Chapter 11

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

After the "Double Date" The next day, Wooyoung was worried about Inyoung but she said that she was fine, so he finally let it go.  January went by quick (as there was only one more week left till January was over) and so did February.  Wooyoung and Inyoung became closer friends, along with Yumi, and Junhyung was still cold and mean towards her but at least he talked to her sometimes. It was the middle of March and it was a Friday.  Everyone was talking about the Mid-March festival that was held at SU every year.  It was always on a Saturday and lasted from Morning to night.  A lot of people came, the students, and other students from different schools.  Inyoung was excited for the festival.  

"Alright class.. Now for the last remaining minutes of class.  I'll tell you what our class is in charge of for the festival.  We will have a........... MUSIC SHOWW!!!"  

Everyone cheered, except Junhyung.  

"Calm down now.  Anyways, we will need a few different acts and the others can set up the stage and handle lights and speakers, and what not.  Who would like to be the acts??"  Right when Mrs. Lee asked, all the hands went up except for Yumi's, Inyoung's, and Junhyung's.  

"Whoa there.  Okay since i know Hyuna can actually dance.  Why dont you come up here and choose who you want to be in your dancing act?"  

"Okay Mrs. Lee!"  Hyuna then ran up to the front of the class.

"I want suh-bang, Gayoon, Sohyun, and Kikwang."  

"Alright then All 5 of you will be the dancing act."

"Tch.." Inyoung looked over and saw that Junhyung didnt really like this arrangement, but he didnt seem to object too much.

*He must be a good dancer*  Inyoung thought.

"And we need a solo singing act."

At this, Inyoung's ears perked and immediately raised her hand.

"Oh Miss Im?? You sing??"  

"N-no!  But Wooyoung has an amazing voice."  Inyoung said.

"Really??  Mr. Jang would you like to be the solo singing act??"  

"Uhh.. sure.. Thank you!"  Wooyoung smiled big.  It was his time to shine.

The bell rang. 

"Alright class, tomorro come bright and early, cause we are going to have the best music show!"  Mrs. Lee then dismissed the students.

"I'm soo excited!"  Wooyoung smiled at Inyoung.

"I'm sure you are.  You're an amazing singer"  Inyoung commented, "So what are you thinking of singing?"

"I have something in mind... but.."


"It's a secret~"  Wooyoung said and smiled at Inyoung.  "You'll find out tomorro."

"Okay then. Haha."  Inyoung said smiling back.

Then Inyoung and Yumi parted ways with Wooyoung and went back to their apartment.


"A music show.  This should be fun."  Yumi said, smiling.

"I'm really excited."  
"Haha. I could tell."


"Hurry up and sleep, we have to wake up early tomorro.  Not that you would but just saying."  Yumi chuckled.

"Haha you're right."  Inyoung said, laughing along.


It was the next day and surprisingly, Inyoung got up herself.  

They went to SU and helped with the decorations, stage, speakers, etc.

"Well You're working hard."  Jinho popped his little head out of the bag.

"Yup.."  Inyoung was smiling and humming to herself, "JINHO??!!  You cant just talk out of the blue like that!! What if someones sees you?!!"

"It's no big deal.. People are too focused on what they're doing anyways.  And do you really think i'm that dumb and clumsy?? Like you??"  Jinho said as a matter of factly.

"Haha. That's true."  

Then suddenly Jinho popped back into the bag.

"Hey Inyoung."  It was Wooyoung.

"Hey.  Ready for your solo?"  Inyoung smiled.

"Yeah... Umm.. Inyoung?? Remember to stay for my act and listen to it okay?? It's REALLY important that you do."  Wooyoung said.

"Stay?? I would've stayed even if you didnt ask me."  Inyoung said.

Wooyoung smiled big, "Okay Remember to stay alright??  I'm gonna go and practice.  See ya!!"  

"Okay!"  Then Inyoung saw Junhyung and Hyuna and them practicing a little for their dance.  

Inyoung smiled.  Junhyung looked cool.  She couldnt wait to see his performance.

It took a while to set up (it was 4pm now).  It was time for the music show to begin. 

It took a while for the audience to come and sit down and get settled.  They waited an hour or so before starting to make sure that all the audience was there.

"Hello everyone.."  Mrs. Lee was opening for our class. She was saying some stuff before the dance act was going on.

"Good luck."  Inyoung smiled at Junhyung.

"Whatever.."  Junhyung simply said.

"I'm sure you'll do great."  Inyoung kept smiling, then it was finally time for them to get on stage.

Inyoung was amazed at how well they danced (sorry couldnt find a clip :P).  She was especially amazed at Junhyung.  The way he popped was just... a loss for words... 

Once they were done, they bowed, and Inyoung clapped.  She was smiling at how good Junhyung was.

They went backstage.  

"You did so great Suh-bang!"  Hyuna said and gave him a surprise hug, then released him and went to talk with Gayoon and Sohyun.  There was that weird feeling again... Inyoung ignored it and went up to Junhyung

"You were great!  I didnt know you could dance."  Inyoung smiled.

"There's a lot of things you dont know about me."  Junhyung said in a cold way.

"I guess that's true."  Inyoung didnt seem to be affected by his coldness.

Mrs. Lee was still talking to the audience about some stuff.

"Hey Inyoung."  It was Wooyoung.

"Oh hey.. You're almost up."  

"Yup.. Remember.. REALLY listen.. okay?? It's REALLY important that YOU listen."

"Okay."  Inyoung nodded and smiled.

"Hey Inyoung! Help with the sound please!"  It was Yumi.

"Okay!!  Do well Wooyoung.."  Then she went off to Yumi.

It was only Junhyung and Wooyoung next to each other.  There was a bit of a silence, until Junhyung broke it.

"Are you planning on confessing??"

"Huh??"  Wooyoung was taken aback.

"Confessing.. To Inyoung.. With your song??" Junhyung faced Wooyoung.

"H-How'd you know??"  

"It's obvious.. The way you keep telling her to stay and that it's really important.  Anyone can tell."

"Well.. I think it's gonna be pretty romantic if you ask me."  Wooyoung said confidently.

"Yeah... until she rejects you.."

"What was that??"  Wooyoung was shocked.

"Do you know for sure that she likes you in that way?"

"I-I.. Well.. She seems to smile a lot when we hang out."

"She does that with everyone. Including me, and i'm mean to her. Listen.. If you dont know that she likes you.. You shouldnt confess.. Cause if she doesnt like you.. Well.. You're the only one that's gonna get hurt in the end.  And you dont want that to happen.  Especially in front of everyone out there."  Junhyung said.

"I-I"  Wooyoung stuttered.  He didnt know what to say.. He havent even thought about that before.. He always thought that Inyoung liked him back.. But then.. It was true.. She did smile a lot on a regular basis... even to Junhyung.. But what was even weirder was that she actually smiled MORE than usual when she was with Junhyung.. How could he not have known?? He was soo stupid to not realize...

"Do what you gotta do."  And with that Junhyung left him.

"And now welcome our singing act: Jang Wooyoung!"  Mrs. Lee said and there was clapping.

Wooyoung looked towards the stage, but he knew he couldnt do it... So.. he made up his mind.. he ran away... he didnt know where.. but he ran.

Inyoung was waiting for Wooyoung to come on stage after she was dont helping with the sound, but for some reason he didnt appear.

"Umm Jang Wooyoung!! Wooyoung??"  Mrs. Lee was confused and checked the backstage but he wasnt there.

"Umm.. I'm very sorry but it seems that our singing act is lost somewhere."

Then the crowd started getting a bit angry.

"I payed money for this!!"

"If theres no act then i want my money back!!"

Mrs. Lee tried to calm the audience down as Inyoung searched all over for Wooyoung.. but there was no sign of him.

"Where's Wooyoung?"  Yumi asked.

"I dont know.."  Inyoung said...

"Omygosh.. The crowd is going wild.. We NEED a singing act.."  Then Yumi pondered a bit and mischieviously turned her head towards Inyoung.

Inyoung noticed at looked at Yumi, "Wh-What??"

"Can you sing??"  Then Inyoung realized what was going on.


"Oh come on.. Just sing a small song just to satisfy them."  Yumi said.

Then Inyoung looked at the crowd.  Yumi was right.. If she didnt do something then everything would go downhill.  She sighed, took a mic and went up to the stage.

"Oh.. Well umm.. Here's our new singing act: Im Inyoung.  Welcome!"  Mrs. Lee went to Inyoung "Hwaiting!"  Inyoung nodded and Mrs. Lee went backstage.

The audience was now quiet waiting for Inyoung to start singing.

Inyoung had stage fright and she couldnt start singing.  The audience started muttering amongst themselves after a while.  Inyoung opened but nothing came out.  Then all of a sudden a voice rang, "Im Inyoung!  Im Inyoung!  Im Inyoung!"  Someone was chanting her name.  She looked out towards the audience and saw Junhyung chanting her name.  Then soon the whole audience followed suit and chanted her name.  Then Inyoung was finally able to summon her courage and sang: (sorry the quality is bad but i really like the song, so ya :P)  Everyone clapped for her as she was singing, and even as she finished the audience stood and clapped.  It was a standing ovation.  Inyoung looked toward the audience and caught Junhyung's eye and she smiled big for him.

And suprisingly he smiled too, even though it was a small smile, He SMILED!!  That made her smile bigger.  Hyuna was backstage and saw her on the stage... She didnt look happy and she stomped off with her two friends.

Also, there was another figure that saw everything happening between Junhyung and Inyoung... It was Wooyoung.. He looked sad as he saw up towards the stage at Inyoung.  The way she smiled at Junhyung.. and surprisingly how Junhyung smiled back.. He never saw Junhyung smile.. NEVER... 

Wooyoung looked down at the paper he was holding.. it was the lyrics to the song he was going to sing:  Then he crumpled up the paper, threw it in the trash, and walked away..


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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story