Chapter 2

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

Inyoung and Yumi walked along the pretty pathway outside and were admiring the different flowers.

"So.. how do you like this place so far?"  Inyoung asked.

"It's.. nice.."  Yumi hesitated a bit, but Inyoung decided to let it slide.

"Are you close with anyone here?" Inyoung asked.  There was a bit of a cloudiness in Yumi's eyes which Inyoung noticed.  Before either of them could say anything, Hyuna and her gang of friends went up to them.

"Hey nerd."  Hyuna said in the most snobby way.

Yumi grabbed Inyoung's hand and was about to walk away, but a girl blocked her.

"Where do you think you're going?  No one ignores the queenka."  Then she pushed Yumi and she fell on her .  All the girls started laughing.

Hyuna bent down and looked Yumi in the face.  "You think you're soo smart, dont you?  Is brains everything? All you have are good grades, besides that, you have no parents, your older brother leaves you on business trips.. You're useless, you have no life, and you're nothing.  Why dont you just disappear?"  Hyuna smirked and stood back up.  She glanced at Inyoung before walking away with her clique.

Inyoung bent down and tried to help Yumi up.

"Yumi are you okay?"  Yumi just kept her head low and ran away.

"Yumi!!" Inyoung ran after her, but lost her.  She was still looking around and didnt notice that it was time for class.

"Inyoung! look for Yumi later.  Get to class."  Jinho unipped her bag somehow and told her.

"Huh?? Right.."  Inyoung hesitated a bit, but ended up leaving for class.


"You're late Miss Im.  I hope that will never happen again."  Mrs. Lee strictly told Inyoung.

"I'm sorry."  Inyoung said, then walked to her seat.

Inyoung knew she should've tried getting closer to Junhyung, but she couldn't stop worrying about Yumi

After Class

"Inyoung!! Inyoung!! INYOUNGGG!!!"

"AHHH!!"  Inyoung fell backwards.

"I've been calling for your attention so manny times.  Whats wrong with you??!!"  JInho yelled.

"I'm soryy!!"  Inyoung said.

Jinho sighed, "Are you still worried about Yumi?"

"She looked.. so sad.. After all those horrible things Hyuna said.."  Inyoung said, thinking back at how Yumi looked.

"I would think so.. but you can't worry about her right now.  You need to focus on your mission."

"Yeah.. but-"

"No buts, you-"  Jinho suddenly stopped talking and barked.

Inyoung was confused and looked behind her.  It was Yumi.

"Yumi! Hi!"  Inyoung ran towards Yumi.

"Inyoung.."  Yumi said, surprised to see her, "Why are you in front of my apartment building?"

"Huh??"  Inyoung looked around.  Yumi was right, Inyoung was in front of an apartment building. 

"Haha.. woops.. didn't know where i was going."  Inyoung said, scratching her head.

"Babo."  Jinho muttered to himself.

Yumi smiled sincerely, "You wanna come inside?"

"Sure."  Inyoung said, smiling back.

Yumi lived on the 3rd floor in Room 302.

When Inyoung entered the room, it was small, but not too small.  Enough for two people to live in, 3 if someone wanted to sleep on the ground.

"Make yourself comfortable."  Yumi said.

"Thank you."  Inyoung said and sat down on the worn out couch.

Yumi brought two cups of water.

"Thank you."  Inyoung took the water and took a sip.

There was a bit of awkward silence.

"Are.. you okay?"  Inyoung decided to ask.

"Yeah.. It's just that.. Hyuna can really push my buttons sometimes."  Yumi said, taking a sip of water.

"Where were you after lunch?  You didn't come back to class."

"I was just.. cooling off at the playground."  Yumi said.

"The playground?  That's where we live!"  Inyoung said, smiling.

"DUMMY!"  Jinho accidentally yelled.

"Did you hear something?"  Yumi looked around.

"Ahh... N-no! HAHAHAHAH, it was probably just a kid outside."  Inyoung covered up for Jinho

That was a close one, Jinho though.

"Ohh..,"  Yumi thought to herself, "Wait.. so you live in the playground?"

"UHH.. well.. not really.. just it feels like i dod since i spend so much time there. haha.."

"Oh.. ya.. the playground calms me.."  Yumi looked kinda sad.

"So do you live with your brother?"  Inyoung cautiously asked.

"Yeah.. but he's on business trips like always.."

"Oh.. I'm sorry.."  Inyoung said, sincerely.

"It's fine,"  Yumi said, "I'm sorry but i need to do some chores now."

"No, it's okay.  Thank you for the invite."  Inyoung smiled.


Inyoung left for the playground and went inside the little tunnel thing.

She brought Jinho out of the bag.

"Are you still worried?"

"Yeah.. I don't really care for the mission right now.  I'm gonna help Yumi out."  Inyoung said with a determined face.

Jinho sighed, "Fine.. but you're going to have to focus on Junhyung sooner or later."

"Don't you worry!!"  Inyoung said, fist pumping the air.

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story