


“How could you ing lose them?” the man yelled at Sungyeol. “Aish I’m working with idiots” he yelled and shoved him off the chair. The man sat down on the chair, in front of the computer and tried to track down Jonghyun and his new friends. When they went in the forest they lost their track. Now they had no idea where the boys were. And all of this was bad for them, coz their experiment was ruined.

“Doojun listen…” started Sungyeol.

“What?” yelled Doojun. He was really mad at Sungyeol about this. First Chunji dying and now losing Jonghyun.

“They are four boys… Jonghyun, Daniel, Changhyun and one that we invented. If Kwangmin contacts us and tells us where they are then we can track them down and we’ll send soldiers to get them”

“Right… and how could a doll think of something like that to contact us? Kwangmin will never think of that”

“Not unless we command him to” said Sungyeol.

“I thought you already lost them” Doojun looked at him confused.

“I did, but we can still control Kwangmin coz he’s really ours even though I don’t know where he is now”

“Well that’s great. Contact him and tell me where they all are” ordered Doojun and left the room.

Sungyeol sighed in relief. “I almost died here” he chuckled and sat down in front of the computer.


It was 7 am and everyone was up, except for Ricky. He was still sleeping in his room. Niel was making some breakfast while Jonghyun went upstairs to call Kwangmin. Without knocking he went inside the room and saw Kwangmin holding a gun.

“What are you doing with a gun?” asked Jonghyun and furrowed his eyebrows.

“Perfect timing” he smirked and turned around aiming the gun at Jonghyun.

The whole house was quiet until a gunshot was heard. Ricky woke up when he heard that. He gasped and sat up in his bed. The boy widened his eyes, scared of what just happened and what might happen next. His head was full with thoughts about the soldiers killing him, Niel, Jonghyun…
The next thing Ricky heard was a screaming coming from Niel.

“You killed Kwangmin!” the boy yelled when he looked the scene in his room. Kwangmin was lying dead on the ground, covered in blood while Jonghyun was holding the gun. Niel looked at Jonghyun and widened his eyes even more if that was possible. “W-w-why would y-you do this?” he asked and started to cry.

“No! It was self defense, I swear! When I came in the room he pointed this gun at me” said Jonghyun and threw the gun somewhere. “I… I fought with him and … I killed him” Jonghyun then realized what he did and fell down on his knees. “I can’t believe this”

“I’m getting out of this stupid house” said Niel and was about to leave but Jonghyun stopped him.

“No, Niel. Listen to me, please” he pleaded.

“How could I listen to you? You killed him… you killed a man” screamed Niel.

“No, he tried to kill me first. What was I suppose to do? Just stand there and get killed? He would of probably killed you and Ricky later as well” yelled Jonghyun back.

“What?” Niel wiped away his tears.

“He’s one of them Niel. His ID is over there on the bed” Jonghyun pointed at a little piece of paper that was placed on the bed. Niel slowly walked towards the bed and picked up the ID. It said that he was a soldier.

“Oh my god, you’re right” Niel started to cry again and hugged Jonghyun. “Thank you. I can’t believe I trusted h-him” his voice cracked at the end.

“Yeah…” nodded Jonghyun. “Go get all your things. We’re leaving this house and this forest. They might know where we are. He must of contacted them somehow” said Jonghyun and left the room with Niel.

Suddenly someone grabbed his shirt and pulled him. Jonghyun looked around and saw a frightened Ricky. “Ricky” whispered Jonghyun and hugged the boy. “We have to leave this house now!” Ricky only nodded at that and the two of them followed Niel downstairs.  

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can't tell how much this story still piqued my interest... :)
hyeseokpark #2
Chapter 2: I got it... :)
Chapter 35: Yay ChangRick is back back ~~ Update soon
Chapter 35: yeay!! changrick is back! *do minion dance.
Chapter 33: Noooo!! Ricky!! I don't want him in the fake world alone he will be scared ;_;
Chapter 33: Omoooo! My ricky! Okay, this is not good. Totally not good. I'm deeaddd!!
PotatoLife #7
Chapter 33: I hope they will be able take out the drug from Ricky's machine I don't want him to be alone in the fake world:(