Chapter 1

An Angel from Heaven

No one's POV:


"AHHHH!!!!!"  Inyoung finally woke up.  She looked around and saw Jinho (dog form) next to her.

"Oh hey Jinho. we're already here on earth??"  She looked around again.  They were transported at the middle of a playground.

"Yes, and it took forever to get u up"  JInho said, irritated.

"Sorry"  Inyoung said, sincerely.  She got up, yawned and stretched.

"So are we gonna start our mission??"  Inyoung was excited, not only because if she succeeded in her mission she would get her life back, but also because she would get a chance to make someone happy.  She was just a naturally sweet, caring, innocent girl.

"Yeah, but first we have to enroll in Seoul University"  Jinho said.

Inyoung blinked with confusion, "You mean i wasnt enrolled yet??"

"God cant just show up out of the blue and enroll you."  Jinho said, rolling his eyes.

"well i thought that he would.. ya know.. go in human form and enroll me.."  Inyoung said, carefully.


"Okayyy!!!! Okayy!!! im sorryy!!"  Inyoung said while blocking her ears.

"tch... follow me.."  Jinho went on ahead and without a word, Inyoung followed behind.

They walked quite a ways and finally made it to Seoul University.  Inyoung and Jinho could see all the students coming into the school. Inyoung was observing everyone and the school campus


"Hurry up, your class is gonna start soon."  Jinho said.

"Right.. "  Inyoung snapped out of her daze and followed Jinho to the office.  Since Jinho was a dog he couldnt enter the school, so Inyoung picked him up and placed him in her bag, closing it slightly so that no one would notice. 

She made it to the office and entered.

"May i help you??"  A strict lady asked.

"huh?? oh yeah.. I'm Im Inyoung and I'm here to enroll." 

"Tch.. you cant just stroll in here and expect to be enrolled in one of the most prestigious universities of Korea. "  Thats all the lady said, and she didnt even look up at Inyoung.

Then suddenly, Inyoung felt her bag moving a bit so she opened it and saw a few papers and Jinho gave her.

"Um ma'am??"  Inyoung asked again.

"What is it??"  The lady said, obviously annoyed.

"I have these papers for my enrollment."  Inyoung said, uncomfortably.

The lady snatched the papers away from Inyoung and reviewed them.  Then she called principal Choi.

"Principal Choi would like to see you, and hand these documents over to her." 

"Okay, thank you!"  Inyoung said cheerfully.  She entered the principal's office and saw a nice-looking lady sitting down at her desk.

"Why hello, you must be the girl that wants to enroll here."

"Yes.. I'm Im Inyoung, nice to meet you."  Inyoung said, whilst bowing.

"You may sit down, and may i see your documents?"

"Yes. here you go."  Inyoung gave the papers to the principal and sat down.  The principal took a minute or two reviewing the papers.

"You have very good grades and your only 18 years old?? My.. you must have studied hard."  The principal said reviewing the papers carefully.

"Huh?? OH right.. ya haha.. i studied all right..."  Inyoung said awkwardly.. she knew that the documents were true, but somehow after she died.. it didnt feel right giving those documents.. i mean.. that was when she was alive..

"We would gladly accept you into our university. Welcome."  Principal Choi said, smiling.  "Let me take you to your classroom."  the principal said that you would be entering their advanced class for, usually, 3rd and 4th year students, but since your grades were unbelievably amazing she decided to put you in.  She also said that there would be one other student your age in that class.  You finally made it to room 200.  The principal opened the door.

"Sorry for interruping the class Mrs. Lee, but i have a new student here."

"Oh no its fine Principal Choi."  Mrs. Lee said, smiling.  She looked nice too.  So far everything was going okay for Inyoung.

"Hello class, This is Im Inyoung, a first year and she will be joining your guys' class so i expect everyone to treat her nicely."  She said, then she turned to Inyoung, "Would you like to say anything?"

Inyoung shyly stepped forward, "hello I'm Im Inyoung, i hope that we can be good friends."  She bowed at the end. 

"Alright then, Inyoung i hope you have a fine time."  Then principal Choi left.

"Alrighty then, Miss Inyoung, you can go sit right next to Yong Junhyung."  Mrs. Lee said.

Inyoung obeyed and sat next to the so-called Yong Junhyung (second row, first seat). 

"Hello, I'm Im Inyoung." Inyoung said, smiling, and bringing out her hand to shake his.  Junhyung looked at her hand then at her, then looked away.

"ohmygod, who does she think she is??.. talking to the kingka??"  There were whispers around Inyoung.  She just sighed and payed attention to the lecture.

When it was time for lunch, everyone ran out to the cafeteria or any other food place they could find.  Inyoung just sat at her seat and noticed that Junhyung did too.

"Arent you going to eat??"  Inyoung asked.

Junhyung was comfortably leaning back on his chair and was closing his eyes.

Inyoung asked the question again.

"Why do you keep talking to me?"  He finally opened his eyes and faced her.

"I-I'm just trying to be friendly."  Inyoung stuttered.

"Yeah right.. youre probably just one of those crazy girls.."  Junhyung said, then he leaned back again.

"No I'm not. I'm not... "  Inyoung said, trying to defend herself.

"Junhyung just glanced at you, then a girl came running over to you guys.

"Hey suh-bang, lets eat together, huh?"  A pretty girl said in a high-pitched voice.  Then she noticed Inyoung next to Junhyung

"Who are you??"  Her tone immediately changed, and she glowered at Inyoung,

"Hi, I'm Inyoung nice to mee-" 

"If you're trying to get MY Junhyung, then you better think twice about that.  Cause he's MINE."  The girl said, threateningly.  Then all of a sudden Junhyung got up and left, taking his bag with him.

"Wait!! Suh-bang!!"  the girl left running after him.

Inyoung sighed.  If she was going to complete her mission, she would have to do better with Junhyung.  Then while she was about to leave somewhere, she noticed a girl in the far back, writing things down furiously.

Inyoung walked up to her and said, "Hi."

"AHH!!"  The girl nearly fell out of her chair. 

"OH im sorry!!"  Inyoung helped her up.

"Oh no its okay.. "  The girl said, while standing back up. "Hey youre the new girl right?? Im Inyoung??"
"Yup thats me"  Inyoung said, smiling. "Nice to meet you."

"I'm Kang Yumi. same age as you"  She said.

"Hello Kang Yumi."

"So umm.. how do you like this place so far?" Yumi asked awkwardly.

"Its fun i guess." Inyoung said smiling.  "I was about to go out for a walk, do you wanna come?"

"Me??" Yumi asked in disbelief. "Me?? Youre asking me??"

"Umm.. yeah.. is something wrong?" Inyoung asked confused.

"Oh.. no.. its nothing.. yeah sure.. i'd love to"  Yumi said, so she left with Inyoung out of the classroom and outside to walk.

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 17: Nice story. Great writing skils.
snowff88 #2
OMG!! This story is just so sweeetttt!! ><
FanficLover96 #4
You're story is soooooooo good!!!!!<br />
Its one of the best stories that I've read!!!!<br />
It's really moving and teahes us good values!!! :)<br />
This can definitely be a drama! :)
candyxlover123 #5
Thank you :) I might make a sequel if i can think of a good enough plotline :P but if not i'll just think of another story to write about :) <br />
thx for reading
-Minnie #6
Awwww, I Love this story!!!! I read the whole thing last night, && I couldn't stop crying;))))) You should make a Sequel...... Think about it:))))
B2utySone #7
i gotta admit that this is the best story on this FF! I cried a lotttt during the last few chapters! you're such a good writer! congrats for finishing your story and thanks for making this ff! ^_^ good luck on your future story! :D
creatingfaith #8
it made me cry (in a good way of course) =]
hehe thanks,, it is amazing,, luv your story!!
#10 much smile while reading this...thanks..nice story