Chapter 15

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

After Junhyung and his mom made up, he became happier.  He smiled more often and was not as cold towards Inyoung.  Junhyung's mom decided to go and get her husband and come back to live with Junhyung.  Everyone was happy for a while.. With Junhyung happy and cheerful, Inyoung and Jinho thought that he achieved true happiness... July went by fast.  It was a happy month for everyone.  Inyoung was happy cause Junhyung was happy and Jinho was happy because Inyoung was happy.  Also, Yumi and Inyoung became even closer friends.

"It's August.. One more week until the deadline.."  Jinho said one night. 

"Yeah i know.. But Junhyung already achieved true happiness right?? So all is good."  Inyoung said smiling.

"Yeah now you finally can live a life here on earth."  Jinho was happy for Inyoung.

"Yeah."  Inyoung smiled.

"Hurry and sleep."  Jinho said.  Inyoung nodded and slept.


It was like this every night.  Jinho and Inyoung would talk about a few things and in the morning Inyoung and Junhyung would go on a morning walk together.  And Just like Jinho said, the deadline was a week later... But that week passed by the blink of an eye... It was now two days before the deadline and Junhyung was still truly happy with his parents, so was Inyoung and Jinho and Yumi..  Jinho and Inyoung decided to go to the playground and talk instead of staying at the apartment, for once. 

"Well.. Now you can say that you succeeded your mission.  Only two more days."  Jinho was excited for Inyoung.

"I knoww.. hehe.."  Inyoung was excited to finally be able to live on earth.

"No more worries about the contract anymore...  I was so worried that you would fail.."  Jinho said.

"Jeez you worry about me too much. I didnt fail so lets be happy haha."  Inyoung said smiling.

Jinho smiled back, "You were clumsy, a big klutz, and slightly dumb the whole time during this job to make Junhyung happy, but you worked hard.  And it paid off."

At this, Inyoung just smiled and looked up at the moon.

What they didnt know was that someone was eavesdropping on their conversation... It was Hyuna. 

Hyuna's POV:

What the heck??  What's Inyoung doing at the playground?? 

I hid behind a tree so she wouldnt notice me, I heard her talking to a man, but i couldnt see him.  So i just listened, "No more worries about the contract anymore.. i was so worried that you would fail."  The mysterious guy said.

"Jeez you worry about me too much.. I didnt fail so lets be happy haha."  Inyoung said.

"You were clumsy, a big klutz, and slightly dumb the whole time during this job to make Junhyung happy, but you worked hard.  and it paid off."  The guy said.

*What??!!! She was just trying to make suh-bang happy cause.. it was her JOB??!!! OMG!!! WHAT A FAKE!!*  I immediately went away from there.

*I need to tell suh-bang.. but not tonight.. i'll tell him tomorro..*


No One's POV:

the next day went pretty well.  Inyoung went on another early walk with Junhyung.

"How's your mom?"  Inyoung asked, smiling.

"She's good."  Junhyung actually smiled back, "Thanks for.. you know... helping me out.."

"No problem!" 

Junhyung just smiled.  They had just finished their morning walk.  And they went back to their apartments.

"Umm.. Inyoung??" 

"Yeah??"  Junhyung stopped her before she could go inside.

"I.. need to tell you something later... can you meet me at the playground tonight?? at 7?"  Junhyung seemed nervous.

Inyoung was confused, but then smiled, "Sure.  See you later Junhyung!"  Then she went inside.

*I can do this.. I can tell her..*  Junhyung thought.


Junhyung basically stayed inside the whole day and spent time with his parents.

"You make the best lunch."

"Thanks honey."  His mom smiled at him.

"Eat up Junhyung." His dad pat him on the back which made him choke a little.

"Woops sorry son."

"Yeobo!  Dont do that when he's eating!"  Junhyung's mom playfully scolded her husband.

"Haha... sorry about that.."  Junhyung's dad said, scratching the back of his neck.

Then Junhyung just laughed.  He was really happy... This was a feeling that he hadnt felt in a loongg time..

Then his phone rang.  It was Hyuna.  He was wondering whether he should pick it up or not.. But he was in a good mood so he did.


"Hi suh-bang!!"

Junhyung excused himself and went to his room, "Hyuna. Why are you calling??"

"Well.. I need to say something to you... its about Inyoung.. meet me right now at the playground!!"  Then she hung up.

*About Inyoung??*  Junhyung decided that he should go.

Junhyung left his room and told his parents that he would be going somewhere.

"Come back safely honey."  His mom said.

"He's a big boy now.  He can take care of his self."  Junhyung's dad smiled.

"I'll be back."  Junhyung then left his apartment and went to the playground.

When he made it there, he saw Hyuna.

"Hyuna."  He went up to her.

"Suh-bang!!  I wasnt sure if you'd come or not."  Hyuna said.

"What did you wanna tell me?? About Inyoung??"  Junhyung got to the point.

Hyuna looked nervous.  She hesitated but she finally spoke, "I-Inyoung's just a fake!!"

Junhyung was surprised to hear this.. What did she mean by fake??

"Stop lying about Inyoung, Hyuna.. I know you dont like her much.. but once you get to know her. she's really sweet and caring.."

"But i dont HAVE to know her.. I overheard in the park last night!  I swear!!!  She was talking to this mysterious man about a contract and about how her job was to make you happy... and that she succeeded.."  Junhyung looked angry.. Hyuna stopped talking.

"Wh-What?!"  Junhyung turned around and was about to walk away but Hyuna grabbed his arm

"Please believe me suh-bang.. I know that i've been mean to Inyoung cause i was jealous that she was always with you.. but right now.. i'm not lying about her.. i'm telling the truth... she.. never really actually cared about you... it was her job to care for you..."

Junhyung pushed Hyuna away and walked to his apartment.

"suh-bang..."  Hyuna muttered..


When Junhyung came into his apartment he slammed the door, and went into his room.  His parents were worried about him but decided to let him cool down and wait for him to tell him what was the matter.

Junhyung was thinking hard about what Hyuna said..  Was it true?? The whole time?? Inyoung was just a fake??  Well if she was... Then she was wayyy better at acting than Hyuna..  Junhyung looked at the clock.  It was almost 7.  He decided to just go and ask Inyoung straight.

Junhyung left his room and before his parents could say anything, he ran out of the apartment and to the playground. 

Inyoung was already there.  When she turned around, she saw Junhyung and smiled.  *She couldnt be a fake.. she's too sweet...*  Junhyung thought.

"Hey!"  Inyoung said, running towards Junhyung.  When she saw Junhyung's slightly mad face, she asked, "Is something the matter??"

Junhyung hesitated.. but decided to ask, "Did you care about me because it was your job to??"  Her face changed completely..


"I said was it your job to care about me??  Was it some kind of a contract??"  Junhyung's voice was getting harsher.

Junhyung's POV:

She couldnt answer.. Why?? All she had to say was that it wasnt... That she truly did care about me..

"......Yes..."  I was shocked... Then i grew more angry.. I was...... i couldnt believe......Why??....

"I cant believe it....... you were actually a fake... What Hyuna said was true..."

She looked up at me, "Let me explain-"

"EXPLAIN WHAT??  HOW YOU DECIEVED ME??!! NO THANKS.... I dont wanna listen to you anymore.."  I turned around to leave.

"No Wait!"  She grabbed onto my arm but i pushed her away.

"And i thought you were different.... What a joke.."  I turned around to face her.

"I dont EVER want to see your FACE AGAIN! "  I turned back around. "Just disappear.. and leave.." 

This time i kept walking and she didnt cling on to me..  It hurt me to say those words.. but... but.. The way she decieved me.. hurt more.. 

Inyoung's POV:

When he said those words... i couldnt say anything... i coudnt hold him back.. i just.. let him go..  And i looked down.. I was crying...

"Inyoung..."  Jinho tried to comfort me... but.. nothing could help me right now... I hurt the one i loved the most... i was the worst..

"Inyoung.. its okay.."

"No..."  I shook my head, "I-I..."  I couldnt say anymore.. I cried.. Letting out differnt sounds and putting my hands to my face..

"Inyoung..."  That was all Jinho could say..


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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story