Chapter 16

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

It was the day of the deadline and tonight... Inyoung would see whether or not she would get her life back... but since Junhyung was madder than ever.. and he wasnt happy anymore... Inyoung and Jinho both knew what the outcome would be...

"You okay Inyoung?? You look really sick."  Yumi was worried about her friend..

"I'm fine."  Inyoung gave her a faint smile.

Yumi knew something was wrong but she decided not to press any further.

"Okay well.. I'm gonna go on a walk.. When i come back.. when you're ready to talk.. I'm all ears."  Yumi said, smiling.

"Thank you."  Inyoung said, then Yumi walked to the door.  She looked back one last time and left.

Jinho popped up, "Inyoung.. You still have time.. You can still make it so that Junhyung experiences true happiness.  There's some time before the deadline tonight."
Inyoung just shook her head, "No... I cant face him.. I hurt him so bad... I dont deserve to be by his side.."

Jinho was growing anxious, "Inyoung please.."

"I'm sorry Jinho... Maybe.. this is how things were meant to turn out... besides.. i think.. Junhyung will have a better life without me around."

"What about ME??!! YOU CANT JUST DISAPPEAR AND EXPECT ME TO BE OKAY WITH IT!!"  Jinho was crying little by little.

Inyoung faintly smiled and pet Jinho's head, "I'm sorry Jinho... but this is for the best.."

Jinho just turned around and silently cried with his back towards Inyoung.


Yumi came back and it was already 5pm (she left to walk around an hour or so ago), she looked for Inyoung but she wasnt anywhere.  Yumi was panicking...

But then she saw a note on the table:

Hi Yumi.. Thank you soo much for letting me stay over.  You were such a good friend to me :), but.. i have somewhere that i have to go. And i'm sorry that i wasnt able to say goodbye to you in person. but this is for the best... And always remember.. You're an important and special friend to me.. My first best friend :).. Bye..

Yumi's fist clenched.. No.. Inyoung couldnt just leave like this... she couldnt.... Yumi ran out of the apartment and once she was out, Junhyung was getting out at the same time she came out.

"Junhyung sunbae!"  She ran up towards him.

"Do you know where Inyoung went??!" 

Inyoung?? Junhyung was still mad at her... how would he know?..

"I dont know... Arent you best friends with her?"

"Yeah.. She left me this note that said that she had to go somewhere... but... but... i dont know where she went.. and.."  Yumi started crying.. she couldnt say anything else.. "How can she leave without saying goodbye to my face??  Inyoung you idiot!!" 

When Junhyung heard that Inyoung had left... He was shocked.. Inyoung left?? without saying goodbye??  He immediately forgot why he had gone out of his apartment and went back inside.

"Oh honey?? did you forget something??"  His mom asked.  He just shook his head..

"Is something the matter??"

"Umma... When someone decieves you... you shouldnt care about them anymore right??.. i mean.. thats a horrible act.. and yeah.." Junhyung asked.

His mom just looked at him for some time and finally spoke, "Is this about Inyoung??"

Junhyung was surprised, "H-How did you know??"

"It was obvious that you were mad at her since you didnt go on the early morning walks with her like you always did..  But i didnt think that it was as far as her "decieving" you."

"Yeah... She turned out to be a total fake.. apparently.. it was her job to care for me.."

"And who told you this??"

"Hyuna did, and Inyoung herself said it was true.."

"Hmm.. are you sure??"  At this Junhyung looked up at his mom.. "Well she did say that it was true.."

"Did she try to explain at all or anything like that??"  Wow.. its like his mom was there when he was talking with Inyoung..

"Well.. yeah.. but i mean... what is there to explain?? If she decieved me then she decieved me.. That's that."  Junhyung said.

"Well... If i were you.. then i wouldve at least tried to listen.. Especially caus it's Inyoung." 


"Because a fine girl like her... could never be bad..." 

"How would you know?? You dont even know her that well.."

"Because after talking to her on the phone for the first time... She sounded like she truly cared for you..."

Junhyung looked up at his mom, "What...What did she say??..."

His mom smiled as if remembering that conversation, "She said that you really missed me and that she really wanted me to come.. she said that even though you never showed it.. you were hurting inside... and... she was crying for you..."

Junhyung's eyes widened.. He knew that Inyoung called his mom, but he never really knew the whole conversation they had...

"I-I.."  Junhyung couldnt speak... Maybe he shouldve let Inyoung explain.

"If i were you.. I'd go and listen to what Inyoung had to say.. cause like what i said before.. she couldnt have been bad.."  His mom smiled. Junhyung hesitated but then he ran to the door.

"Thanks mom!!" 

"Young love.."  His mom muttered to herself, shaking her head.

Junhyung knocked on Yumi's door and she opened it, "Sunbae-"

"Did Inyoung give you any clue. ANY clue on where she couldve went?"  Junhyung asked.

"N-No.. "

Then he ran off.

"Sunbae!"  But he wouldnt stop.  He needed to find Inyoung.  Junhyung ran into the plaza and searched everywhere but he couldnt find Inyoung.  He stopped and punched a nearby wall.

*Where could she have gone??*  Then he suddenly remembered something... THE PLAYGROUND!  He ran all the way to the playground as the realization hit him.  *I hope I'm not too late*


No One's POV:  At the playground

Inyoung and Jinho made it to the playground and was standing in the middle.  Jinho summoned the messenger angel, Lucia.  She was a brilliant angel with shining white clothing and shining golden hair and a sapphire stone necklace. 

"Im Inyoung You're mission was to make Yong Junhyung achieve true happiness.."  Lucia hesitated a bit, "...... you have failed."


Lucia just shook her head, "There are no exceptions..."


"Jinho.."  Inyoung said softly. "You know Lucia cant do that.. She cant break the rules... but.. thank you.."  She smiled at Jinho.

"Tch.."  Jinho crossed his front legs and looked away.

"Are you ready??"  Lucia asked.

Inyoung nodded.  And as Lucia was about to work her magic, she suddenly disappeared.  Inyoung was confused and looked behind her.  It was Junhyung...

"Junhyung..."  He was panting.

"Hey!! You cant just leave like that!! Without saying goodbye??!!"  Junhyung was mad.

Inyoung smiled, "You're still mad at me."

At this Junhyung softened up.. "I-I'm sorry about not letting you explain.. I shouldve listened instead of saying all those harsh things to you.. soo... now you can tell me.."  He looked up at Inyoung expectantly.. But Inyoung couldnt say anything..  She couldnt tell him about the contract.  Then there was suddenly a voice, "Very well.. I'll tell you.."  It was Jinho.

Junhyung looked around, "Who's there?"

"Over here... The dog.."  Then Junhyung caught sight of Jinho, "B-But you're a dog..."

"Not really... On earth i am, but in reality, i am actually Inyoung's guardian angel."

Junhyung was surprised.

"Inyoung is actually dead... In her past life.. she died in a car accident along with the rest of her family.  But God had compassion on her and decided to give her a second chance.. a second life... that is.. if she was able to do one mission: to help you achieve true happiness. if she succeeded then she would get her life back.. but if she failed then she would disappear.. Her existence would be no more."

Junhyung couldnt believe it.. God?  Inyoung dead?  A guardian angel?.. Everything seemed so surreal..

"The deadline is tonight, as you can see... and she was supposed to make you happy by today.. but.. she was more focused on actually caring for you and took her time.. Inyoung almost forgot about the contract because of you... Therefore.. She failed."  And as Jinho said the last words, Lucia appeared again and made a shining ball of light encircle Inyoung.

Inyoung was smiling at Junhyung, "That's why i have to go."

Junhyung ran towards her and put his hands on the light that was trapping her.

"No.. you cant leave."

Inyoung was surprised at Junhyung's sudden actions, but smiled, "Thank you so much Junhyung.. for the memories that you gave me.  You made me so happy."

Junhyung's eyes widened.. she couldnt just leave.. she couldnt vanish..

Then the light grew brighter.

"No! Please stop!"  Junhyung begged Lucia.

"Junhyung.."  Inyoung said softly..

Junhyung looked at her through the light..

"You are the most important person to me.. I love you."  As Inyoung said the last words, she smiled, with tears rolling down her cheeks.  Then the light grew even brighter until it was blinding to Junhyung.  He had to look away. and when he looked back.. Inyoung was gone...

Junhyung fell on his knees.. and had his head down, with tears rolling down... He had lost her...


Listen to, it really sets the mood..

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story