Chapter 22.

Mission Two: Arranged Marriage

"We're going back to Korea." Hyungsik said as he was grabbing a suitcase out of the closet. 

I furrowed my eyebrows as I just recalled what he had just said. 

"E-Excuse me?" I asked my body suddenly turned tense. 

Hyungsik turned around to stare straight at me as he sighed and went back to packing. 

"We're going back to Korea and it's not an option. It's an order." Hyungsik responded as he finished packing his clothes and went downstairs with his luggage. 

I quickly followed him downstairs as he set his stuff next to the door. 

"Hurry up and say bye to your friends. We leave in 10 minutes." Hyungsik said as he exited through the door. 

"O-Okay.." I quickly said as I ran out the door, towards the auditorium. 


"I have to go back to Korea.." I told Kris as his bright smile faded into a frown. 

"What?" Kris asked as shock was written all over his face. 

"I'm really sorry. Hyungsik said we needed to get back to-" 

"Just because of Hyungsik right? Are you falling for him?" Kris asked with a raised eyebrow. 

"Kris are you crazy?! Yesterday I said I loved you and now you're thinking I love another guy?" I shouted as I walked away from him. 

"Wait, I'm sorry. We've been away for so long as I just had a thought." Kris suddenly apologized as I froze in my place. 

"After all I've done, you still don't trust me? What kind of boyfriend are you?" I asked as I kept walking forward and right out his room. 

As I was walking down the hallway I heard footsteps behind me. Those footsteps seemed familiar as I quickened my pace. 

"Amber, stop." Kris commanded. 

I ran away quickly as he tried to catch up with me. 

"This isn't a playground kids." The janitor said as Kris and zoomed past him. 

I slowed down as Kris caught up with me. 

"You're a runner. You know that right?" Kris asked as he panted. 

"Tell me something I already know." I rolled my eyes as he suddenly pulled me to a closet and closed the door on both of us. 

Kris pinned me against the wall as he looked into my eyes. I avoided them as I struggled. 

"Kris! I have to attend a flight in 5 minutes!" I shouted as I tried to get out of his grasp. 

"No, hear me out." Kris replied calmly. 

"Then you better make it quick!" I said as I looked up at him while glaring. 

"I'm sorry I doubted you. You're marrying another guy so it was a slight thought. I trust you and all, but I don't trust that guy. He's the strongest telepath for gods sake. What if he brainwashes you or something?" Kris babbled on and on about as I just stared at him. 

"Still you should trust me." I mumbled as I looked down. 

"I said I was sorry for not trusting you." Kris said again with a sigh. 

We just stood there as I was still pinned to the wall. 


"Gosh, how many people does she have to say bye too?" Hyungsik asked himself as he looked around the long lonely hallways. 

Hyungsik sighed as he could sense your aura somewhere close. Hyungsik roamed around as your aura became stronger along with another strong aura. 

It was a warm and cold one. The warm one was yours and the cold one was unreadable. 

"She's probably in here.." Hyungsik said as he turned the knob. 


"Annyeong." Hyungsik said with a little wave and a smile. 

"O-Oh." I said as Kris let go of me. 

I stared at him confusedly. 

He's probably trying not to get beaten up again... 

"Oh, hi hyungsik." Kris replied with a small wave. 

"I need Amber for a flight to Korea so if you don't mind then I'll take her now." Hyungsik asked as he raised an eyebrow. 

"No I don't mind at all. Take her. Have fun!" Kris nervously said as he jittered side to side for a bit. 

"Thank you Kris. You're more understanding now." Hyungsik responded as he took me away from Kris. 

Kris was still in the closet watching me being dragged away by Hyungsik as I was staring at him with an icy stare. 

Are you serious?

Yes, I'm serious. We have to get to the airport fast. Your little boyfriend kind of wasted some time. 

Ugh, go get a life. 

I'll be able to have one if you just agree to the marriage. 

Shut up. 

That's not a nice thing to say to your fiancee. 

I don't care. 

Woah, attitude. 

Who said I had to act lady like towards you?

When were you even lady like?

You have a point. 

I've known you for a long time you know that? 

I know that. I dislike that. 

You know you love that. I was the best thing that has ever happened to you. 

No, Kris was the best thing that has ever happened to me. 

You know I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Don't tempt me. 

No way jose. I'll tempt you as much as I can. I'm also a telepath. Dummy. 

Don't do it. 

"Pfft." I said as I leaned my back against the car seat. 

"Whatever. You child." Hyungsik said as he crossed his arms and looked out the window. 

Nice comeback little boy. 

"I'm taller and older than you for your information!" Hyungsik complained. 

"Go get a room to whine in." I nonchalantly said as I also looked out the window. 

A/N: I didn't have much to do. I did my first fanfic request poster. :D Well, I'm going to sleep since it's 2:30AM here. Hha, Christmas Break for a week, but it ends on Jan 2. Ughh. Anyways I love you guys! :))

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 32: The BEST!!!!
Chapter 32: it's so cute ending. nice krisber story. please update more krisber fic.^^
Chapter 32: nice happy family ending...
love the story n thanks so much for making this story author-nim..
im waiting for ur new KrisBer ff ...
hwaitingggggg O.O XD
krisber_1806 #4
Chapter 32: huhuhuhuhu...
Its ending.
Happy ending.
Great n nice fic.
Anyways, how cuuuuuuuuute! It all just flashed in front of me: little Krisber babies running around...KYAAAAAAAAAAAH ♥♥♥♥♥ >____<
Thanks for the great Krisber read :)
/sends looove ♥/
Chapter 31: haha.. myungsoo n zico such a kids, how about they have a real kids?
n myungsoo-zico will be the good uncle..
KrisBer is so perfect.. more fluffy stuff please
its so sweeeeeeeeeeeettt.. :*
krisber_1806 #7
Chapter 31: Finish??
Not sequel??
cutiekoala #8
Chapter 30: :O is it Hyungsik?
wow, that delivery guy isn't a normal person..
krisber have to be together no matter what..
krisber_1806 #9
Chapter 30: what hapend??
Update soon.
SpagheTae #10
love the genre! ;))