The Decision

Without a Trace


Hello readers!! I hope everyone who lives in the states had a good Fourth of July! My friend and I waited on the beach for about three ours WITHOUT FOOD OTL
but the fireworks were amazing! 
And those of who who live elsewhere, I hope you all had a nice weekend!! :) (with good food)
btw, I'll try to update twice this week since I'm leaving for a week-long vacation starting Saturday so keep your eyes peeled! O.O
ok, sorry, back to the story now :D
p.p.s, I enjoy reading your comments!! ^^


Saejin sat with the two other girls in front of the television watching a drama. Although Hyejin and Johye were laughing and crying along with the mood and characters, Saejin couldn't pay attention at all.
"I'm gonna go get a drink." She softly murmured and quietly got up and headed to the fridge. The whole house was dark besides the light coming from the living room television. With the kitchen only blocked off by a banister, the table, and counters, the room was dully lit.
She reached for the door handle and paused, not able to get the events of earlier out of her head.
"Y-you... What?" Saejin tried to form words, but her mind was blank.
But L.joe kept hold of her hand and scratched the back of his neck wit the other. "Will you? It's my first time confessing, so I'm a bit embarrassed."
Saejin opened again, but nothing came out. She was way too shocked.
Thinking she was going to reject him, L.joe stepped in. "You don't have to answer right away. I mean, we could always go out on a test date first and then you can decide. Please, give me a chance?" He looked at her earnestly.
With hesitation, she blinked and nodded, looking at the ground.
L.joe's heart was racing. She didn't say yes, but she didn't reject him either. He was already planning it all out on the way back to her house.
Saejin shook her head and opened the fridge to get water. She had to adjust her eyes to the sudden light after staring off for a while. After pouring herself a glass, he back leaned against the counter.
Honestly, she was on the fence. She didn't want to loose her friendship with him, that was for sure.
But she just couldn't get herself to say no either. There was something about Byunghun that she couldn't put her finger on. 
"I guess it's true." She said under her breath. "You totally think differently about a person after they confess to you."
Out of no where, thoughts about when they were in the restaurant came back into mind, and when she called him her boyfriend. Feeling her face get hot, she lightly slapped her cheeks. "What's wrong with me?"
"Saejin! Where are you?!" Hyejin called from the couch. "The break's almost over!"
Breaking free from her trace, Saejin jumped. "O-okay! I'm coming!" She gulped down water and went back and sat next to Johye.
Johye looked over. "Saejin-ssi? Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" She put her hand to Saejin's forehead.
Hyejin leaned over to look as well. "Oh! Your face is completely red!" She pointed out.
"It's fine." Saejin reassured.
"Did something happen tonight that you didn't tell us about?" Hyejin cornered her. "You only said you ate and went to the river to talk."
"Are you sure that's all?" Johye blinked.
Saejin broke into a nervous laugh. "What are you guys doing right now? The drama's back on." She focused her attention to the screen. Johye and Hyejin exchanged glances, but shrugged it off and watched as well.
School on Monday was something that Saejin was dreading 100%. And it doubled when she walked into her first hour. She felt relieved when she saw the boys weren't there yet.
She didn't want to get more awkward then it probably was gonna be, so she sat in her usual spot and just waited.
Meanwhile, outside the classroom, CAP and Ricky were pushing L.joe to the door.
"Hyung,you have to be strong and confident about this kind of thing!" Ricky advised. "Girls like that! Don't seem phased, dammit!"
"You're gonna have to face her sometime!" CAP said, opening the door.
L.joe stopped resisting and straightened out his jacket with a scowl and followed the other two into the room.
"Hey, Saejin! How was your weekend?" Ricky plopped down beside her. "Anything happen?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
"It was nice." Saejin nodded. She dared to look at L.joe who was in his seat and looking straight at her. But her eyes flitted to CAP instead. "What about you?"
CAP nodded. "More or less." He shrugged. "How about you, Changhyun?"
"Hmm, nothing much. But I did try fudge for the first time. My parents brought it back from-"
"It's my first time confessing, so I'm a bit embarrassed."
Saejin's face felt hot all of a sudden and she had to look away. She was thankful that the teacher started the lesson though.
But the rest of the period, she couldn't stop staring at L.joe's back right in front of her. Then he suddenly turned around. "Do you have an eraser? Mine kinda broke."
"H-huh? Oh, yeah." Saejin blinked and dug in her bag. He reached for it and grabbed it while she watched. Her hand lingered every after he thanked her and turned back around.
He subtly reached out and grabbed her hand... Saejin shook her head and started to write down notes, reminders, anything.
Ricky, who was watching everything was fanboy inside. His hyung was going to get a girlfriend!
After that, everything that happened was reminding Saejin of that night. When they were eating lunch, she thought of the restaurant scene again. 
She also found herself watching him. How had she not realized how attractive he was? He might not have had the biggest muscles, but he was still handsome. Not to mention how nice he was to people.
So basically, she was being mentally tortured.
Johye had noticed her strange behavior since Friday, so she pulled her aside during the middle of lunch.
"What's up?" Saejin asked once they were in the hallways.
"S-Saejin-ssi?" Johye gulped. "Did something really happen on Friday that you didn't tell us about?" When Saejin didn't answer at first, Johye lifted her chin. "You can tell me, we're friends, r-right? I won't tell." She nodded.
Saejin sighed. Johye was going to find out sooner or later, and she'd rather have Johye find out from her. "Y-yeah, it did."
Johye looked up surprisingly with full attention. "Really? What?"
"Byunghun..he uh, asked me out." She looked down, embarrassed. "I didn't say yes or no though, because I was shocked, so he suggested a trial d-date."
Johye's mouth hung open. "No way!"
Saejin nodded. "I'll tell you about it with Hyejin unnie after school okay? I feel like she should know too."
"But did you agree to the trial date?"
"Not yet." Saejin admitted. "I feel like I should though. It's only fair."
Johye nodded, happy that Saejin told her.
"You felt jealous of some random guy?" Ricky snorted. "Wow, you have no class."
Chunji hit the back of his head. "Stupid. What does that have to do with class? At least she called you her boyfriend." He looked on the bright side. "She's not shy that's for sure."
"But was the trial date the right idea. It was, right?" L.joe asked.
Changjo nodded. "All 'trial' dates are basically dates, hyung."
"Ooh, maybe we should tag along and follow to see how things go! Like Boys over Flowers! Except you're the couple going on the date and someone will follow you around." Niel scratched his head. "It sounded better in my head."
"Like a fake couple? Yeah! Let's do it!" Ricky nodded, agreeing. "Minsoo hyung can go with Johye or something and they can report back to us!" CAP nodded slowly, thinking about it.
Chunji shook his head immediately. "That's such a stupid plan! What if they get caught? Are they supposed to tell Saejin that they're actually going out or something? It'll just get complicated!"
Ricky eyed him. "What? It was just a suggestion! No need to get defensive."
Chunji shifted in his seat and noticed L.joe giving him looks. "What? I'm just pointing it out."
"Anyway, hyung," Changjo caught his attention again. "Just call us before you go so we can get you prepared.
"Are you guys forgetting that I need to actually get her to say yes to this whole thing?" L.joe raised his eyebrows.
"Then what are you waiting for?" CAP nudged him. "Ask her after school before she goes home!" L.joe pursed his lips, but agreed anyway.
So that's how he ended up leaning on the school gates after school let out. The rest of the boys were hiding behind a tree, watching.
Niel shook Chunji's arm. "She's coming, she's coming!"
L.joe fake coughed in his hand and stood up when she was about to pass him. Johye left earlier and was changing to meet Saejin and Hyejin at the cafe later, so Saejin was walking alone.
"B-Byunghun.." Saejin stopped in her tracks.
"Hey, Saejin, I didn't get to talk to you during the day, besides Changhyung's constant nagging." He made conversation. "How are you?"
"Fine, I guess." Saejin nodded with a soft smile. "And you?"
L.joe nodded too and grinned. "It's been good." He paused. "So, uh, have you thought about it at all? The trial..."
"The t-test d-ate?" Saejin finished. "Yeah, a little." She trailed.
"And? What do you say? I won't make it awkward for you at all, I promise!" He added.
Not daring to make eye contact, she nodded. "S-sure, I don't see why not." She nervously smiled.
L.joe's eyes lit up along with his mood. "Wait, really? You will? You're not joking?"
Saejin nodded again, but this time with more confidence.
"Then how about tomorrow? Wait, that's too short of a notice, plus school. What about Friday? Or Saturday? Or Sunday?" He asked.
Saejin bit back laughter at his quirkiness. "Saturday's good for me. Is that fine?"
"Of course!" L.joe nodded fiercely. "It's great!"
"Then I'll leave first. Bye, Byunghun." She said, and left the gates. The moment she did, she blushed at the remembrance of when he pulled her away from the bike. "Dammit, Saejin, get it together." She scolded herself and went to the bus stop.
L.joe stood there. It started to sink in.
The boys wondered if she rejected him because he just stood there with a poker face. Ricky especially flinched when he started jumping up and down and running to them.
"She said yes!" He reached them, still jumpy with a huge smile on his face.
"That's my cousin!" Chunji gave him a high five. 


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wjc912 #1
Chapter 27: Whoop! Say yes, say yes!!!
Chapter 25: Poor Byunghyun didnt get to go out with Saejin D:
wjc912 #3
Chapter 24: Is the sister here for boy advice? Hurry up and confess byunghyun!
wjc912 #4
Chapter 22: Finally, he knows, but won't that make it even harder for him to confess... Uh oh
jsyklv #5
Chapter 21: Ooo! Next chappie they'll be so shock! Espeacially L.joe!
jsyklv #6
Chapter 19: Ahahaahahahahahahas! Babo! Both of them! Ahahaha! I... I... I can't! So funny!
Chapter 19: Omg L.Joe. xD has the completely wrong idea about Saejin lol
Chapter 19: Hahaha L.Joe is so confused about Saejin XD I can just imagine his reaction when he finds out that her dad works for his dad xD
jsyklv #9
Chapter 18: Awww... poor ricky!
wjc912 #10
Chapter 17: Lol saejin, you go girl!!!