


It was around 2 am when the soldiers had spotted the three boys camping in the woods. They were asleep while the fire was still burning. Their belongings were all over the place.
Suddenly some screams were heard, followed by a gunshot. It was like a déjà vu for Ricky. He opened his eyes and got up. The only thing he saw was Niel being dragged away by the soldiers, crying while Changjo was sleeping peacefully. Well that’s what Ricky thought. The boy feeling scared and worried about his hyung, he jumped on Changjo and began shaking the boy to wake him up. But there was no response from their leader.

“Yah Changjo! They took Niel hyung” Ricky shook him more roughly. He then noticed that Changjo wasn’t breathing. “Huh?” he turned around his body and widened his eyes. Changjo was dead. There was a bullet hole in his head and a lot of blood around him. At first it was dark for Ricky to see the blood, but after seeing the bullet hole he saw what he couldn’t. He was even kneeling down in Changjo’s blood.
Ricky screamed at the top of his lungs. He then began to cry, yelling Changjo’s name. He was now alone. First Kwangmin betrayed them, then they took away Niel and killed the one he truly loved, Changjo. Since the first time Ricky saw Changjo in the van he knew that Jonghyun was special even though he was wearing his uniform back then. Ricky knew that Jonghyun could and will protect him till the end, but he didn’t imagined the end like this, bloody.

“CHANGJO!” Ricky screamed as he woke up. His breathing was hard and some tears were visible on his cheeks. He had been crying in his sleep. Well everyone would off cried having a dream like that. He dreamed of the one thing he feared the most- Being left alone.

“What is it?” Jonghyun jumped surprised and looked at Ricky. As soon as he heard his name being called he jumped from his sleep and looked concerned at Ricky. He then saw that the boy was crying.

“It was just a bad dream” Jonghyun moved behind Ricky, placing his legs on Ricky’s side. He hugged him from behind and whispered some nice things to the boy.

“What’s the whole yelling for?” Niel asked sleepily.

“Nothing hyung, go back to sleep” said Jonghyun and hugged Ricky even more tighter. “I’m here, okay?” he whispered to him. Ricky only nodded and blushed, but those images from his nightmare he still couldn’t forget.

“You were dead…” said Ricky.

“It was just a dream. I’m not going to die until I know you’re safe” said Jonghyun.

“Are… are they going to find us?” suddenly Ricky asked.

“Not until I’m here”

Ricky blushed again and looked back. He then turned around to face Jonghyun. They were so close that Ricky couldn’t even look him in the eyes out of awkwardness. Well at least for him it was awkward. His heart was beating so fast he thought it would jump out of his chest any minute. Jonghyun’s heart wasn’t doing any better than Ricky’s either.
The taller boy studied Ricky’s face and smiled at how cute he was. Ricky was still looking down and playing with his hands.

“Are my shoes that interesting?” chuckled Jonghyun. At that Ricky quickly looked up embarrassed. This made Jonghyun chuckled again. “What’s wrong?” he then asked.

“N-nothing” Ricky shook his head and turned around, his back facing Jonghyun. Jonghyun furrowed his eyebrows but then hugged him from behind again. Ricky jumped a little surprise but smiled. “Will you… sleep next to me tonight?” he asked shyly.

“Of course” Jonghyun nodded and then moved a little so Ricky could lie down. Jonghyun then lied down next to him and held him in his arms. This time Ricky luckily didn’t have some nightmares, instead he slept peacefully.


“Yah where are we?” suddenly Ricky heard some yelling. “Changjo! Ricky wake up quickly” Niel shook Ricky and the boy opened his eyes. He jumped surprised when he saw his surroundings.
They were again in a van and it was moving. “Changjo?” he mumbled and looked around. But Jonghyun was nowhere to be seen, only Niel. “Where is he?” Ricky gasped and asked Niel.

“I’m here guys” chuckled Jonghyun and came at the back. He was in the front with the driver.

“What’s happening Changjo?” asked Niel.

“While you two were sleeping this morning, I went to take a walk in the city and found out that this man was heading towards the Incheon airport” smiled Jonghyun. “He was so kind taking us with him for no money” he then finished.

“You carried us here?” Ricky asked and blushed.

“Yeah… Niel you need to lose some weight” chuckled Jonghyun.

“Yah! How can you say that? I haven’t eaten properly in days” Niel hit his arm. Ricky looked at them and then laughed.

“So tell me guys, where do you want to go? We have enough money to buy tickets”



They both answered at the same time and then looked at each other. Jonghyun laughed at this.

“How about this… We go to England. It’s in Europe” he looked at Ricky, because he wanted to go in Europe. “And they speak English, the same language they speak in America” he then looked at Niel. The two boys thought about it for a second and then nodded.

“Nice thinking” Niel said to Jonghyun.

“It was a lucky shot” he answered and chuckled.


“You ing idiot! How can you get your own invention get killed?” yelled Doojun at Songyeol.

“I… well the kid knows taekwondo… aish I’m sorry” he bowed a little. “I’ll try to find them in every possible way I could”

“It’s no use. We can’t find them. The only thing we can do now is unplug the machines and kill them the old fashioned way” sighed Doojun.

“Not really” said someone. Doojun and Songyeol turned around and saw a man smirking.

“What are you doing here Youngwon?” Doojun rolled his eyes.

“I think I can help you with this project”

“And how could you possibly help us? It’s useless, we lost them for sure”

“I have an idea” said Youngwon and sat in front of one of the computers.


Couple of hours passed and Niel, Ricky and Jonghyun finally arrived at the airport. They thanked the man who drove them here before getting out of the van. The boys smiled when they saw the huge airport in front of them.

“I can’t believe we made it” said Niel, almost crying. “Now they will never find us and we’ll be free”

Ricky smiled at what Niel said and only nodded. He then looked at Jonghyun and noticed that the taller boy was looking at him as well, smiling. Ricky quickly looked somewhere else and blushed.

“I’ll go buy some tickets” said Jonghyun and entered the airport, followed by Ricky and Niel.

“Wait!” Ricky suddenly stopped him.

“What is it?” Jonghyun stopped and looked at Ricky puzzled.

The boy only ran towards a wall and tore down a piece of paper. He then came back and handed it to Jonghyun. His eyes widened in shock. “They can’t be serious” he sighed.

There was a poster of wanted people. The three of them were on the poster.

“Now that ruined everything” said Niel. 

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can't tell how much this story still piqued my interest... :)
hyeseokpark #2
Chapter 2: I got it... :)
Chapter 35: Yay ChangRick is back back ~~ Update soon
Chapter 35: yeay!! changrick is back! *do minion dance.
Chapter 33: Noooo!! Ricky!! I don't want him in the fake world alone he will be scared ;_;
Chapter 33: Omoooo! My ricky! Okay, this is not good. Totally not good. I'm deeaddd!!
PotatoLife #7
Chapter 33: I hope they will be able take out the drug from Ricky's machine I don't want him to be alone in the fake world:(