Chapter 5

An Angel from Heaven

No one's POV:

It was already 3pm and Junhyung and Inyoung were done with work.

"Well that was fun, huh?"  Inyoung said, while stretching her arms out.

Junhyung ignored her and kept walking.

"What do you wanna do now?" 

Junhyung still kept quiet.

Inyoung thought for a while, until she saw a sign on a store window.  She ran over to it and read it, "Town festival, 7pm.  Fun and games!! Make sure to come!!"

"Hey this looks fun."  Inyoung said pointing to the sign.

Junhyung finally said something, "It's just a stupid festival that happens every month."

"Have you been to it before?"

"no.  but i dont need to go to know that its stupid."

"Oh come on.  Give it a chance, i'm sure it'll be fun."  She smiled.

"tch..."  Junhyung started walking away.

Inyoung ran up to him, "Let's go together with Yumi." 

"Don't know who that is and dont wanna go."  Junhyung said without looking at Inyoung.

"Come on.. you know deep inside... verrryyyy deep in side.. thats its gonna be fun"  Inyoung stopped in front of him, with gleaming eyes. 

"Like i keep saying. No."

"PLeasseeeeeeeeee. PRETTTTYYY pleasseeeee"  She wouldn't stop asking.

Then Junhyung finally stopped and sighed, "If i go, will you SHUT UP."  he said it in a harsh way.

she didn't seem to be affected by it.  She smiled, "Yup."

They were already at the apartment building, and they both rode the elevator.  When it reached the 3rd floor, Junhyung was about to enter his room until,

"So I'll see you at 7pm."  Inyoung smiled at Junhyung.

He ignored her and went inside.

Inyoung took one last glance at Junhyung's door and went inside Yumi's apartment.


"AHHH!!!"  Inyoung fell backwards.

"Woops sorry. hahahaha..."  Yumi said.

"No its okay.."  Inyoung stood back up.

"Sooo... how was work with Junhyung????"  Yumi was about to die of curiosity.

"It was fun i gue-"  Inyoung's face turned pale as she saw what was on the couch....


Inyoung had to cover with her hands... she knew she shouldnt laugh... or else Jinho would kill her... but.....

she ended up laughing anyway..

"HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAH!!!!!"  Inyoung clutched her stomach with one hand and pointed at Jinho with the other.

Jinho's glare could've killed her at the spot if she hadnt been laughing so much.

"Huh??"  Yumi glanced at Jinho, "Oh haha.. ya i hope you dont mind.  I just wanted to see what he would look like with a perm.  And i was bored too."

Inyoung surpressed her laughter, "Pmf- no its Pmf- okay, HAHA"  She laughed again.

I am going to KILL her  Jinho thought.

After Inyoung finally settled down, she remembered to tell Yumi, "Hey.. So you wanna come to the festival with Junhyung and me?"

Yumi gave her a suspicious look, "Oohhh la la.. a datee???"

"what?? noo.. just friends"  Inyoung said, smiling.

"Uh huh... well.. i guess i could clear my schedule for you."  Yumi joked.

"Thanks youre the best."  Inyoung said.

"Let me just go and see what i'll wear for the festival."  Yumi left for a while.


Inyoung froze.. she slowly turned her head around and saw a growling Jinho with fire burning in his eyes.

"J-Jinho... h-heyy..."


"I'm SORRY!!"  Inyoung said.


"I-I'm sorry you had to go through that Jinho... but... you do look nice with that perm.."  Inyoung said cautiously.


Inyoung bowed a bunch of times and said sorry.

Jinho calmed down a bit, "Well.. i see today wasnt a TOTAL waste.. You seemed to have gotten closer with Junhyung."

"Not really... I mean he does kinda talk to me now, but it's always something mean or whatnot... I can tell he's really hurt inside.."  Inyoung said, suddenly serious.

"Like i said, our mission is to make him happy.. That is not going to be an easy task.. He has completely closed his heart to others.. He cant really trust anyone right now.."  Jinho said with his front paws crossed together.

"I hope... I really hope.. that we can make him smile again.."  Inyoung said, thinking.

Then Yumi came, "Hey sorry i took a while, by the way, were you talking to someone?? I heard voices." 

"N-NO.. HAHAHA... must've been those kids again.. hahhaa.."  Inyoung said nervously.

Luckily Yumi dismissed it right away, "Hey, so do you like what i'm gonna wear for the festival??" 

Inyoung looked at Yumi's outfit,

It looked really pretty on her, Inyoung smiled,

"You look beautiful."

Yumi smiled back, "Thanks.  By the way, what are you going to wear?"

Inyoung was confused, "What i always wear."

Yumi looked at the clothes Inyoung wore for two days already,

It was a random school uniform type of outfit.

"Uhhh.. No."  Yumi simply said.

"Why??"  Inyoung blinked with confusion, "I always wear this."

"THAT'S the problem.. I may be a nerd with glasses, and i may have not much of a fashion sense.. but... i just KNOW that that will not do.." 

"But i dont have anything other than this."

"Hold on.."  Yumi left for a bit then came back, "Put this on."

"This?? But.. It's yours.."  Inyoung said guiltily

"Yeah well i dont really like dresses... soo yea... But i think you'd look PERFECT in them."  Yumi said, smiling.


"NO more buts.. Try it on then come back out."

Yumi pushed Inyoung into the bathroom so that she could change. 


Yumi checked the time.. It had already been about 30 minutes.

"Hey Inyoung.. sorry for checking in again.. but... did you try on the dress yet or not??"

"Oh im sorry.. I didn't really know how to put it on at first.. umm yeah i have it on now.. but are you sure i can wear this??"

"For the last time Inyoung. It's yours."  Yumi said.

"Okay...  I'll come out then..."  Inyoung said quietly..

The door slowly opened and Yumi couldn't believe what she saw.. It was like an angel from heaven.

The dress,, fit perfectly on Inyoung.

"I-Is it okay??"  Inyoung asked, shyly.

Yumi smiled, "It's perfect."

Even Jinho who was watching from the couch gawked.

I guess she could look pretty too if she tried..

"Really?? thanks..."  Inyoung still looked uncomfortable.

"Well, we have time to spare before its time for the festival.. soo... lets eat."

At this Inyoung brightened up, "YEAH"


"I'm stuffed."  Inyoung said patting her stomach.

"Haha.. Well im not surprised, You gulped down dumplings so fast."  Yumi said laughing.

What a pig..  Jinho thought.  He was walking beside them with the perm still. 

They were walking to the festival and Inyoung hoped that Junhyung would keep his word and come.

They made it to the festival and Yumi and Jinho ran over at once to play games.

Of course Jinho didnt play but he still liked watching.

Inyoung was following them wherever they went, but she was busy looking for Junhyung.

"You looking for Junhyung?"  Jinho asked.

"Hmm?? yeah... i dont think he came.."  Inyoung said, sadly.

"I'm sure he came.. He's man.. A man has to keep his word." 

Inyoung simply nodded and kept looking around.. Then she noticed, "Hey... where did Yumi go??"

"She's right-"  Jinho looked and Yumi wasnt there, "Hmm.. she must've been too occupied with playing the games.  I don't blame her, they looked really fu-" 

Inyoung suddenly grabbed Jinho, stuffed him into her bag, and flew off, 'YUMI!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!! I DONT KNOW MY WAY AROUND HERE!!!!"  She was running at the speed of lightning, then she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oww..."  Inyoung bowed before looking at the person, "I'm sorry.."

"Tch.. whatever."  Inyoung knew that voice.. She looked up, it was Junhyung.

Inyoung suddenly forgot about losing Yumi, "You came!"  She brightened up and smiled.

"Yeah... well.. a guy's gotta keep his word..." 

"Thanks."  Inyoung smiled.

'For what??"

Inyoung blinked, "For coming silly."

"Your thankful for that?? that's stupid.."  Junhyung then started walking away, Inyoung ran up to him and walked beside him.

They were walking together, one happy, and one not caring at all until there was a voice,

"Suh-Bang!!!"  Inyoung looked behind.  It was Hyuna, running at full speed until she crashed into Junhyung and hugged his back.

"Suh-bang.. You finally came.  I'm so glad.  Did you come for me??"  Hyuna then looked over at Inyoung.


"What are YOU doing with MY suh-bang??"  Hyuna obviously looked irritated.

Then, without a word, Junhyung started walking away. 

"Wait suh-bangggg~"  Hyuna ran up to him and grabbed on his arm and started chatting away about who knows what.

Inyoung smiled a little and walked behind them a bit.

Until... she got lost again...

"WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO MEEEE~"  Inyoung asked herself.

"Cause you're dumb, that's why."  Jinho said, as a matter-of-factly.

Inyoung kept wandering and wandering until she realized that the setting around her wasn't the festival anymore.. It was some dark empty area.

"Uhh... where am i??"

Jinho popped back up out of the bag, "ARE YOU LOST AGAIN??!!!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry" 

"WHAT THE HECK!!! HOW MANY TIMES CAN SOMEONE GET LOST IN A DAY??!!!"  Jinho yelled, then there were voices,

"Hey, bro, i heard something here."

Then 3 guys came along.  They looked dangerous.. They had piercings, tattoos, mohawks... Everything the screamed GANGSTER!.. but of course.. Inyoung didn't know that..

"Hey i'll ask them for directions." 

"No Wai-"  Before Jinho could finish his sentence, she ran up to the 3 men and asked them for directions to the festival.

"The festival?? Why would you wanna go there when you could have fun with us."  One guy said, giving a creepy smile.

"Um.. not thank you.. I really need to get to the festival, but if you don't know then i'll ask someone else. Thank you for your time."  Inyoung was about to leave until she was blocked by another guy.

"Why don't you stay and play?"  He gave her a creepy smile too.  Suddenly, Inyoung was feeling scared, so she tried running a different way.

"Don't leave.. We haven't even started yet."  The third guy said, and he was inching closer and closer to her.  With every step he took forward, Inyoung took a step back.. Until all three of them were closing in on her.  Inyoung had fear in her eyes.  She didn't know what to do, so she just closed her eyes and waited for whatever was gonna happen next.. Suddenly  she heard punching noises and sounds coming from the 3 men.

Slowly, Inyoung opened her eyes and saw Junhyung's back in front of her.


"Tch.. We don't have time for a stupid boy like you, so why don't you just go ho-"  one guy put a shoulder on Junhyung, then Junhyung took his hand and flipped him on his back.

"Why you little!"  The other two guys rushed for him.

Junhyung dodged one guy's punch and kicked him in the stomach, and while the guy fell backwards, he fell on top of the other guy that was trying to rush after Junhyung too.

The first guy that put his shoulder on Junhyung slowly got up and went after Junhyung, "AHHHH!!"  He was about to punch Junhyung.

" JUNHYUNG!! WATCH OUT!!"  Inyoung yelled.

Junhyung took the guy's arm and flipped him over again, this time on top of the other two guys.

"Gr..."  All three of them got up, stumbling, "Let's get out of here."

Then all three of them ran.

Inyoung ran up to Junhyung, "Thank you so much."

"tch.. A girl shouldn't be out alone like this.."  Then he was about to walk away, but Inyoung noticed a small cut on his cheek.

"Wait.. You have a cut."

Junhyung looked down at it. "It's fine..."

Then he tried walking away again, but Inyoung stopped him again.

"Let me help you." 

"Like i said , it's fi-"

"It's not.  You're bleeding."  Inyoung said, then she took his arm and dragged him to the apartment building.

They entered Junhyung's room.

Inyoung looked around and saw how neat it was.  It was small, but neat.

Junhyung just sat down on the couch lazily.

"Where's your first aid kit?"

"God your annoying... it's in the big drawer in my room." 

"I'll get it."  Inyoung walked into his room and saw that it was very small, but also very neat.

She looked around for a big drawer and saw it. Just as she was about to open it, she saw a picture of Junhyung, when he was younger, with his parents.  She picked it up and looked at it.  Then she saw a calendar.  It had this monday marked, September 21.  Under it, it said, "Parents' leave.."  Inyoung suddenly had a thought in her mind, Did his parents die?.. Is that why he's so sad now?..


Inyoung dropped the calendar and looked behind. It was Junhyung.

"WHO THE HELL SAID THAT YOU COULD LOOK AT MY STUFF!!"  Junhyung walked over to her and grabbed her arm.

"Ow... I-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.."  Inyoung looked up and saw how angry Junhyung was.

"LEAVE..."  He pushed her down.

"I'm sorry.."

"LEAVEE!!!!"  He yelled into her face.

Inyoung ran out of the room and out of the apartment.  When she closed the door and entered Yumi's apartment door, that's when she felt safe.

I must have really done something terrible for him to be that angry at me.. Inyoung thought.  She sighed.. This wasn't going to well. 

"Well THAT was scary.."  Jinho popped his little head out of the bag."

"I know.. I'm sorry for causing trouble.."

"I'M not the one you should say sorry to.."

"I did say sorry.. But what i did must've been REALLY bad.. he didn't accept it."

"Hmm.. well.. maybe his anger will pass with time."

"I hope so.."  Inyoung said.  Then suddenly the door opened.

"Inyoung!! My goodness you have to stop leaving.  I was so scared when i didnt see you anymore."  Yumi said, concerned.

"I-I'm sorry."  Inyoung said.. sadly..

"Are you okay?? You dont look too good."  Yumi said, sitting next to Inyoung on the couch. "Did something happen with Junhyung?"

"H-How'd you know??" Inyoung was redfaced.

"something DID happen with Junhyung. What happened??" 

"I... Umm... kinda invaded his privacy and.. he yelled at me.."

"Aww.. Inyoung... I'm soryy.."  Yumi hugged Inyoung.

"No.. I knew i shouldn't have done that... I'll apologize again later."

"Yeah. That's the spirit. Don't be sad cause he yelled at you.  He'll probably get over it soon anyways."  Yumi said, smiling.

This encouraged Inyoung, "Thanks."

"Let's get to sleep now."  Yumi said.

Inyoung nodded, "Yeah."


THanks for anyone who's reading this XD


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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story