Chapter 6

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

Sunday passed by quick.  Inyoung didn't see Junhyung at all.  she was slightly sad, but she cheered up because she knew she would see him on Monday at school.

When Inyoung, Yumi, and Jinho (secretly in the bag) made it to the school, Hyuna and her clique went up to them.

"You!  Why were YOU with MY suh-bang yesterday??"  Hyuna said, pointing at Inyoung.

"YEAH. WHY?"  THe girls said in unison.

"Me??... We were just hanging out."  Inyoung said innocently.

"Yeah right.  If i ever see you with suh-bang again.  You're done for."  Hyuna said, threateningly.

"DONE FOR."  The girls repeated.  Then, Junhyung came walking by.

"Ommo.  Suh-bang!!! The festival was fun yesterday.  But where did you go after?? I lost you."  Hyuna said.

Junhyung only stopped for a second since Hyuna was blocking his way, but went around her.

Inyoung was sad because he didn't acknowledge her at all.

Then Inyoung remembered, Today's the anniversary of his parents' deaths..

Then the bell rang, snapping her out of her daze.

"Ugh.. If Hyuna ever talks to you like that again. Imma SMACK her. "  Yumi was more confident now all of a sudden, "OH the bell rang.  Come on let's go."  She grabbed Inyoung's hand and ran to the classroom.


"Hello class.."  Mrs. Lee was starting her lecture again, but Inyoung couldn't stop thinking about Junhyung's parents' deaths. 

"Miss Im.. MISS IM!!!" 

"Yes!"  Inyoung snapped out of her daze.

"I would like it very much if you snapped out of your daydream and payed attention in class Miss Im.  Do you think you could do that?" Mrs. Lee said, irritated.

"Yes.. Sorry.."  Inyoung sat back down, while all of the class, except Junhyung, was laughing at her.

Soon class was over and everyone left.  Even Junhyung seemed to have left pretty fast.

"Hey Inyoung ready to leave??"  Yumi said, with her bag.

"Umm yeah... Yumi??"


"I think i'm gonna do something right now. So you can go on ahead without me."  Inyoung said, then she rushed out of the classroom.

"Uhh okay??.."  Yumi just shrugged and walked out.

"What are you doing??"  Jinho asked her.

Inyoung was hiding behind a wall, following Junhyung.

"Shh... Do you WANT him to find us out??"  Inyoung whispered.

Jinho sighed, "I can't believe you're actually taking this measure."

Inyoung, smiled and raised up her index finger, "That's the Im way."  Then she continued following Junhyung.

She finally made it to where Junhyung stopped.  It was the playground.

"I wonder why he's here."  Jinho wondered out loud.

"SHH"  Inyoung said, putting her index finger to her lips.

"I know you're following me."

Inyoung and Jinho both froze.  Then Jinho put his head back into the bag and zipped it up.

Inyoung slowly came out of hiding, "H-Hi.."

Junhyung was about to turn away, "Wait!"  Inyoung ran towards him, "I-I'm sorry."  She said, while bowing.

"If you were sorry, you wouldn't have done it."  Junhyung said.

"I know... I truly am sorry though..."

"Whatever.."  He was about to walk away again.

"I-I know..."  Inyoung bravely said.

"What??"  He stopped dead in his tracks.

"I-I know about your parents.. About their deaths..."  Inyoung said, looking down.

"what the hell do you know??"  Junhyung said, he was angry again.

"I-It's okay.. I know how you feel.. My parents died too-"  He interrupted her, "Tch.. My parents? dead??... No.. It's much worse than that."  Junhyung muttered the last part.

Inyoung was confused, "What do you mean?" 

"You don't have to know.."  Junhyung said, and with that he left.

Then Inyoung returned back to Yumi's place.

"I'm back."

"Finally."  Yumi said, with an apron on.

"I have food ready."

Food??!! YAYYY!!"  Inyoung hurried and ran to the kitchen.  She grabbed her plate of food and sat down with Jinho.

Yumi chuckled, "You looveee food dont yah?" 

Inyoung nodded, with bulging cheeks.  It didn't take her long to finish up her food.

"Woah you eat fast." 

Inyoung and Jinho were just patting their stomachs.

"Soo where were you?"  Yumi asked, she was still eating.

Inyoung then remembered Junhyung..

"I.. I just bumped into Junhyung.. and i said sorry.  But i think he's still mad."

"Still??.. He must be really mad then.."  Yumi said, But immediately wished she hadn't because of Inyoung's gloomy face.

"But i'm sure he'll be fine tomorro."  Yumi said quickly to try to cheer her up.

"I dont know..."  Inyoung said to herself.. Then she said, "Hey Yumi??... Do you know anything about what happened to Junhyung's parents??" 

Yumi looked up at Inyoung, "Yeah.. Almost everyone knows.."

"What happened??"  Inyoung innocently asked.

Yumi finished her last bite and swallowed it. "They ... abandoned him.."

Inyoung was shocked along with Jinho, "Abandoned him??.. Why??"

"No one knows for certain.. Some say that it's cause his parents couldn't deal with him anymore.  I dont know.."  Yumi said.

"So that's why.."  Inyoung muttered to herself.

"Hmm?? Why are you asking anyway??"  Yumi asked Inyoung.

Then suddenly Inyoung stood up and went to the door in a hurry, "I'm sorry Yumi, but i have to go somewhere, Thanks for the food!"  Then she rushed out of there.

"WAIT!-"  Yumi caught her too late, "Man.. She keeps leaving me, haha." 

Where is she going? Jinho thought.


Inyoung knocked on Junhyung's door to see if he was there, but he wasn't so she ran to the elevator and clicked to the lobby so that she could go out and look for him.  It was nearing dark and she didn't know where she was gonna start looking, but she didn't care, she had to see him.

When the door of the elevator opened, Junhyung was right there in front.

When he saw her, he turned for the stairs.

"Wait!"  Inyoung grabbed his arm

He tugged it away, "What do you want now?"  He was still angry.

"I know.."  As he was about to walk away, she said those two words.

"I know that your parents.... abandoned you... on this day.."  As she was talking he was getting angrier and angrier.


"I don't understand.."  Junhyung was taken aback.  He didn't expect this type of answer.

Junhyung's POV:

I was taken aback by her words.. Usually people would insist that they understood my problem and think that they could fix it... even when i knew they couldn't... i knew those people were lying.. but her... she was actually being honest.

"I don't understand.."

"Then why the hell are you telling me about my parents?!"  I was still furious.

"Be-Because..."  She couldn't answer.. Typical... I started to walk away, "I Know you're hurt!!"  I stopped. 

"Don't act like you know me..."

"I know you're hurt.. and i just want to help."

"How could you??... You can't... You've never had the feeling of your parents abandoning you... Even if you experienced your parents' deaths.. Abandonment is worse...." 

I wasn't facing her. I couldnt... "SO leave me alone... You know NOTHING... and you can't help.."

"You're right... Abandonment IS worse.."  She said.  She surprised me again..

"But.. just because i have never experienced that... doesn't mean i can't help you... I know you're hurt.. and even though i never knew your parents or their motives... i think.. No i'm pretty sure.. that they left you for a reason.."

This time i turned around, "WHAT?!  What reason could there be for leaving me??!!" 

"I don't know... All i know is... that.. they probably had a good reason, because they were good people.." 

"How the hell would you know if they were good people or not?" 

"Because... You're good."  I was taken aback AGAIN..  This was teh first time people called me, let alone my parents, good people..  I remember everyone talking behind my back.. saying that my parents were horrible people for abandoning me and that i would probably turn out to be exactly like them.. leaving my future child behind.. I was furious at those people who said that.. NO ONE knew my parents like i did.. and although i hated, absolutely HATED them for leaving me.. I knew deeep down inside.. that...  they probably had a reason.. because.. i KNEW them.. and they were good people...  But i was the only one who thought that... No one else didn't.. until... This stupid, new girl infront of me, who's annoying as hell.. Her... the first person to tell me... that my parents were good people.. because I was good...

"How would you know..."

"If you weren't good, you would've just let those guys hurt me."  She said, smiling.

"I just felt guilty.. that's all.."

"No.."  She shook her head, "It's cause you're a good person... That must mean you're parents are good too... I mean.. They raised a good person like you.. They can't possibly be bad."  She said, still smiling. 

Before i knew it.. tears were slowly rolling down my cheeks.. i looked down, "What if i'm just acting like a good person... What if i'm actually bad on the inside."

"Well.. I don't see it at all.."  She said, sure of herself, "I can tell when people are acting fake.. And you're not one of them."

"I-I..."  I didn't know what to say anymore.. This new girl, who I've only known for 3 days.. was telling me all the things that i wanted to hear... and she wasn't lying about them either.. she was being sincere.

Suddenly, i felt arms around me, and a warm body pressing up against me.  She was hugging me..

"Like i said, You're not bad at all.. Just someone who's been hurt because of the past.. And.. I know you're a guy and all but.. If you need to let it out.. do it.. because this is too much for just one person to handle alone."  Her sweet words finally broke me.. I cried, but i didn't bawl.. I just let tears stream down my cheeks.  How come..this mysterious girl.. was able to comfort me this easily.. and actually believe that about me and my parents...

I kept crying while she was holding me.. I don't know where she came from.. and i don't care if she's that same annoying girl on Friday and Saturday.. but right now.. she's the one who said the words that i wanted to hears soo bad.. She was like.. some kind of an angel... granting my wishes...


XD thx for reading :))) you should really listen to Kobato-Aa Kuru hi,  It really sets the mood :)

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story