Chapter 7

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

It was Friday already, just a few days after the incident between Junhyung and Inyoung, but Junhyung was still cold and mean towards her.  But she didnt seem to mind too much.  They were in class and Mrs. Lee decided to announce something,

"We're going to have a class trip tomorro at the beach, so bring an extra pair of clothes and pillows and blankets, whatnot, because we're going to be sleeping over till sunday."  



"LISTEN UP!!!!"  Suddenly everyone fell silent.

"Thank you... Now as i was saying, there will be a class trip tomorro at Whale Beach, and it will be reserved for only our class.  No one else will be there except for a small family who built their home on the beach.  Now they will be some sort of a "tour guide" for us and tell us about the history of Whale beach.  So yes there will be some kind of a history lesson there. And also they will be housing us with the cabins that they hand made."  Mrs. Lee stated.



"QUIET!!  this is a CLASS trip so YES there will be something to learn (obviously)."  Then Mrs. Lee continued on with her lesson.

Once Inyoung heard about the class trip, she was really excited.  She looked over at Junhyung, but only saw that he had his bored expression on (like everytime during class).  It didnt matter though.  Nothing could bring down her excitement.

Soon enough, class was over, and Mrs. Lee reminded them of the trip before excusing them.  Everyone ran out of the classroom to go home and pack for tomorro.


"Arent you soo excited??"  Yumi asked

"Yeah, I havent been to the beach in the longest time."  Inyoung said, smiling.

"This is going to be soo much fun."  Yumi was just as excited as Inyoung.

When they made it to the apartment, Yumi immediately started packing her clothes, a blanket, and a pillow.

She checked on Inyoung and saw that she wasnt packing anything.

"Inyoung.  Why arent you packing?"

Inyoung looked confused, "But there isnt really anything to pack."

Then Yumi suddenly remembered.  Inyoung didnt have spare clothes, blankets, or anything.  Just the outfit she had on almost every single day, her dog, and a bag.  Then Yumi went back to her closet and brought extra clothes for Inyoung.

Here, you can wear this on sunday (,r:1,s:0&biw=1366&bih=677) (haha wow that was long 0.0) and heres a bathing suit for ya (,r:28,s:0&tx=63&ty=67&biw=1366&bih=677)  Sorry it cant be anything cuter than that (-.-).  Its school regulations that we wear that bathing suit for whenever but if you cant buy it then you cant swim.  And since each person gets two bathing suits, ill lend you my second one.  Yumi smiled.  Inyoung looked at her and was touched by her kindness.

"Thank you soo much Yumi!!"  Then she hugged her.

"Whoa.  Whoa.  Haha.. It's only clothes and a bathing suit." Yumi smiled. "OH!  right and heres a blanket and a pillow for you."  She left for a few seconds and brought out a blanket and a pillow.  

"Thanks."  Inyoung said smiling. 

"Okay okay, enough with the thank yous.  Haha.. I'm just soooo excited."  Yumi said.

"I KNOW."  Inyoung agreed.  They couldnt wait till it was saturday.  There were so excited to go to Whale Beach and have a great time!


Sorry this chapter was kinda boring :P  but im gonna make it more interesting soon :)) so stay tuned

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story