Chapter 4

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

Inyoung woke up early the next morning ( it was a saturday) and she couldn't go back to sleep.

It was about 5:00 am.  She decided to get out of bad and go out for a walk.  She quietly left so that she wouldn't wake the snoring Jinho and the deep-in-sleep Yumi.

She successfully made it outside and closed the door quietly.  Inyoung suddenly heard another door slam close and she turned around fast.

"Oh hey Junhyung."  She said, smiling.

Junhyung's POV:

I was ready to go out for my morning walk, i walked outside my door and slammed the door shut.  I saw a familiar figure in front of me and it was Inyoung.

"Oh hey Junhyung."  She said, smiling.

I ignored her, put on my earphones and walked away. 

I walked out of the apartment building and started walking down the street towards the plaza.  Not many people were up yet since it was 5am.  It was nice to have an early morning walk especially when there weren't crazy girls following you around, except..

"Can you stop following me?" I took off my earphones and turned around to see Inyoung, failing to hide behind a trashcan.

"Oh haha.. I didnt think you'd notice"  She said, smiling and scratching the back of her neck.  Again with that stupid smile...

"You really think i wouldn't notice?? I could hear your footsteps even with my earphones on."  I said, irritated.. She was just like the other girls.. crazy...

"Oh im sorry..."  She said with a guilty look on her face.

I put my earphones back on and started walking away. 

She suddenly ran beside me and i looked down at her.. I put my earphones out of my ears again and sighed.

"What do you want now?"

"Where r you going?"  She asked.

"Why do you wanna know?  Are you some kind of a stalker?" 

"No... sorry if i gave you the wrong idea.. it's just that i was out on a morning walk and was wondering if you would like to join me."

"I AM on a morning walk and no i wouldn't like to join you because you're annoying me."  I was beginning to walk away again until i heard a bit of giggling.

"What the heck is it now?"  I asked, irritated.  Why the heck was she laughing?
"Well.. This is actually the first time you actually carried a conversation with me."  She said, smiling.

"Why do you always smile?"  I asked harshly.

"Huh?"  She looked confused.

"That stupid smile of yours.. Is it cause you have the most perfect life? Is that it?  Is that why you smile soo much, just to show off to others that you're having the best time of your life?"  I was angry.. Gosh... I really get grumpy in the morning.

"N-no.."  Immediately her smile faded.  And i didn't care.

"Then stop having that stupid dumb looking smile on your face.  It's annoying."  After that i walked away. And she didn't follow me anymore.

Inyoung's POV:

I sighed.  It's hard to get closer to Junhyung... And now he thinks i'm annoying.. this is just great.  I saw him walking away farther and farther.. I was hurt by his words.. Until i remembered what God told me:

Junhyung is a boy who has lost all means of happiness, because of unfortunate events in his life.  So please understand if he's cold and harsh, not only towards you but to other people.  He's still healing inside.. That is why i need you to go and help him.  This is your mission...

I shook my head. No i couldn't give up just cause he said some words that insulted me.  I'll just endure it.. Besides.. He's probably hurting more inside.  So i ran after him as fast as i could.

Junhyung's POV:

I was happy that i got rid of that girl, but then i suddenly felt something on my arm.  I looked to my side... UGH. it was her again.

"What the heck do you want again?"

"Let's walk together."  She said, smiling.

"Didn't i just say that i DON'T want to walk with you.  And STOP the smiling."

"Oh come on.. pleassee.. i promise i won't smile too much."  She, said with the most serious face she could make.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever.."  Then i started walking.  She walked besides me and we ended up taking a walk together.

"So... What kind of music do you like?"

"Why do you wanna know?"  I said, coldly.

"Just asking."  We were silent for a few seconds.

"Do you like reading books?" 


"Oh i see... Umm.. What kind of food do you like?" 

"What's with these dumb questions?"  She talked wayy too much.. I liked my morning walks because they were QUIET.

"I just.. wanna get to know you better."  Of course she did.. Like all those other girls.. No one cares how i feel anymore... They only care about my looks that's all.. shallow.. ALL of them..

"Well i DON'T want you to know anything about me." 

"Oh.. okay.."  she said.. Then she was silent again.  This time longer.  Okay so i felt slightly guilty, but that ended soon when she opened again.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?" 

"Didn't i tell you to stop asking all these stupid questions?"  Then my stomach suddenly growled... Perfect timing.

She chuckled a bit.  I threw my death glare at her, but she seemed not to take notice of it.

"Come on. Lets eat breakfast together."  So she grabbed my arm, and before i could say anything she dragged me to who knows where.  She was dragging me everywhere and finally i had to step in.

"Do you even know where you're going??"

"Um.... of course i do.."  She had an obvious lost look on her face.. She was lost..

I sighed, "Follow me.."  So i walked off ahead of her and she ran to catch up to me.

I came to a stop at a cafe.  I went in but didn't open the door for her.

We sat at a table and she looked around amazed at the store.

"You look stupid. Don't gape.  It's not even that amazing of a cafe."  I said.

"Oh sorry.. All the paintings just look soo pretty."  She still gaped..

Finally the waitress came, "Hello how may i help you today??"

"Can i have french toast?"  I said and tossed her the menu.

"And for you miss?"  The waitress asked.

"OH.. umm.. i'll have.. the veggie omelette." She said, smiling at the waitress.. and she said she wouldn't smile.. whatever.

"I'll be right back with the food." 

There was an awkward silence.  Finally at the right timing the food came.

We ate in silence.  When we finished the food,

"Wahh.. That was good."  Inyoung said, while patting her stomach.

I ignored what she said. 

"Here's the check."  The waitress placed it on the table and left.

She looked at me for the longest time.


"OH um.. well.. aren't you going to pay?"  She asked, cautiously.

"Me?!  You're the one who wanted to eat breakfast so you're paying."

"Me?!! but... i don't have money.."

"WHAT??!! THEN HOW ARE WE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS?!!"  I was furious...

"I'm sorry.. i'm really sorry.."  Ugh... great, she smiles too much, and now she says sorry too much.. even more things to dislike about her.

"I'll deal with this."  Then she stood up, took the check, and went to the waitress.  I thought she would come back quick but it actually took a few minutes.  I finally stood to see what was up so i walked over.

"I'm sorry that i don't have the money. "  I could hear her say.

"If you didn't have the money then why would you order food?"  I could hear the waitress's irritated tone.

"I'm sorry, truly sorry.."  She bowed a bunch of times.

"I'll work for the rest of the day to make up for the food."

The waitress sighed.. "Well.. we can't pay you though.."

"Don't worry, i'm gonna definetely do this for free.  Besides i didn't pay for the breakfast."  she smiled at the waitress.

The waitress softened up. "Okay.. Well.. I gues you could start by cleaning the dishes." 

"No problem!  But first let me tell the person i was with that i'm gonna have to work around here a bit." 

"No need. I'm right here." 

Inyoung and the waitress looked at me, and without a word the waitress left.

"Oh hey.  I'm gonna have to-"

"Work here?? ya i heard.  That's what you get for trying to eat breakfast without any money. Are you that dumb??"  I said it in the harshest way i could.  Surprisingly, she smiled.

"Don't worry.  I'll pay it off with my hard work.  So since i'm gonna be here you can go back home and do whatever you like."  She said, still smiling.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do."  I muttered, then left her behind.  i made it to the floor my apartment room was at and saw that Yumi(?) girl with a dog coming out of her room.  She looked at me, and i could tell whether she should talk to me or not.. I just casually walked past her

"Wait, Junhyung-sunbaenim." 

I turned around, "What."

"Do you know where Inyoung went?"

"She's at the breakfast cafe down at the plaza"  I said, irritated.

"Oh.. thank you."  Then she left. 

I went inside my room and closed the door.  I looked at the clock, it was 7am.  i sat down on the couch for a while.  I kinda felt guilty for leaving Inyoung behind.... no.. you can't.. who cares about her.. she's just an annoying brat..   I looked at the clock again.  ugh.. i felt too guilty.. so i went back outside to go back to that cafe.

Inyoung's POV:

"I was soo worried about you Inyoung.  When i woke up you were gone all of a sudden."  Yumi said, concerned.

"Oh haha... i'm rlly sorry.. i just couldn't sleep so i thought that i would go out on a walk."  Inyoung was rubbing her neck, but she could feel a pair of eyes glaring at her.. It was Jinho.. She couldn't look him in the eyes.. No she WOULDN'T... One look.. and she would probably die.

"Oh okay.. well next time leave a note or something."  Yumi was genuinely concerned.

"I will. sorry about that." 

"Well. let's go, what're we still doing here?"

"Well.. Yumi... I kinda got to stay here."  I said..


"WEll..."  Then i told her the whole story, and surprisingly she didn't call me dumb or laugh at my story or anything like that.  She was more interested in Junhyung.

"Whoa.. So he ALLOWED you to walk with him?"  Yumi was obviously shocked.

"Well.. He never said yes or no.. so i figured i would."

"That's a first.  Junhyung-sunbae never goes out with girls."

"Hahaha..."  I laughed uncomfortably.

"Soo.. i guess you can't leave huh??" 

"Nope.. Gotta work here." 

"Still?"  There was a familiar voice.  I looked ahead and it was Junhyung.  He walked towards us, "Since i actually ate some food.. I guess i'll help you around here too.."  He said, looking away.

I smiled, "Sure.  If you want."

"Well... I guess.. I'll uhh... leave you two.. Come on Jinho let's go"  Yumi called Jinho.

I finally looked down at him.. And i was right... I was just about to die... his eyes were literally on FIRE..

He didn't move one bit, so i mouthed "I'm sorry" but that seemed to make him more mad.

"Jinho.." Yumi finally picked him up and carried him outside, "See you later."  Then she left.

"So.. What're we doing?"  Junhyung still wouldn't look me in the eye.

"Well i was assigned to do the dishes, so i guess you can dry them while i wash them."

"Whatever.."  Then he walked over to the kitchen.

I smiled.  He was embarrassed XD.


Thanks to anyone who's readin this :)

I PROMISE it'll get better later on.

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story