Chapter 8

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

Yumi and Inyoung ran over to the bus. They were almost late because Inyoung slept in (and when she sleeps.. NOTHING can wake her...) But they made it just in time and were panting when they got there.

"BEEP! BEEP!"  "HURRY UP AND GET INSIDE!! WE DONT HAVE ALL DAY!!"  The bus driver honked at them.  Yumi rushed inside first, and as Inyoung was about to go inside she looked back and thought, "Sorry Jinho..."  Then she hurried inside and sat next to Yumi.



"WHAT??!! YOU'RE LEAVING WITHOUT ME??!!"  Jinho yelled in disbelief.

"I'm Sorry but if something accidentally happened and you got found out.. It would get bad."  Inyoung said apologetically.

"BUT WHAT IF SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO YOU AND I'M NOT THERE??!!!"  Jinho tried persuading Inyoung but it didnt work.

"I'm REALLY sorry Jinho.  But.. I'll see you later."  Then, Inyoung ran out and left Jinho.  Jinho perched on top of the window sill and was gloomy.. "She really left me..."  


The bus ride took about an hour and Inyoung and Yumi slept the whole time.

"LISTEN UP EVERYONE!!"  Yumi and Inyoung woke up and was startled by this voice.  It was Mrs. Lee.

"Alright, so i dont want ANYONE to rush out of here, or else people will get injured.  Anyways.  Let's go out in a single file line and then get our bags and-"  They didnt let her finish.  All of the class ran out and trampled over Mrs. Lee and got their bags out of the bus.  Mrs. Lee was on the floor, squished.

When she recovered she came back outside and regained her composure.  "Alrighty then... Let's get a move on."

"YEAH!!"  Everyone yelled in unison.

Inyoung was walking along and said, "This is going to be soo much fun, huh Yumi??"

"What?.."  Inyoung didnt expect a manly voice next to her, so she turned her head.  It was Junhyung!!

Inyoung jumped a little, "O-Oh! Junhyung!! Sorry.. I thought you were Yumi."  

"Tch.."  Junhyung just kept on walking.

Inyoung looked around for Yumi.  She probably lost her in the crowd, when people were fighting to get off the bus.

"So.. Dont you think this is going to be fun??"  Inyoung said, smiling at Junhyung.

Junhyung just took one small glance at Inyoung, "I thought i told you not to smile too much."

"Oh WOOPS!"  Then Inyoung turned her serious face on, "So.  Dont you think this is going to be fun?"

"You look stupid.."  

"Oh! I'm Sorry!! I'm not very good with serious faces."


"Hey Junhyung Oppa!!"  It was Hyuna.  She grasped Junhyung's arm and clung on, trying to act cute for him.  "So isnt this trip going to be sooo much fun?"  Then she turned and saw Inyoung.  "Oh.. its YOu..."  She glared at Inyoung.  Then they finally made it on the beach at the family's house.  It was like a shack, but it wasnt too small.  and you could see about 4 cabins in a line, next to it.  Then an old man, probably in his 50's, and a boy around their age came out.  

"Helloo~"  The old man said, "My name is Mr. Jang, and this is my son Wooyoung. (Yes from 2pm XD)."   

"Hey."  The guy named Wooyoung said.  He  was smiling and he looked really nice.

"Hey Inyoung!"  Yumi went over to Inyoung and whispered. "Where were you?"

"I was wondering where you were.  I think we got seperated when people were rushing for the bags."  

Then Mrs. Lee spoke, "These are the people who will be helping us with our cabins and Mr. Jang will be telling us about the history of Whale Beach later.  For now, everyone will get settled in their cabins and rest for a while.  We'll be playing games later soon."  

Wooyoung spoke, "I'll be showing you guys to your cabins, so if you'll follow me."  Wooyoung walked over to the first cabin and stopped there. "Will Ms. Kim Hyuna, Ms. Kwon Sohyun, and Ms. Heo Gayoon please step forward?"  Hyuna and her two friends stepped forward.  "You three will be sharing this cabin.  I hope you find it comfortable."  Wooyoung said, smiling at them.

Hyuna didnt even say thanks, instead she looked behind and said, "I'll see you later suh-bang!!! LOVE YA!!" Then she went inside with her two other friends.

Then, the rest of the class followed Wooyoung to the second cabin. "Will Lee Kikwang, Jang Hyunseung, and Yoon Doojoon come forward?"  The three guys came forward. "This will be your cabin, hope you like it."  They all ran inside, excited.

Then it was the third cabin. "Yong Junhyung and Yang Yoseob?"  They stepped up. "This is your cabin.  Hope it's comfortable."  Then they walked on to the last cabin. "Well, Ms. Yumi and Kim Inyoung, this is your cabin.  Hope you like it."  Wooyoung smiled even though, all the other students were impolite towards him.  He didnt look annoyed one bit.

Then Inyoung smiled, "Thank you for being nice to us.  and i'm sure we will like it here."  

Then with Yumi, she went inside her cabin.

Wooyoung blushed.  She was the only person in her class who said thank you to him, genuinely.  Then he went back to his home.


Everyone rested up for a bit and then came out in their swimsuits.  Inyoung was a bit nervous about her suit, so she put on a white, plain, baggy shirt over it.  

(the guys were wearing the 2pm cabi thing.  Except Junhyung had a thin grey sweatshirt on.)  

Mrs. Lee blew her whistle "Alright!!! Now we're gonna start an intense game of volleyball so get your game on!!"



There were bursts of excitement coming from the class.  Then they were divided into teams:  it was Inyoung, Yumi, Jang Hyunseung, Yoon Doojoon, and Heo Gayoon against Hyuna, Junhyung, Yoseob, Lee Kikwang, and Sohyun.  

Then they started playing an intense game of beach volleyball.  But what no one knew was that Gayoon made a plan with Hyuna and Sohyun.  When the ball came to her she would intentionally make a good pass to Hyuna and she would spike it down on Inyoung.  

The game was going well, but Inyoung was not very good at volleyball (She was horrible in her past life).  So she had trouble.

"It's alright Inyoung, just let me and the guys try to get it ok??"  Yumi said encouragingly, she was a good athlete.

Inyoung nodded and smiled slightly, "Thanks Yumi."

"No problem."  Yumi smiled and went back to her position.  

Then Gayoon caught Hyuna's eye and nodded.  The plan was in action.  

It was Sohyun's turn to serve it.  She served it to Gayoon and she hit it over the net, a perfect pass to Hyuna, and Hyuna jumped up and spiked her hardest towards Inyoungs head.  It hit her.  

"AH!!"  Inyoung fell down on her and clutched her head.

Yumi ran over to her, "Inyoung! Are you okay??"  She bent down asking Inyoung.

"Hmph.  You're SOOO bad at this game.  Why are you even playing??"  Hyuna smirked at Inyoung.  

"WHY YOU LITT-"  But Yumi was cut short.

"I'm fine.  Just stings a little."  Inyoung said, smiling a bit for Yumi

Yumi gasped, "Inyoung, you have a bruise on your forehead."  

"Huh?"  Inyoung tried to look up, "OH. haha... Oh well."

"What do you mean 'Oh well.' It lookes pretty bad, you should treat it."

Mrs. Lee finally came in, "INYOUNG!!  You're forehead!!!  Hurry and go to The Jangs' place and get it treated.  GOO!!"  

Inyoung had no choice but to run to the house.  Mrs. Lee's sudden voice scared her (haha..)

Yumi stood back up and stared at Hyuna.  She was glaring at her.  Hyuna just smirked and turned around, "Alrighty then.  Let's continue onnn."

Before they continued on with the game Junhyung looked back to where Inyoung ran off to.  He couldn't help but feel a little worried.


"Hello??"  Inyoung cautiously walked in.

"Yess?"  Wooyoung popped up.

"Oh hi again."  Inyoung smiled while clutching her forehead with one hand.  Wooyoung blushed again and said quickly, "Do you need something??" 

"Yeah.. well.. I accidentally got hit with the volleyball, and Mrs. Lee told me to rush here to get it treated.. so.."  Then she unveiled her forehead.

Wooyoung's eyes widened, "Wow.. That's a pretty bad bruise you got there.  Must've been a hard hit."  

"Yeah..."  Inyoung said, remembering Hyuna.

"Here sit down on the couch.  I'll get the first aid kit."  Then without another word Wooyoung ran to get the kit.

Inyoung sat down and looked around.  She loved how pretty the place was.  She felt comfortable.  Then Wooyoung came back and bent down in front of Inyoung to take a good look at her bruise.  He then took out some medicines and applied it gently to Inyoung. Inyoung winced a bit and Wooyoung noticed, "Sorry.. this medicine kinda stings when you apply it."

"No its fine."  Inyoung smiled again, and once again, Wooyoung blushed.  

"Alright.  There.  Now i'll just apply disinfectant bandage.  you might look silly a bit though."

Inyoung laughed a bit, "No its fine.  I probably would look sillier with the bruise."  

Wooyoung laughed along.  Then he gently applied the bandage and smoothed it out with his fingers.  He looked down a bit and looked into Inyoung's eyes.  He blushed again but he couldnt look away.  Inyoung was confused but she kept staring too, "Is there something wrong?"  Wooyoung opened his mouth but couldnt say anything.

Then someone cleared his throat.  Wooyoung and Inyoung were both surprised and looked at the person's direction.

It was Junhyung. 

"Hey.. I'm here to pick up Inyoung.. It's almost time for lunch."  Junhyung's voice and glare was icy cold.  And it was somehow directed at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung then backed away from Inyoung, "Oh.. Haha.. right.. Sorry for taking a long time."  

Then Inyoung stood up, "Thank you Wooyoung for the bandage."  And she smiled.  Wooyoung blushed again.. He had to stop doing that.  He looked away.  Junhyung then walked up to them and took Inyoung's hand, "We have to go... I dont want to have to miss lunch cause of you."  He was directing his question at Inyoung but stared at Wooyoung.  "OH! SORRY!!"  Then Junhyung left dragging Inyoung away.  She looked back as she was being dragged away and waved at Wooyoung, "Hope to see you again!!"  Then she disappeared out of sight.

Wooyoung sighed and looked at the first aid kit.  Then he packed it up and put it away.


Junhyung let go of Inyoung's hand when they were on the familiar sand of the beach.  There was silence.

"Hey Junhyung.. Thanks for.. picking me up for lunch."  Inyoung said smiling and looking up at him.

Junhyung didnt take on glance at her, "You always are so annoying.."




"SHUT UP!"  Then Inyoung fell silent, Then she smiled back up to him again, "So how was the game??"

"Hyuna got hurt so we stopped playing.."  Junhyung said.

"Hyuna?? How??"

"Your friend kinda.. spiked the ball at her."  

"Yumi did?? Wow didnt know that she was that strong."  Inyoung didnt seem to get that Yumi did it on purpose.  "Then why didnt Hyuna come to the house to get treated too?"

Junhyung looked at Inyoung.  Was this girl stupid?? Hyuna hurt her on purpose, but she was worried about her??  Then he looked away, "She cried and yelled that she didnt want to, then stomped off to her cabin."  

"Oh.."  Then There was shouting in the distance, "INYOUNG!!!"  Yumi was waving her hands and running towards them.  "You okay??"  

"Yeah i'm fine."  Inyoung said smiling.

"That's good.. And Dont you worry. Hyuna payed for what she did to you..."  Yumi said, with her evil smile.

"Huh?? What do you mean?"  Inyoung asked, she was confused.

"N-Nothing.. Haha. Anyways, food's ready so let's go and eat."  Then Yumi turned to Junhyung and bowed, "Thank you sunbaenim for taking care of Inyoung."  Then she took Inyoung's hand and dragged her away. "FOOOD!!!"  

Junhyung just kept walking his pace towards all the commotion of cooking and eating. 


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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story