


“Aish! This shouldn’t off happen” said one man as he sighed. He was sitting in front of a computer and he was pressing some different buttons. The room that this man was in was filled with computers and different electronics. On one wall of the room there was a big glass window and behind that glass was another room. This second room was simple. Nothing was in it, except three machines that looked like beds with buttons on them. Three boys were placed on them and were attached to some other machines.

The man that was mentioned before was nervous and angry at the same time. “Choi Jonghyun was supposed to die” he mumbled and continued pushing some buttons.
Another man walked into the room and sat down next to the nervous man. “What happen Sungyeol?” the man that walked in a minute ago asked.

“I did not control this, I swear” said the man called Sungyeol.

“Control what?”

“This!” he pointed at the second’s boy body. “I did not do that! He acted on his own will and got killed”

“Get him out of there! What are you waiting for?” the other man yelled and ran into the second room. He shut down all the machines that were attached to the second boy. “Aish… Chanhee why did you do that?” he asked the boy and shook his head. “Yah Sungyeol! Come help me with this, will you” he called and Sunyeol quickly came in the second room. They both picked up Chanhee and placed him into another room.

“Is he alive?” asked Sungyeol.

“Yes” nodded the man as he checked Chanhee’s pulse. “You said you didn’t do this… then who did?”

“W-well… Changjo, I mean Jonghyun found out about us… somehow… he remembered everything, and he was suppose to die… like you told me, but Chanhee got in the way and got shot” Sungyeol explained.

After the explanation they hooked up Chanhee on some other machines to keep him alive. Suddenly the two men heard some noise coming from the second room. They looked at each other confused before running in the room and finding… nothing?

“YAH where did he go?” he pointed on one of the beds.

“I… I don’t know… how is this even possible… how can he wake up by his own?” Sungyeol widened his eyes.

“Go find him! I’ll call the others” demanded the other man. Sungyeol ran out to look for the boy who escaped while the other man checked the condition on the third boy who was in that room. “You’re not going anywhere, Yoo Changhyun” he smirked before picking up the phone to tell everyone that one of the boys had escaped.

“No need to call” Sungyeol came back in with the boy who escaped. “He was in the room where we put Chanhee” said Sungyeol and pushed the boy towards the other man.

“Oh” smirked the other man. “So… Jonghyun, mind explaining yourself?”

Jonghyun didn’t answer to that. He was only glaring at the both of the men. He knew exactly what they were doing. Jonghyun remembered everything just because they didn’t check his pockets when they started doing experiments on him. Silly, right?

“You’re not going to speak?” the man raised his brow. “Okay then” he grabbed Jonghyun’s hand and dragged him towards the machine. Jonghyun tried to break free but Sungyeol came and helped his friend. He grabbed Jonghyun’s other hand and they placed him onto the bed.

“NO!” yelled Jonghyun and started to kick them. But that didn’t help. Sungyeol handed his friend a shot that will make Jonghyun go back in the ‘dream’. After giving him his shot he slowly closed his eyes and was back in his nightmare.


“Where the hell am I?” he mumbled as he looked around. He was in a van with some other boys. They were all tied up. Jonghyun noticed that his hands were tied behind his back so he tried to get himself free. He started to move around and pull his hands, but that didn’t work out so well.

“That won’t help you” suddenly one of the boys spoke. He was sitting across from Jonghyun.

“Huh?” Jonghyun looked at him.

“I said that won’t help you” the boy repeated himself and sighed. “We’re stuck in here”

“So you’re just going to give up? All of you?” Jonghyun glared at the boy who started talking first. This time the boy stayed silent. He just looked down and sighed. “I’m not giving up! I’m getting out from this hell whole!” said Jonghyun and started moving again. He looked behind him and noticed that there was a sharp metal behind him. Jonghyun took that and used it to cut the rope. It took him whole 20 minutes to cut the rope. When he did that all the boys gasped and smiled at his victory. Jonghyun smiled as well as he rubbed his hands and moved to the boy that sat across from him. “You’re getting out, or what?” chuckled Jonghyun. The boy only smiled and nodded. He turned around so Jonghyun could untie the rope. Later he did that to the other 2 boys.

“So what’s the plan now?” asked one of the boys.

“Well let’s try opening this door first” said Jonghyun and went towards the door. He was about to reach for it but the van stopped. The 4 boys looked at each other concerned and gulped.

“W-w-what now?” the smaller boy asked and started to shake.

Suddenly the door opened and as soon as the man saw that the boys weren’t tied up he reached for his gun. But Jonghyun attacked him before he could even touch it. He kicked the man a couple of times and he took his gun, throwing it at one of the boys. “Get out of the van and see if there are more soldiers!” said Jonghyun as he kicked the man a couple of times before he fell and passed out. After making sure that the man wasn’t awake Jonghyun went towards the other boys but something got his attention. The smaller boy from before was still in the van with his eyes widened. “Yah what are you still doing there?” asked Jonghyun as he grabbed his hand and they ran towards the other boys.

“No more soldiers, he was the only one” the boy who was ready to give up moments ago spoke and handed the gun back to Jonghyun.

“What are we going to do now?” asked the smaller boy, still holding onto Jonghyun.

“Well… I guess we have to survive now…” said Jonghyun and looked around. They were in the middle of a forest. “We can’t walk on the roads, soldiers will be looking for us” he said and went deeper into the forest. The three boys only shrugged their shoulders and followed their new leader. 


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can't tell how much this story still piqued my interest... :)
hyeseokpark #2
Chapter 2: I got it... :)
Chapter 35: Yay ChangRick is back back ~~ Update soon
Chapter 35: yeay!! changrick is back! *do minion dance.
Chapter 33: Noooo!! Ricky!! I don't want him in the fake world alone he will be scared ;_;
Chapter 33: Omoooo! My ricky! Okay, this is not good. Totally not good. I'm deeaddd!!
PotatoLife #7
Chapter 33: I hope they will be able take out the drug from Ricky's machine I don't want him to be alone in the fake world:(