Chapter 9

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

The rest of the day went by really fast.  They ate lunch a played at the beach, swimming and whatnot.  It was nearing night and Mrs. Lee gathered the class.

"Alright class, now before we go to bed, we're going to have a campfire and Mr. Jang will tell us about the history of Whale Beach.  Sooo..."  Mrs. Lee looked around, "Miss Im and Mr. Yong."

"Yes!"  Inyoung said. Junhyung just simply lifted his head, bored.

"You will gather the firewood, and.."  Mrs. Lee assigned different tasks to different people, like getting the smores ready, bringing out the chairs, and whatnot.  

Junhyung reluctantly went out to gather wood with Inyoung.  

She didnt say anything but Junhyung could feel her smiling behind him.

"Why the heck are you smiling?"  Junhyung finally stopped and turned around.

"Oh! Sorry!"  Inyoung bowed a couple of times.

Junhyung turned back around, "Whatever.. Listen.. I'll get some wood over there, and you try looking for some here.  That way this will go faster and i dont have to deal with all this.."  Before Inyoung could agree, he left her to look for some wood.

Inyoung wanted to stop him and suggest that they go together but she didnt because she didnt want to annoy him.  Inyoung was scared of the woods that they were in right now.. It was dark and she didnt know where to look.  She blindly walked about but tripped.

"AHH!!"  Inyoung fell on her face.  She picked herself up, but then she felt a hand push her back down on her .

"Oww.."  Inyoung rubbed the spot where she fell.  

"Wow arent you clumsy."  Inyoung couldnt see the person's face too well, but she knew it was Hyuna.


"Dont say my name like you know me!"  Inyoung flinched not because of Hyuna's loud voice, but because when she fell, her ankle twisted a bit.  She couldnt get back up.

"I'm sorry if i cost you trouble.."  Inyoung meant it.  She never meant any harm to Hyuna or to anyone.

"Yeah right.. Do you know how MUCH of a nuisance you are??  Not only to me and everyone else.. But to suh-bang??!!"  

"What do you mean??"

"Oh pleasseee.. EVERYONE could tell that suh-bang hates your guts!! But since you're a girl, he OBVIOUSLY doesnt want to hurt your feelings by telling you to go away. "

Inyoung was taken aback.. She knew Junhyung thought she was annoying.. but she didnt think he HATED her...

"Why dont you go back to wherever you came from? That'll just be easier for ALL of us.. You care about Suh-bang right?? IF you really do.. Then you'd do him a favor and LEAVE!"  

Inyoung didnt know how to react to this.. All she did was try to make Junhyung know the meaning of true happiness.. she didnt think he'd end up hating her..  She felt her eyes getting hot.. No she wouldnt cry... she wouldnt...

"Why are you guys so loud??"  It was Junhyung.

"Junhyung??..."  Inyoung said quietly.

"Suh-bang!!"  Hyuna went over to Junhyung but couldnt hug him cause of the sticks he was carrying.

"Let's go.  Everyone's waiting for us-"

Junhyung cut her off, "Hyuna... can you be anymore annoying??"

"But suh-"

"And im not your suh-bang.. Hurry up and go back to the class, we'll go there soon."

Inyoung couldnt see her clearly but she could hear the stomps of Hyuna's steps.  Then she tried getting up but fell back down.

Junhyung dropped all the sticks and went to Inyoung.  "You okay??"

Inyoung looked up, she forgot that her eyes were still watery and hot.. Slowly, very slowly, tears started to roll down. 

"Are you crying??"  Junhyung was bewildered.

Junhyung's POV:

"Are you crying??"  I asked, surprised.  Did she get hurt somewhere again??

"I-I'm sorry..."  She said, with her head down.

"Tch.. Again with the sor-"  But she cut me off, "I Know.. that i've been annoying and.... all.. and if you want me to... I'll leave you alone..."

I was silent.. Then i finally sighed, "Listen... You ARE annoying.."  She looked up, "I'm-"

"BUT.. I dont hate you.. and i dont want you to leave... so.. let's just leave it at that.."  

She looked like she was about to say something but before she could, i put her on my back.


"Calm down... Looks like your ankle is twisted so this is easier.."

"But the sticks...."  

"I'll drop you off and get them later by myself.."  Then i started to walk..

"I'm a burden arent i?..."  I heard her ask.

"You're... annoying... but, you're not a burden.."   

Inyoung's POV:

"You're... annoying... but, you're not a burden.."  When he said that.. I dont know why.. but i felt happier.. Happy to know that he didnt hate me.. and happy to know that he didnt think of me as a burden. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder.  It was warm..

We finally made it back to the entrace of the woods, and we could see where the whole class was.  They were sitting and talking and waiting for us to get the wood.  Then Junhyung made a turn and was walking to Wooyoung's house.  He knocked on the door.  A few seconds later, Wooyoung answered it. "Hi.. Inyoung!!!  Are you okay??!!"  

Junhyung set me down. "Haha.. Yeah.. just kinda sprained my ankle. "  I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh man.. Getting hurt twice a day i see."

"Haha.. yeah.."

"Here, let me help you inside."  Wooyoung helped me walk inside.

"Thank you Junhyung."  I turned around and said.

Junhyung just simply turned around and went back to get the sticks.

I sat down on the couch again and Wooyoung went to get the first aid kit.

"Do you get hurt his often?"  Wooyoung asked, worried.

"Haha.. no... but.. i'm really clumsy."  I said chuckling a bit.

Wooyoung finally laughed, "Well that explains it."  Then he wrapped my ankle in a gauge.  

"There.  That should do it."

"Thank you again."  I said.

"No problem."  He said smiling.  He was the complete opposite of Junhyung.  He smiled a lot and was nice.  

"Try walking on it."  

I stood up and tried walking on it.. It still hurt and i had to limp a bit. but since he wrapped it tight it felt slightly better.

"You're limping.. Here let me help you to the campsite."  Wooyoung put his arm around me and walked me there.

Once we got there I saw that everyone was there already, including Junhyung and they had started the fire.

"Miss Im.  You get hurt quite a lot dont you?"  Mrs. Lee said. "Junhyung told us about everything."

"Haha.."  I just laughed and scratched the back of my neck. 

"Inyoung!  You okay??"  Yumi jumped out of her seat and helped me down on the seat next to her.

"Ahh wooyoung you're here too?  Why dont you stay and listen to the history of Whale beach with the others?"  Mr. Jang said.

"Its okay dad.  Since i heard it before.."  Wooyoung said.  

"You should sit down with us.  It'll be fun."  I said, smiling.

Wooyoung stuttered a bit.. "S-sure.. If you want.."  Then he took a chair and sat next to me.

Then Mr. Jang started the history about Whale Beach.. While people thought that it would be boring, it was actually fun.  It was about two lovers who loved each other soo much that they jumped into the sea together and turned into whales.  Everyone had a fun time.  Then, when the story was over everyone had to get to their cabins and get ready for bed.

"Alrighty then.  And we'll wake up tomorro and leave back to Seoul University."  Mrs. Lee said.  Then everyone left to their cabins.  

Yumi and I went back to ours and we got ready for bed.

"You got hurt a lot today."  Yumi said. 

"I know.. haha.."  I said.

"How'd you twist your ankle?"  

"Umm.. I just fell cause it was really dark.."  I couldnt let Yumi worry about Hyuna and me.

"Oh.. well. watch where you're going next time."  Yumi said, concerned.

"I will."  I said, smiling.  Then we changed into our pajamas and went to bed. 

I tried sleeping but i couldnt.. so i quietly went out of bed and tiptoed out of the cabin.  I guess the excitement of today and everything that happened really kept me up.  I limped over to the shore of the beach and sat down on the sand.  I looked up at the bright moon.  I was just glad that i was out of those scary woods where you couldnt see ANYTHING at ALL.  cause of all the trees covering the moon.

Then i heard sand crunching next to me, i looked up, startled.

"Hey Inyoung."  It was Wooyoung.

"Oh hey Wooyoung."  I said, smiling once i knew it was him.

"Did i startle you?"  He took a seat next to me.

"A little. But its alright now."  I said, smiling still.

"So.. Cant sleep?" 

"Yeah.. you too?"

"No.. i just like coming out late at night and looking up at the moon."  Wooyoung said, while looking at the moon.

"It's really pretty here."  I commented.

"Yeah.. That's why i like it here... but then.. sometimes i wanna escape..."  He added the last part quietly.

I looked at him, "Escape??"

"Yeah."  He looked down, "I was a normal student.. I went to a normal school and everything and had normal friends... but during high school.. I told all my friends that i wanted to.. well.. dont laugh but.. i wanted to become a singer.."  I didnt see why that was funny.. so after a few seconds he continued on.

Wooyoung's POV:

She didnt laugh.. phew.. haha.. so i continued on, "And.. Well.. my friends thought that was stupid. and told me to think of something that i could actually reach.. And well i obviously was mad and asked them 'why?'  I mean i thought i could do it and as my friends i thought that they would cheer me on.. but they didnt.. and when i got mad at them.  They got mad at me for getting mad at them and stopped being my friends.. so i basically lost all of my friends.. except for this one girl who i really liked.. for a few years.. one day, she saw me all gloomy and asked me what was wrong, so she told me that my friends left me.  she tried comforting me and everything.  and she asked me if there couldve been a reason for that and yeah i told her about me wanting to become a singer.. and guess what... she laughed.... and right then i knew she also thought i was dumb for thinking that i could sing.  I became embarrassed and ran away from her.. And since then i avoided her.  So basically ive been a loner for the rest of my high school years and started living a life here with my dad.. and dont get me wrong.. It's great and fun and all.. but apart of me still wants to try singing.."  As i said that last words, i thought she would start giggling too.. but she didnt. I looked at her but she had a serious face on, then she smiled... I knew it... she thought it was stupid too.

"Well i dont see why you cant do that."  Her response confused me.. 


"If you wanna be a singer.. You should follow your dreams"  She was still smiling at me.

She was the first person who ever said that to me.

I blushed and looked down, "Well.. you havent heard me sing, so.."

"Well.  Let's hear you."  She said.  I blushed even more, "But if my friends said i then.. i probably do.. and i dont want you to hear a horrible voice."

"Well those are you friends' opinion, not mine.  Come on. Let's hear it."  She persisted, so i finally gave in and sang (  When i finished.  I blushed and looked down again.. There was a moment of silence and i thought i blew it, but then i heard small clapping.

"That was AMAZING!!! You're sooo goooddd!! I dont know what you're friends were thinking, but i for one think that you're GREAT!!"  She said, i looked at her and she was smiling and clapping.  I blushed, but i didnt look away this time.. I was happy.. that someone finally encouraged me to follow my dream.. and i was happy that she thought i was a great singer.. 

"When you become a singer.  You better not forget me."  She said jokingly.  

I laughed, then she laughed.  We laughed together..  *Thank you Inyoung*

No One's POV:

Wooyoung and Inyoung were having a good time, but what they didnt notice was that someone was watching them. Junhyung.  He simply looked at them, then went back to his cabin.


It was morning and Yumi had to splash water onto Inyoung to wake her up.

"AHH!! I'M UP!" Inyoung yelled.

"FINALLY.  When you sleep.. YOU REALLY SLEEP."  Yumi said, then she went to the bathroom to get ready.

Inyoung didnt really mind that she was wet, because she had a good time with Wooyoung last night.  Then she too went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.  When Yumi and Inyoung were finished getting ready they, and the whole class, along with Mrs. Lee, left to go to the bus.  People were going into the bus.  And as Inyoung was about to step inside, she heard a voice.

"INYOUNG!!!"  She looked back and saw Wooyoung running towards her.  He stopped when he got to her and was panting.

"Wooyoung?? Are you okay??"  She asked.

Once Wooyoung caught his breath, he spoke, "I just wanted to say thank you for everything last night.. And I WILL follow my dream."  He was determined, "And this is not the last time that you'll see Jang Wooyoung."  He said with a fist.

Inyoung smiled, "I know you'll be able to do it.  No doubt."  

Wooyoung smiled back.

"Are you done?"  Junhyung walked in between them and stopped,  He didnt look at any of them, "Do you want us to wait for you again?"  Inyoung knew this question was directed towards her. "Oh right!!"  Then Junhyung went inside.  

"Thanks for everything Wooyoung and good luck on your path to being a singer!!"  Then Inyoung went inside after Junhyung.  As the bus was driving away, Inyoung could see Wooyoung waving at her.  She waved back with a smile.

"That was a lot of fun wasnt it??"  Yumi asked, smiling.

"Yup."  Inyoung smiled back.  It was a lot of fun alright..



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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story