming in half an hour instead of an hour, so we need more help." She said, putting down a box and struggling to get stuff out. "Here, streamers on the trees." She handed CAP, Chunji and Johye rolls of steamers and other bright things to hang.
Ricky came running back from changing. "What's up guys? Did I miss-"
"Trash cleanup." Mrs. Song gave trash bags and spears to Niel and a very upset Ricky, who groaned as they were sent on their way.
"You three can, well, set up more tables I guess. We still need to do that." She thought. "The tablecloths and napkins and everything are in the boxes down next to the booths." She ordered Saejin, Byunghun and Changjo, who nodded in response.
"Sounds fun, I guess." Changjo shrugged, leading the other two behind him to the tables.
"Well, let's hurry up and get ready for games!" Saejin said in a trying- to-be-excited voice.
Buuuut I felt like i needed to update
So this is what you get
Anyways, happy reading! ^^
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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!