Another Break-In

Without a Trace


The boys didn't get any sleep last night at all. Having to take a nap, then wake up at midnight only to fall back asleep at three in the morning did stuff to you. News flash- it wasn't summer anymore.
It was especially hard because of the new security system Mr. Lee set up after their previous break-in. They even had to go to such lengths such as using the air vents to keep them from getting caught. Not to mention, there was a new security guard. The last one was fired, no doubt.
Byunghun literally made it in his room and not even after five minutes, there was commotion everywhere in his house. Doors started slamming and not long after, his dad started yelling.
"DAMMIT!" He yelled. "Don't these stupid guards know how to do their jobs?!"
"Yeobo, calm down. I'm sure it's fine." His wife tried to soothe him. She herself was still in her nightgown with curlers in her hair. "Just let the detective take care of it or something."
"He better! We didn't hire him for nothing!" He slammed another door and things got a bit quieter.
Byunghun let out the huge breathe he took in while trying to calm himself down. He didn't even want to imagine the day he was caught. Would he be disowned? He shook his head. They wouldn't find out. That was the only option. They'd just have to be cautious.
That night, they snuck into the western building to get account numbers and transfer money made from a previous deal concerning one of their new products. It didn't work at all, but since it was a 'test trial', the people who invested didn't get refunds.
So naturally, the boys stepped in. And they were sure to leave a card plastered on the window wall as their last action for the night. Ricky almost fell putting it up, since it was stuck outside the window from the third floor.
Jongjun had to take all the boys home while they transferred the money on a non-traceable phone. They threw it away shortly after in the Han River.

It was a close one.


"Really? I got it. I'm on my way."
Saejin rubbed her eyes and walked outside her room from the phone call so late at night. Well, now morning. "Appa? What's going on?"
Mr. Song grabbed his jacket and put it on. "There was another robbery at a different building." He walked over to her. "Don't worry. Nothing's wrong. Go back to sleep."
"Arasso. Good luck." She yawned didn't resist as her dad pushed her in her room and closed the door. She heard the front door open and close as well, signaling that he left the house.
She always worried. What if the robbers were highly dangerous? Maybe that's why they hadn't been caught yet. She just hoped that her dad wouldn't be harmed. He came close once, but thankfully he wasn't hurt that bad. Just a scratch on the arm. No big hospital scene just yet. Plus, he always left for nightly duties, since that's when criminals strike most.
She pulled the covers over herself and went back to sleep.
Detective Song hopped out of the car a bit sluggishly before pulling himself together as he made his way up to the building. Police were already all over it, questioning guards and the insides of the building.
"What's the details, Jung?" Song's eyes zoomed in on the card on the window. "How the hell did those kids get up there?"
"Who knows," Jung shrugged. "That's what we'll find out though." He flipped open a notebook and started naming off information. "The intruders broke in at about midnight and left at one thirty."
Song furrowed his eyebrows. "What about the security guards? Didn't the Lee's hire three this time?"
"When we got here, they were taken out, tied and gagged, and in the janitors closet. Similar to last time."
"Wow.. Those kids took them out? Did they have any tasers or guns?"
"Not that we could find. But we never find anything of that sort in their cases. They always use their bare hands. Kind of scary in a way..." Jung shivered.
Detective Song nodded. "What was missing again?"
"Oh, right." Jung checked. "There was a total sum of 5 billion won stolen from the company bank at approximately 2:17 A.M. this morning. The accounts they were transferred to are still being investigated."
"I see." A policeman held out the card for Song to check. He flipped it to check it out. Nothing unusual. Just the words Teen Top in some font on the front, completely blank on the back. "No prints?"
The policeman shook his head. "Nothing. That's how it always is." He clicked his tongue and walked away.
Detective Song thought a bit, then laughed. "These guys are good."

"I'm gonna die." Ricky banged his head on the wall. "I'm. So. Ti-red." He hit his head in the middle of each syllable.
CAP pulled him back. "Don't. You're already mental enough." Ricky groaned again.
"Yeah, you almost fell on me last night. Just stick the card there and come down!" Chunji scolded. "Almost broke my arm, you dimwit."
"Sorry hyung."
Chunji sighed. "Just be careful."
"Did your parents find out late?" Niel asked Byunghun who was playing with a pencil.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. They started to yell right when I got back home." He stuffed the pencil in his pocket. "My dad was furious. Slamming doors and stuff."
"Did they check your room?" Changjo asked.
Byunghun nodded. "Yeah. But not until later. They were up for a while. Probably the rest of the night." That was when he sort of felt bad. Because of them, his parents never got sleep. But then again, the only thing they were worried about was the money.
"Well, for your information, they called my dad too!" Chunji groaned. "So I woke up at like, four. Geez, he wouldn't stop questioning me for the life of him."
"Guys, let's just be glad the money got to the right place last night." Byunghun stopped them all. "That's the biggest thing."
"Yeah." They all agreed. Chunji pouted. "But I lost my backup phone. There was a reason it was untraceable. Now I have to get all the girls' numbers again!"
"Aish.." CAP shook his head. "You little.. It'll come back to you, I guarantee it."
Chunji shrugged and stretched, his arms going in the air. "It's all about the fun, my friend. It's the best feeling ever." He smiled and nodded to the girls passing by the group.
"I can't believe we share the same blood." Byunghun stared at Chunji.
"That's not a bad thing at all, you little punk. If anything, it's one of the many blessings you have in life. Maybe one of the best." He mocked back.
"Project, project." Changjo murmured to himself, purposely letting Ricky hear. 
He put his hands over his ears. "No! NO!" He ran away out of the building.
"He's not skipping is he?" CAP complained. "He's leaving without me? COME BACK HERE!" He yelled, chasing after Ricky.
"You're not going?" Niel asked.
"No? My partner's actually normal." Byunghun gave him a face.
Niel snickered out of nowhere. "You still have to buy us ice cream, remember? Oh, I can't wait!"
"Oh yeah! How's today, hyung?" Changjo wondered. He and Niel started to gang up on him.
Byunghun scratched his head. "Alright. I got nothing to do anyway."
"Don't forget you're paying! I call it!" Niel pointed and ran to class with Changjo.
"Don't look at me." Chunji eyed Byunghun. "I payed last time. You're on your own buddy." He left for class as well. 
Byunghun walked by himself in the halls because CAP and Ricky ended up skipping. He chose the seat next to Saejin to sit in for the day, causing the kids behind them to whine and complain.
"Where's your friends?" Saejin asked, looking around.
"They skipped." He looked up at Ms. Song who was listening intently. "B-because they didn't feel good. They didn't look good either." He lied.
"Oh." Saejin nodded, catching the hint. "Hope they get better." She added for the effect.
Byunghun laughed inwardly. "Yeah, I'll tell them." His eyebrows lifted for the slightest moment.
"So, I was wondering if you would want to work on the project after school to get a head start?" Saejin finally asked. They had to get started somewhere.
"Ye-crap." He stopped himself. "Sorry, I already promised to meet with my friends after school. What about tomorrow?"
Saejin nodded. "That works with me. Let's meet up at the library?"
Byunghun nodded. "Okay." He felt bad, but he was glad she didn't ask any more questions about it, like tagging along or something. It was fortunate that she didn't push. "What's that?" He asked. Saejin was writing a letter or something.
She looked up. "It's something I'm writing to my friends back home. I haven't talked to them in a while. So I'm just saying what's been going on here."
"Oh." He gulped and looked over her shoulder. "You putting me in there somewhere?"
She laughed. "I guess I could. Why? So you can meet them when they visit?" She raised her eyebrows playfully.
"Of course!" He stated like it was obvious. "It would be an honor to meet me!"
"Uh huh." She nodded and started writing again. She put 'Love Saejin' at the end and folded it up to stuff it in her backpack.
Meanwhile, Byunghun looked outside the window and did a double take. CAP and Ricky were running around trying to get his attention when a teacher saw them and started to chase them. 
Byunghun shook his head. Idiots.
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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!