Trial Date Pt. 1

Without a Trace

I FINISHED OMG it took while but I finished the update yay!

getting ready for vacation is so tiring...

plus, have you guys heard the album teaser for infinite's new album?? Ahhhh the songs sound so good, Destiny sounds AMAZING ill try to find a wifi spot down there hahha

have a nice week everyone!^^


Saejin fessed up to her sister and Johye after school at the cafe with everything that went on that night. Hyejin made sure nothing was left out. Of course, they were excited, but the girls were more anxious for Saturday.
The rest of the week went in a blur for the two parties as they each got ready. And soon, it was already Saturday morning. 
"You'd think I was getting married or something." Saejin mused, pulling one of her curls.
"Stop, you'll ruin it." Hyejin pushed her hand away and muttered subconsciously. "But it's my sister's first date! And don't say it's not a date, because everyone knows a 'test' date is a date, I don't know who came up with the idea for a test date anyway..."
Johye looked through Saejin's closet. "What did you say you're doing today again?"
"He's picking me up and we're going to lunch and then the movies." Saejin answered. "And then I think that's it. That's all he told me, anyway."
"Aw! I remember my first date." Hyejin curled another strand with a pout. "Except my date was a loser who didn't even pay for the dinner. Now that I mention it, he didn't pay for anything I don't think. Dad didn't like him either."
Saejin snorted. "He told me to beat up any boy who tried to talk to me at school."
Hyejin nodded. "Telling his daughter to do something about it, yeah, that sounds like dad."
The bedroom door opened and Mrs. Song popped her head in. "Did you girls want anything to eat? Snacks? Drinks?"
Johye and Saejin shook their heads with smiles. Hyejin looked at her. "Can I please have some milk, mom?"
"Of course, I'll be right back." Mrs. Song said and closed the door.
"So do you want a dress?" Johye asked.
Saejin looked at Hyejin who sighed. "Come on, you got to put in some effort." When Saejin pointed to her curls, Hyejin shook her head. "Shh, we'll figure something out."
Mrs. Song reappeared with a glass of milk and set it on the desk. "You look so cute, Saejin! You should curl your hair more in the future!"
"Thanks mom." Saejin smiled.
"Mom, you think she should wear a dress, right?" Hyejin raised her eyebrows.
The looks that her daughters gave her made her back away out of the room. "I'll let you figure that out yourselves. Pick something nice, Johye."
"Yes." She replied sweetly, still looking. Finally, she pulled something out and set it on the bed. "How's this?"
The sisters looked at it, then at each other. Hyejin sighed. "I guess it's nice enough. Alright, that's good." She nodded.
Ten minutes after Saejin's hair was finished, she came out of the bathroom with flats, beige shorts, and a light sweater. Hyejin clapped and nodded. 
"I-is it okay?" Saejin looked at her outfit, the idea of her first date dawning on her, making her nervous.
"I mean if you're only- Oh my gosh he's here already?! But we just finished! What is wrong with him?" The doorbell interrupted Hyejin's comment. "Well what are you waiting for? Go! Go!"
"Is that him?" Mrs. Song entered the room with a huge grin. "At least let me say hi to the boy, Hyejin."
Saejin rushed forward to open the door before her mom did. There, in front of her, was Byunghun with nice jeans and a nice jacket, holding flowers in his hands. "S-Saejin! Hi! These, uh..." He looked at the flower, then held them out. "These are for you." He nervously smiled. "You look... Pretty." He coughed the last word out of embarrassment.
Speechless, Saejin took them before her mom pushed her out of the way. "Hello, I'm Mrs. Song, Saejin's mom. Oh! You're the Lee's son, right?"
"Mom!" Hyejin pulled her away. "Saejin, hurry and leave before dad comes home!"
Saejin hurriedly gave Johye the flowers and waved. "Bye guys! I'll be back." 
When Saejin and Byunghun were in the car, Saejin turned apologetic towards him. "Sorry, my mom's just excited."
"Yeah," he shrugged with a smirk as he turned out to the main road. "But she didn't seem like she didn't like me."
Saejin cringed at his joke and shook her head. "Just wait till my dad sees this when you take me home. I'm sure he's gonna like you just as much." She said sarcastically.
L.joe's face faltered the slightest. "Oh really? Try me." But really, he was shrugging the problem off until later. Nothing was going to dampen this day.
"Huh? Is it... Raining?" Saejin pouted, looking out the window.
L.joe blinked. "What?" He sighed and put on the windshield wipers. Well there went the secret plan to go on the yacht today. And the picnic. They really were going to have to go to the movies.
"Aw, that ." Saejin sighed. "Where are we going first?"
"Are you fine with having popcorn and soda for lunch?" He asked. When Saejin nodded after a thought, he nodded too. "Then the movie theater then."
He parked the car and ran to the other side to open the door for Saejin.
"Do you have an umbrella?" She asked.
"No, I forgot to bring it today." L.joe apologized.
Saejin looked around with a grin. "Then we're gonna have to make a run for it."
"B-but your hair..."
She snorted. "Come on Byunghun, it's hair. It'll be fine."
L.joe shrugged and led the way to the door. Before long, they were getting tickets to a horror movie, which was his idea. Because everyone knows that guys want to comfort girls from scary thoughts.
"Byunghun, what do you want? I'm going up to get food." Saejin said, ringing her hair.
"I'll have whatever you're getting then. Here." He reached in his pocket and handed her money. "I have to make a call."
"I have my own money-"
"Take it. The date was my idea anyway. Go, I'm hungry." He softly pushed her to the counter before she protested, then got out his phone and dialed Jongjun's number.
"Hyung, is it raining too hard to go out?" L.joe whispered.
"It looks like it right now. We have to dock now by we can stand by and check later." Jongjun assessed while L.joe nodded. "But what about the picnic?"
L.joe sighed. "Take it down please. I'll do that another time. We'll just eat at the theater."
"'re actually seeing a movie?"
"Hyung!" He whined. "What else are we supposed to do?"
"I got it. Call me if there's any trouble." Jongjun hung up and Byunghun shoved the phone into his pocket as Saejin came back, hands full of popcorn and cups.
They made their way to the showing and sat down in the back since they were early.
"So why'd you pick a scary movie again?" Saejin raised an eyebrow while tossing popcorn in .
L.joe shrugged. "I mean why not? We know we won't be bored. Just don't pee your pants."
Saejin rolled her eyes with a grin. "How would you know? Have you ever been to a showing before?"
"Of course! I went with the guys and I got to admit, don't tell him I told you this but," he leaned in to her ear and whispered, "actually, Daniel had to leave to the bathroom every fifteen minutes. One time Minsoo hyung went to find him and Daniel was literally just standing outside of the theater, apparently he was shaking too."
Saejin pulled back and gave him a look. "You're telling me you think I'm gonna leave in the middle of the movie?"
He shot her a knowing look, "You never know."
While they were talking, the theater filled up- with mostly couples. On every side, there was a couple, but L.joe didn't seem to be bothered as much as Saejin.
The movie started off like normal movies until they went to a remote town where everyone was crazy. Halfway into the movie, people started to go missing and that's when everyone began to get scared.
To L.joe's confusion, Saejin only flinched, but she didn't go to him for comfort or protection. "Aren't you scared?"
Saejin blinked. "I do, but then I remember that it's fake, so not really."
Of course you're not like most girls. He thought with a scowl.
Girls shrieked and couples were cuddling, but that's not to most awkward part.
Two rows in front of Saejin and L.joe, a couple was cuddling to the extreme and started making out.
Saejin stuffed with popcorn and L.joe shifted in his seat, uncomfortable, occasionally looking over at her.
Twenty minutes later, Saejin leaned forward because the suspense was so high. L.joe took that opportunity to pull a move and put an arm around her seat.
When she leaned back again, she bumped into his arm and looked at him questioningly. "Y-you see there was something in your hair." He pretended to pull something out and throw it behind them before snaking his arm back to his side dejectedly.
Saejin was relieved that the theater was dark because her face felt hot.
The movie finally ended and the two walked into the main lobby. While everyone else was shaking, these two finished off their popcorn and threw it in the trash.
Honesty, Saejin thought that is was more of a funny movie, being so ridiculous, but held the comment in because even L.joe's knees were shaking a little bit.
"So what now?" Saejin raised her eyebrows, looking out the glass doors. "It looks like it's still raining."
L.joe pouted. He had to come up with something fast. "Come on, it's a secret." He said, holding the door open for her.
"You'll find out when we get there." He assured, leading her to the car.
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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!