Found: Cell Phone

Without a Trace

I can't. I'm sorry I didn't update for like, a month.. T.T it was my fault, I had A BAD CASE OF WRITERS BLOCK I didn't forget about this story!

Im really really really sorry! But I'm starting school again and I'm going to be busy, but I promise I will try to update faster than I did this chapter. 

And also, I have another story idea, so I don't know time wise if that's good or bad, but I'm hoping its positive...

sorry, again, and I love you all! :D


"Do you really have to go?" Saejin asked for the twentieth time that day. 
"I'd stay longer, but I have school." Hyejin pouted and looked down at the ground. "I've been gone a week, that's a long time by itself."
The family was in the airport saying goodbye to Hyejin. They already loaded all of her suitcases and she was ready to go through security. Except her family wouldn't let her.
"Aww, honey we'll miss you." Mrs. Song hugged Hyejin tightly. "You have to call us every chance you get, okay?"
Hyejin nodded when her dad got his turn. "You watch out for yourself out there. Always carry pepper spray and go home the earliest you can. Be safe."
"I got it, dad." She patted his back and broke away, only to be pushed back by Saejin.
"I love you, unnie." Saejin squeezed her.
Hyejin chuckled. "I love you too, Saejin, but I can't breathe." Saejin let go and she patted her head.
"Everyone told me to tell you that they liked you, so you should hurry back." Saejin said. "And they told me to tell you bye for them, since they couldn't come."
"There's a lot of them, I'm not offended." Hyejin assured, then leaned in to her sister's ear. "Tell that Byunghun guy to treat you well, okay? If not, I'm coming back to kick his ." She pulled back and smiled sweetly.
Saejin's ears felt hot. Right off the bat, Hyejin could tell something good happened to her, and she made her say everything that happened that day from start to finish. Of course, Johye was there too. It was an embarrassing night for her, to say the least.
Hyejin picked up her carry on and ce, waved and smiled for her family before heading through security.
"That was such a short time, it's a shame." Mrs. Song pursed her lips in sadness when the three walked to their parked car. "At least we got to see her, that's all I can say." She smiled to her husband.
He sighed heavily, and Saejin caught on, judging by his facial expressions and everything. If it was about Hyejin, he would've been joking around, but this seemed serious.
When they got to their house, Mrs. Song set her stuff on the table and left to take a shower.
Mr. Song crossed his arms and looked out the window. "What? You need something?"
Saejin copied her dad and looked outside. It was a nice day out, with beautiful weather and no clouds were in the sky. "Is something wrong?"
"Why would you say that?"
"I can just tell. Now tell me before mom comes out, come on, I'm listening." She nodded.
After a couple of seconds, he sighed and his face twisted. "It's nothing, I'm just frustrated with Mr. Lee right now."
Saejin recognized the name as Byunghun's dad, which made a lot more sense since he was employing her dad. "What about him?"
"I don't know, he's just upping the security, as if he hasn't already." He shook his head. "He could ask me for advice, but he just chooses to do stuff his own way, like he knows everything." He patted Saejin's shoulder before he left. "It's nothing, it's just my opinion, don't worry about it."
That left her wondering about Byunghun's dad. He seemed nice enough when she met him, but from the back stories, that wasn't what he was usually like.
"Aish, get studying." She knocked her head.


If the previous week wasn't scary enough, now Saejin had to deal with her decision. She didn't regret it, but she could tell she was gonna be more nervous than usual.
Right when she walked in, she could feel the stares of the students on her.
"She's so lucky."
"They all talk to her too, how could she pick one?"
"I saw her at his party the other week."
"How could oppa pick her over me?!"
Her heartbeat was accelerating when she opened the door and sat down in her usual spot. Unconsciously, she fumbled with her fingers, so she gave up gulped.
"SAEJIN!" She heard Ricky shout from the door. That only meant one thing...
She saw L.joe sit next to her. "H-hey, Saejin."
"Byunghun." She her lips and looked away. CAP and Ricky were making faces at each other, mocking how awkward the air felt around them.
"How was your weekend?" CAP asked Saejin.
"Huh? Oh, sad." She pouted. "Wait! That's not what I- I had to take my sister to the airport yesterday, remember? Other than th-that my weekend was great."
L.joe bit his lip and looked down. She thought it was great! "That's good. What time did your sister leave?"
Saejin blinked. "Noon." But every time she thought about it, she always pictured her dad's eyes and how concerned he looked. She remembered what he said after dinner.
"Even if they're thieves, they're still kids." Gosh, he had to tell that to his boss.
"So, do you guys wanna sit together by yourselves at lunch today or..." Ricky led off, pointing to the two.
"It's fine." They said in sync, and laughed nervously.
"We'll sit with you guys today." L.joe answered for the both of them. "No biggie."
Suddenly, L.joe fell sideways out of his chair onto the ground. He didn't hit anything, but something would have hit him if he hadn't moved. He looked behind himself at the book that hit the wall.
"Sorry, man." A classmate in the front apologized. "That wasn't aimed at you, I swear!"
"Yah! Watch where you're throwing that thing!" His friend said. "If you want to give back my book just hand it over." He nudged. "Hey Byunghun, if you want us to make it up to you for disrupting your day, we could always buy you food or something? Maybe after school?"
On the inside, he rolled his eyes. On the outside, he waved his hand and sat back in his seat after brushing off his uniform. "Nah, it's okay, you don't have to."
The two boys grumbled and left dejectedly to their seats.
"You okay?" Saejin asked him, picking up L.joe's own book. "That was a nasty fall from... here..." She bent down and picked up something else, holding it up to eye level. "Is this.. my cell phone?"
L.joe's eyes widened and he exchanged looks with the other two, who were motioning for him to do something.
Saejin's eyebrows knit together. "How did you get my phone?" She was pretty sure that the thief stole it that one night, so how did he manage to..?
"I, uh.." His thoughts ran inside his head trying to come up with an excuse. "It was uh, at my dad's office! Yeah!" He smiled nervously. "They found it on the ground or something there and when I visited I thought it looked like yours, and you said you lost it, so just in case, I brought it." The last part raised into a small question.
Flipping it in her hands, Saejin kept the confused look on her face as she put it in her backpack. "Well thanks, I guess. I'm glad it was found." She pursed her lips. "But I could've sworn.." That he had it the whole time they were fighting and while he left so, did they go back to finish what they started?
"What was that?" Ricky interrupted.
"Huh?" Saejin looked at him. "Oh, nothing." She shook her head. "Thanks Byunghun, again."
"No problem!" He replied a little too enthusiastic. That was a close one.
Ricky looked up to CAP who rolled his eyes in return before the lesson started.


The day passed by, and Saejin played with her hands. Aside from the fact that she had wondered how he had somehow got a hold of her phone, she also realized it had always been Byunghun who had asked her to everything, wasn't it her turn by now? She felt like she owed it to him anyway, from his efforts. She tried to catch him after school before he left, and when she saw him, he was with Chanhee.
She lifted her hand. "Uh, Byunghun."
His head whipped around and he strode towards her. "Yeah? What's up?"
"I was just wondering if you know, you might, maybe, want to uh..." Her mind went blank. "Study together tonight? We have that test next week, you know."
L.joe smiled, then it faltered with passing seconds as realization hit him. He had to skip out on a date that she was proposing because he was already busy. Great. "I want to, I really do, trust me, but I don't think I can tonight." Why did it have to be that night of all nights?
"Oh." Saejin's gaze remained the same. "It's fine, don't worry about it then..."
"Can we reschedule to tomorrow? I'm free then."
She smiled shyly and nodded her head. "Yeah, okay. Let's do something tomorrow. Well, see you later." She looked over his shoulder. "Bye Chanhee!"
Chunji's caught her eyes, smiled, and waved back. With one more look at L.joe, Saejin left to the bus stop.
"What was that about?" Chunji asked.
L.joe kicked the pile of leaves next to him. "Stupid-job-ruined-a-date." He lashed out on every word. "But she asked me! You don't understand!"
"Oh, I understand." Chunji muttered under his breath, trying not to look at the girls in the corner. "It's okay. She asked you, so you should be thankful. Now come, on, we should catch some sleep before we start. I almost lost it last time."
With a nod, L.joe followed his cousin to his car.
"So, why did you bring her phone to school anyway?" Chunji finally asked out loud. "Wouldn't you keep it hidden until we saw her on another job or some thing?"
L.joe groaned. "Don't remind me. I brought it because she probably needs it. Plus, I actually thought it was mine when I took it off the counter this morning." He hung his head.
There was a moment of silence while Chunji looked at him like he was an idiot. "Are you saying that you keep her phone on the counter next to yours?"
"What? No, I-"
"Do you read her messages too?!"
"Come on, that's-"
"Because that's not right, especially since you two are-"
"I didn't look at it!" L.joe broke out. "You think I would do that to her? Dang, it was locked anyway." He muttered.
Chunji bit his lip. "But you tried."
"Shut up."
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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!