Chapter 17

An Angel from Heaven

No One's POV:

It had been a year since Inyoung disappeared, and although Junhyung was sad for a while.. he decided that Inyoung wouldnt want him to be sad.. After all. she worked so hard just to have him happy.  So.. Even though he was sad about Inyoung, he decided to smile and be happy.   After the incident with Inyoung he didnt tell Yumi about the guardian angels and about Inyoung being dead, so as not to break Yumi's heart.. He just said that Inyoung had to go somewhere. and even so.. Yumi cried..

Now it was his graduation.  SU was a great school.. and he loved it all the more because that's where he met Inyoung.  He smiled on his graduation day. in his coat and whatnot.

"Oh honey you look amazing"  His mom smiled, while taking pictures.

"Very handsome."  His dad said.

"Okay okay you guys.. I gotta go now. I'll see you there!"  Junhyung said, smiling.  He walked to SU, and he felt kinda silly in his coat, but whatever.

He made it to the auditorium and sat down in his designated seat.

The principal went to the stage, "Hello everyone..."  She started when all of the students and their relatives were seated.  She talked a lot and there was even a video on all the memories of the seniors of SU.  Then it was finally time to give out the diplomas.

As she said each name, everyone clapped and the student went up there with a big smile to accept his/her diploma.  And finally it was Yong Junhyung's turn.

"And last but not least, Yong Junhyung."  The principal said, smiling and clapping.  Junhyung went up there and smiled big, it was a happy moment for him, and he could see his parents all the way from the stage.  That made him smile all the more.  Then suddenly.... something caught his eye.. near the exit door.. he saw a familiar figure... and something smaller next to it.. Could it be??... He ran off the stage and toward the exit door.

everyone was confused, and yumi saw what had happened.  She ran after him.

"Umm.. I'm very sorry..."  the principal apologized for Junhyung but continued on with the graduation ceremony.

When Junhyung outside, he looked around for that same figure he saw.. Then he saw her....

It was Inyoung...

He could recognize her even if her back was turned.

"INYOUNG!!"  As Junhyung yelled her name he ran towards her, and Yumi came out *Inyoung??*  She also ran.

"Inyoung.."  Junhyung said.

Then the girl turned around..

It was really Inyoung!!

She was smiling at Junhyung with Jinho next to her, on the ground.  "Hey.. Long time no see."

Junhyung couldnt believe it... Inyoung... she was right in front of him.. but how?...

As if reading his thoughts Jinho spoke up, "God makes no exceptions.. but... He saw how much of an impact Inyoung made on your life.. and how she was the reason for your happiness.. so.. he waited a year to see how you would grow.. and he was impressed that you stayed happy that whole time for Inyoung.. So.. He let Inyoung have her life back on earth.  Along with me as her guardian angel of course." 

"Yup.  So i'm officially back."  Inyoung smiled.  As Jinho said those things, Yumi was confused, but she smiled, with her eyes watery because she was so glad that Inyoung as back.

When Inyoung saw that Junhyung was frozen, she stopped smiling, "Is something the matter-"  Then Junhyung pulled her into a tight hug.

Inyoung was surprised, but after a few seconds hugged back, "I'm back..."  she was smiling.. Junhyung felt warm...

Then he pulled her back and looked at her face.. "I've been wanting to say this for a long time... "  Inyoung looked at Junhyung, wondering what he wanted to say.

"I love you.."  Then Junhyung leaned in and Inyoung did the same.. Their lips met.

Yumi and Jinho both smiled.

*Thank goodness she's back*


Thanks so much for reading this series :))) Thanks to all my suscribers and commenters :))) Oh and Thanks to the anime Kobato :) That really helped me with the plotline and ending and songs and such :))

Once again Thank you!!!!! :)))

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story