Chapter 3

An Angel from Heaven

The next day:

No one's POV:

"WAKE UPPP!!!!!!"

"AHHHH!!!"  Inyoung abruptly woke up and accidentally bumped her head on the ceiling of the tunnel thing that she slept in.


"Dummy!  Hurry up and get ready!! We're gonna be late!!"

"Ugh... Jinho.."

"IT'S ALREADY 7:00!!"


Before Jinho could react, Inyoung grabbed him, stuffed him inside the bag, and ran as fast as she could to school.

pant, pant, pant

"I'm HERE!! SORRY IF I'M LATE!!"  Inyoung bowed.

"Miss Im, you are not late. school is just starting now."  Mrs. Lee said, a bit shocked at how tired and sweaty Inyoung looked, "Please take your seat."

"Yes ma'am."  Inyoung said and sat down.

"Hi.."  Inyoung said, with a small smile.

Junhyung just looked at her and then looked away.

"Okay now class..."  Mrs. Lee began teaching her lesson and before anyone knew it, class was over.  It was 4:00pm.

Everyone ran out of the class except for Junhyung.  Inyoung was about to leave too until she heard a voice, "Didn't i tell you to disappear?"

It was Hyuna.. talking to Yumi with her two other friends behind her.

"Yeah.  Didn't you hear Hyuna yesterday?"  One girl said.

"You're useless, nothing and you should disappear.  What part of it did you not understand?"  the other girl said.

"You think you belong here?? You're soo wrong.. No one even likes you.  Like i keep saying.."  Hyuna bent in a little close towards Yumi, "Vanish."

Yumi put her head low, and just as she was about to cry..

"STOP"  Inyoung went in between Hyuna and Yumi.

"What the-"  Hyuna was surprised, she didnt know that Inyoung was there.

"Yumi is not useless.. No one is.. She's just as important as you and me."  Inyoung bravely said.  At that moment Junhyung looked over to see the commotion.

"Why are you protecting such a loser like her?"  Hyuna asked, surprised.

Yumi looked up too, surprised to see Inyoung standing up for her.

"She is NOT a loser.  She's my friend."

"Why would you wanna be friends with HER.. she's nothing.. she has no parents and no one likes her."

"I wanna be friends with her.. because i see HER for who she REALLY is... NOT a loser who's useless or anything like that..  She's a person who's strong no matter how hard it is for her.  No matter how many times you bully her and no matter how many times her brother leaves her for business trips.. She stays strong.  And as her friend.. I'm NOT going to let you insult her like this. Because she deserves better, and she's worth a WHOLE lot more than useless."  Inyoung said, determinedly.

Hyuna was taken aback.. "Wh-Whatever.. Let's go guys."  They quickly left.

Inyoung turned back around, "You okay, Yumi??"

Yumi had her head down and she was shaking a bit.
"Yumi??.."  Inyoung asked again.

Suddenly Yumi jumped at Inyoung and hugged her.. She was crying..

Inyoung never dealt with this kinda of situation before, so she just softly put her arms around the crying Yumi and let her take it all out.

"It's okay.. "  Inyoung said, gently patting Yumi's back.

Junhyung's POV:

I looked over to see the commotion that was happening behind me

"she is NOT a loser.  She's my friend."  That girl.. Inyoung(?) said.  This was amusing.  No one ever stood up to the "queenka" and i just knew that this new girl didn't stand a chance against her.. until.. i heard that whole speech she said.. I couldn't believe it.. Hyuna was actually speechless for once.  She hurried and left and all i saw was that girl hugging her friend and saying that "It was okay". I felt kinda awkward so, i left the classroom.

No one's POV:

Inyoung was walking with Yumi to her apartment building.

"Thank you..."  Yumi said quietly.. "But you didn't have to say all those untrue things just to get Hyuna mad.."

"What untrue things??"  Inyoung asked, confused.

"You know.. about me being strong... i know im not.. and i know im useles... i wasnt even able to save my parent from that car crash... im sure theyre really disappointed in me right now.. i've become an unwanted person.. someone who.. really should disappear. some who's weak.."  Yumi said, looking down.

"what are you talking about??"  Inyoung asked.  Yumi, surprised by this kind of answer, looked up.

"You ARE strong.  I mean how else are u enduring all the bullying, not to mention your brother's and parents' absence."  Inyoung said.

"But I-"

"No buts.  YOU are NOT useless and you shouldnt disappear.  Your life is precious just like everyone else's."  Inyoung smiled, "And... your parents.. I'm sure that if they saw you right now.. they would be so proud.  You have good grades and you're going by with a smile.  Not complaining at all.  If i was your mom.. I KNOW i would be proud of you, looking down from heaven.. Proud that MY daughter came to be as strong as she is right now." 

Yumi once again had tears slowly falling down her cheeks.., "Thank you... soo much Inyoung... You don't even know me that well.. and you're saying all these nice things.."

"I'm your friend Yumi, and all these 'nice' things i'm saying are true."  Inyoung said with a smile.  "Well.. I guess i better be going now.  I'll see you later Yumi."

"Wait!!"  Inyoung looked back. "Yeah??"

"Well... It's already almost 7pm.. and it's gonna get late pretty soon.. Do you wanna... sleepover?"  Yumi asked.

"Me??  It's okay, i'll be fine." 

"I know you live at that playground.."  Yumi said to Inyoung's surprise.

"H-How did you know??"  Inyoung asked.

"You're a terrible liar."  Yumi said chuckling a bit.

Inyoung heard a slight snickering from her back and she hit it a bit, then something barked.

"What was that??"  Yumi asked.

"Oh umm its..."  Then Jinho's head popped up and he did NOT look happy.

There was literally fire in his eyes.

"Aww what an adorable puppy!!"  Yumi ran up to Jinho and pet him.  Jinho couldn't really help the petting.. He was a dog, and well.. to be honest.. he actually liked it.  His anger calmed down a bit.

"Now you REALLY have to stay.  i can't leave you out there alone especially with a dog in your bag."  Yumi said, concerned about Inyoung..

"Well... if you insist..."  Inyoung said quietly..

"Great!! You can take my brother's mattress!! Don't worry he doesn't come back from his trips until like months or even years later."  Yumi said, smiling.  Inyoung was happy to see that Yumi cheered up a bit.

They rode the elevator.

"So, whats your dogs name?"  Yumi asked.

"Jinho."  Inyoung said, smiling.

"Jinho?? Aww thats a cute name."  Yumi said, smiling at Jinho.

Jinho couldn't help it but blush behind his white fur.

Inyoung chuckled a bit.  The elevator door opened and while walking to Yumi's room, she was surprised to see a familiar figure there.. Junhyung..

Junhyung was just about to open his door until he saw Yumi and Inyoung walking over.

Junhyung's POV:

"Hello."  That Inyoung girl said, cheerfully.  tch.. i didn't care for this. 

"Hey..."  I muttered..

"Hey you actually said something to me for once."  that girl said, smiling.

I didn't get how she could smile soo much.  She was bound to get wrinkles later on in her life.  I ignored her and was about to walk in until.

"Wait!"  i saw her coming over.  "I never got to properly introduce myself and since right now is probably the only time you'll actually talk to me.. I'm Im Inyoung.  What's your name??"  Again with the smile.. Ahh.. what the heck..

"Yong Junhyung.."  I said quietly and opened my door and quickly walked inside.

What a strange girl... She smiles too much..

No one's POV:

"Wow.. he actually somewhat introduced himself to you."  Yumi said.

"Hmm??"  Inyoung looked at her with confusion.

"He usually doesn't talk to people ESPECIALLY girls.  He isolates himself.. kinda like me.."  Yumi said.

"Well you have a friend now." Inyoung smiled big.

"Haha. Ya youre right"  Yumi smiled back, "Lets go in."  She unlocked the door and went inside

So junhyung lives next door..  Inyoung thought.  Then she went inside after Yumi and closed the door.


Heyyy, so during the part with Hyuna and Inyoung (when shes defending Yumi) you guys should really listen to this:

Really sets the mood :))

anyways comments are welcome :) thank youuuu

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story