Chapter 13

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

March ended, and it was already the beginning of June.  Inyoung was sad about Wooyoung at first but then told herself that if she needed to be happy for Wooyoung..  That he's gonna still aspire to become a singer.  So she did and she became her happy self again.  And during those few months when Wooyoung left, Her and Junhyung became closer.  There were some VERY rare instances where she would catch him smiling a tiny bit but if she ever pointed that out he would become cold again and stopp smiling.  Even so, he was opening up a little.  Yumi and Inyoung were still close friends, closer than ever.  And well... Jinho... he was the same.. Yelling at Inyoung when she messed up and whatnot.  It was an early saturday morning and Jinho and Inyoung were whispering about a few things so as not to wake the still sleeping Yumi:

"I have some important news for you.."  Jinho said. 

"What is it?"  Inyoung was curious.

"We are officially 3 months away from the deadline: August.."  Jinho said sadly.

"What?? I thought that it was one year! Until December?"  Inyoung was surprised by the sudden change.

"That's what i thought too, but apparently the contract meant until school year and the summer was over... That means we cant stay for the next year... unless.. you succeed." 

"I will!"  Inyoung was determined.

"I really hope that you do..."  Jinho said somewhat solemnly.. He knew the consequences.. If she failed her mission. Inyoung would disappear completely, out of the memories of people she had met, and out of this earth.  She would be no more.. And Jinho knew Inyoung knew the extremity of this consequence.  But she still stay determined.. Jinho loved Inyoung.. Like a father would love his daughter and like a brother would love his younger sister.  Even though he scolded her many times and yelled at her.. He still very much cared for her and wanted her to succeed more than anyone.. maybe even more than Inyoung herself.  He was slightly mad though because Inyoung was not rushing with Junhyung.. It had to be her good nature.. She didnt care about the contract and cared more about Junhyung.. She would take her time to make him happy again and not take extreme measures just to complete her mission.. But if she kept going at this rate..

"You need to rush... There's only a little time left. Do you know how fast three months goes by?? Even one month went by without us even knowing it."  Jinho said.

"I think it's enough time."

"Are you kidding?? It took him almost the whole school year to just smile.. And it's a small smile too.  He's also still cold and mean towards you.. Do you call that true happiness??"  Jinho was irritated.

"True happiness takes some time to achieve and besides, if God didnt think i could do it in a year then why would he give me this mission in the first place??"  Inyoung smiled... Jinho hated that she was so optimistic about everything.. even if it meant her existence was on the line.

"I know you could do it in a year but you've been taking your time.. way too much.. now its only three months left and we need to hurry it up."  Jinho said, trying his hardest to persuade her.

"I think i'll be able to do it at this pace.  I mean it's not the contract we should care for... It's Junhyung..."

"Junhyung this and Junhyung that!!!  You're EXISTENCE IS ON THE LINE HERE!!"  Jinho finally blew.

"SHHH-  You're gonna wake Yumi."  Inyoung quieted Jinho.  But he was still mad and crossed his front legs.

"Listen.. I know I'll be able to do this Jinho, so dont worry too much okay??"  Inyoung was still smiling so Jinho had to give up.

"Alright.. i trust you... Just.. make sure that you'll be able to do it."  Jinho said.

"You bet!!" 


Like Jinho said.. One month did pass by pretty quick.  it was the end of June and the last day of the school year.  And it was time for a end of the school year festival!!

"I'm SOO excited for the festival!!"  School was over (their last day) but there was a festival that was gonna happen tonight.

"Me too"  Inyoung smiled at Yumi.  They were the only ones left in the classroom along with Junhyung and the lingering Hyuna.

"Hey suh-bang do you wanna go to the festival together?"  Hyuna asked while batting her eyes.


"Bu-"  and before she could finish, he got out of his chair and left.  It was a harsh move even for Junhyung himself.  He usually was able to deal with Hyuna's beggings.. But something was weird...

"Whoa.. What's his problem??"  Yumi said, looking off at Junhyung and Hyuna who was chasing after him.

Inyoung didnt say anything.  She was worried about Junhyung.


As Inyoung and Yumi was walking to their apartment, they passed by the park and saw Junhyung there alone on the swings. 

They stopped and looked at him, but he didnt notice them. "It's Junhyung.."  Yumi said.  Then before she knew it Inyoung went after him.

"Inyoung!-"  It was too late. Inyoung went up to him.

Yumi waited a while but as she saw them having a conversation she decided to let the two "lovebirds" talk.  She chuckled to herself as she thought "lovebirds".


"Hey Junhyung."  Inyoung went up to him.

"Hey.."  Junhyung said. 

Then Inyoung sat down. "Is.. something the matter?? You look kinda down."  She was concerned.

"It's nothing.."  Junhyung didnt look at her.

"Are you sure??"  Inyoung asked.  She kept pressing him.. After a few moments of silence he finally spoke up.

"It's... about my parents...It's... my mom's birthday today.."  Inyoung was solemn..

"I'm sorry.."

"Dont have to be.. I cut them out of my life once they left... but just sometimes bother me.. But i'm sure it'll be all good."  Junhyung said.  But Inyoung could detect a hint of sadness in his voice.

Then he stood up. "I'm gonna go.."  This time, Inyoung didnt stop him.. She knew that he needed time to himself.. And as she was about to leave too, something caught her eye.  It was Junhyung's phone on the swing next to her.  She picked it up, "It's Junhyung's" And without meaning to she accidentally pressed a button.  The call button.. and saw a lot of "omma" calls that he made..

Jinho popped up out of the bag, "He must've missed his mom... called her over 5 times.." 

"Yeah.."  Then Inyoung knew what to do.  She ran back to her apartment.

"Inyoung??  What took you so long-"

"Yumi!!  Is there a payphone any where here??  Or do you have a phone i could borrow for a second??"  Inyoung went right up to Yumi.

"Whoa there.. Yeah there's a payphone next to that big tree-"

Inyoung didnt let her finish and ran to the payphone.

"Wait!! Inyoung!!"  It was too late, Inyoung slammed the door and was out running for the payphone.

Yumi sighed.. "That girl is crazy.." 


Inyoung made it to the payphone but noticed she didnt have any money.

she checked her pockets but didnt have anything.

"Looking for this??"  Jinho popped up with a few cents.

"Wow!! Jinho you're a miracle worker."  Inyoung said as she took the few cents.

"Of course i would know that you would forget to bring money."  Jinho said, shaking his head.

Inyoung just smiled at him, as she looked at Junhyung's phone and dialed in his mom's number on the payphone.  The phone was ringing and it seemed like his mom wouldnt answer until there was a "Hello."

"Hello?? Mrs. Yong??"  Inyoung was anxious.

"Yes?? That is me.. Who is this??" 

"I'm Im Inyoung.  I'm your son's, Junhyung's, friend."

There was abit of silence on the other side.. "Did Junhyung ask you to do this? If so then i'm sorry but-"

"No he doesnt know i did this.. I... I did this myself."  Inyoung said.

There was more silence, "I'm sorry but i have nothing to do with that child anymore, so-"

"Please dont lie.."

"Excuse me?.."

"It-It's Obvious that you still love Junhyung!!"

"Like i said.. I have nothing-"

"Do you know how much he misses you??  Everyday he looks fine and tough on the outside, but on the inside... Do you know how much he misses you?? How much he's hurting because of you??... I know that i dont know much about you but... I know that Junhyung is carrying a burden on his back....  He's hurting.. He's had to deal with so much pain.. and he still is.. Please.. I know you still love him, and i know.. I Just KNOW.. that you left for a reason.  I'm begging you... please.. come back.. Just for Junhyung..."

There was more silence.. "I-I... I don't know..."

"HE LOVES YOU!!"  Inyoung practically yelled into the phone.. she realized that she was crying for Junhyung. "He doesnt wanna show and admit it but he does.. I KNOW it.."

At this the voice on the other end was startled, "He loves me??....." 

Inyoung nodded, forgetting that the person on the other side couldnt see her..

"I-"  The voice couldnt say anything.

"We're having a school festival today at Seoul University, please come.. For Junhyung.."  Then the line was cut off.  Inyoung's time was up to use the payphone.  She slowly hung up.

"You think she'll come??"  Jinho asked.

"She loves him.. I really hope she does come.."  Inyoung said.. Then they walked quietly back to the apartment.


Will Junhyung's mom comee??? Stay tuned :)

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story