Chapter 10

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

It was now Monday and it was time for school.  Inyoung, like always, slept in and Yumi, like always, had to wake her up.

"INYOUNG!! SCHOOL!!"  Yumi went to get ready.

"I swear.. it's always cause of you that we're late."  Jinho commented as Inyoung got up and put her clothes on.

"I thought angels couldnt swear."  Inyoung said, while putting on her clothes (Jinho was looking away).

"THAT'S a misconception."  Jinho simply said.

"Hurry Inyoung!!! We dont have all day ya know!!"  

"I'm Coming!!"  Inyoung grabbed Jinho and threw him in her bag, zipped it up, put her shoes on, then ran outside with Yumi to the school.  

AGAIN, they made it just in time.  They were panting and out of breath.

They took their seats, and as they did Mrs. Lee came, "Hello class, we have a new student here with us and you might remember him from somewhere."  Then Mrs. Lee made way for a student to come in. It was Wooyoung.

Inyoung was surprised, she didnt expect to see Wooyoung.

"Hey everyone!  Remember me??"  Then there were whispers, "Who was he again??" 

"I feel like i saw him somewhere.."

"He looks familiar.."

Wooyoung had a hurt expression on his face, but when he spotted Inyoung he smiled brightly, "Hey Inyoung!!!"  Then he ran over to her, "YOU remember ME right??"  

"Of Course!! How could i ever forget??"  Inyoung said smiling.

"Alright then, Wooyoung, you could take the seat behind Miss Im."  Mrs. Lee said.

"Yes ma'am!"  Then Wooyoung winked at Inyoung and sat behind her.  

"Alright then, class.."  Mrs. Lee started the lecture for today.  

Soon, the bell rang, signaling the time for lunch.  Everyone ran out.  But Junhyung, Inyoung, Yumi, and Wooyoung stayed behind.

"Arent you going to eat Inyoung?"  

"Huh?? oh right.."  Inyoung was sleeping during class, she didnt mean to, but she was really tired for some reason today.

"Come on let's go!!"  Then Wooyoung grabbed her hand and ran off.

"Hey wait up!!"  Yumi ran after them.

Junhyung was the only one left behind, "Tch.. how annoying..."  then he leaned back in his chair and decided to take a short nap.

"WOWWWWW!!!! TEMPURA!!!"  Inyoung and Yumi both yelled in unison.  Wooyoung dragged Inyoung to a small restaurant where they served the most delicious Tempura (or so Wooyoung said) and Yumi ran behind.  

"Eat as much as you want.  I'll pay today."  

"Are you sure??"  Inyoung asked.

"Yeah. it's my treat, since you guys are the only ones who remembered me.. Honestly.  Its only been like two days and the whole class forgets me."  Wooyoung said.

"Well we can never forget someone like you Wooyoung."  Inyoung smiled.

"Soo... Are we gonna just sit here and talk or are we gonna eat the delicious food that was placed here before us??"  Yumi asked, she was ready to eat.

"LET"S EAT!!"  Inyoung yelled, then they all started eating.  


All three of them stepped out of the restaurant.

"Ahhh.. that was gooodd."  Inyoung said, rubbing her belly.

"You bet."  Yumi said.

"Glad you liked it."  Wooyoung said, smiling.

"We sure did! Thank You!"  They both said in unison.

He laughed.  Then they all went back to the classroom to finish today's lecture.  Once school was over, the whole class was packing up and leaving. 

"Hey Inyoung?"  Said Wooyoung.

"Yeah??"  Inyoung was packing her stuff.

"You wanna hang out??"  Wooyoung asked, smiling.


"Yes you"

Before Inyoung had time to think, Hyuna agreed for her.

"She'd LOVE to."  Hyuna said.

Inyoung blinked in confusion.

"Really?? That's great."  Wooyoung said, smiling.

"OH! Suh-bang let's go on a double date with them."  Hyuna used her fake voice and smiled at Junhyung.

"I dont do dates.."  Junhyung said coolly.

"Pleasseeeeee.."  Hyuna begged.

Inyoung was still lost, "Date??"

"That sounds cool!!"  Wooyoung said.

"You should really come Junhyung."  He added.

Junhyung just took one glance at him, then looked away.

"Well... I guess it's just us two then."  Wooyoung said, turning his head towards Inyoung.  At this, Junhyung perked his ears and listened to their conversation.

"What about Yumi??"  Inyoung asked.

"I'm fine.  You go and have fun on your.. DATE."  Yumi chuckled and left.

"Date??!! It's not like that!!"  But it was too late, Yumi left.  and Inyoung blushed at the thought.

"Alright then let's go!!"  And as Wooyoung was about to take Inyoung's hand and leave, Junhyung interrupted.

"I'll go."  All three of them were surprised and looked at his direction.

"What?? I said that i'll go."  Junhyung said, then he stood up, "Let's go Hyuna."

"OKAY SUH-BANG!!"  Hyuna had the biggest smile on her face. For some reason Inyoung felt a pang in her heart when she saw Junhyung and Hyuna walking next to each other.  But she dismissed it and went out with Wooyoung.

They went to play games and drank boba loca.  They had a fun time.  But still there was that pang in Inyoung's heart whenever she saw Hyuna and Junhyung together.  Junhyung looked bored as always and was cold and mean towards Hyuna but Hyuna was smiling and all talkative and she hung onto his arm always.  He didnt shrug her off either.  

"Are you having fun?"  Wooyoung asked, and that snapped Inyoung out of her daze.

"Yeah."  She nodded and smiled at Wooyoung.

"I'm glad.."  Wooyoung muttered.

"What was that??"  Inyoung asked.

Wooyoung just shook his head, "It's nothing."  and he smiled.  Suddenly there were different students from different schools and just random people pouring into the game room, it was nearing night, so there were a lot of people.

"AHH!!!"  Inyoung was crowded and people were pushing her unintentionally.  She looked back up but didnt see Wooyoung.  She tried looking for him, but he was no where to be found. 

"Wooyoung??!!"  Inyoung pushed her way through looking for him.  Then she bumped into someone.

"I'm Sorry!!"  She bowed.

"Again with the sorry's."  She recognized that voice, It was Junhyung.


"Let's get out of here.  It's too crowded."  Then he took her hand and led her out.

When they were out.  Inyoung was just glad that she was finally able to get a breath of fresh air.

"Thank you Junhyung."  She said.


Then Inyoung remembered Hyuna and Wooyoung, "But Hyuna and Wooyoung-"

"Leave them be.. They'll notice sooner or later that we're gone.."  Junhyung said, then he walked ahead.  He walked a few steps ahead and then looked back, "Are you just gnna stand there?"

Inyoung hesitated, she looked back at the game room and then ran after Junhyung.  


Inyoung was walking behind Junhyung and not next to him like she always did whenever they were walking alone.  Inyoung was still puzzled about that pang in her heart...

"Are you okay??"  Junhyung asked out of the blue.

"Huh??"  Inyoung was startled because he suddenly said something.

"You're.. not as talkative.."  Junhyung said quietly.

"Oh.. sorry.."  Inyoung said.

"What is there to be sorry for?? I just said a statement."  Junhyung said, then he added, "So... Are you okay??"..

"Yeah.. Why would you think im not okay??"  Inyoung said, smiling.

"Something's off about your smile."  Junhyung simply said.

"R-really?? Haha... I dont know.."  Inyoung said, she just kept trying to bring her real smile out.  

After a few seconds of silence Junhyung said, "Listen.. If it's about Hyuna and me.."

Inyoung looked up.  She was surprsied that Junhyung would know.. I mean its not like she was jealous or anything.. it was just a weird feeling..

"If it's about Hyuna and me..  Don't worry about it.. I wouldnt like a girl like that.." 

"Why are you telling me this??"  Inyoung was curious.

"I... Just dont want you to get the wrong idea.."  Then he continued walking.

Inyoung just stared at him.. But for some reason that weird feeling in her heart went away after he said that.

*that was weird* she thought to herself.  Then she ran to Junhyung, smiling her real smile.


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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story