No good!


“Oh this is bad!” said Byunghun. He was on Doojun’s computer, trying to save the boys somehow.

“What is it?” one of his men stopped and asked. He was carrying the bodies that passed out, out of the room.
The building was big but only two rooms were being used with controlling other people’s brains. The people that worked in the building were a lot and they weren’t dead, they just passed out from the gas.

“I can’t cancel the set orders” said Byunghun and got up from the computer. He started to think of a way how to save the six boys.

“We can unplug them from the machines” suggested the other boy.

“If we do that they will die… they can only survive if we kill them in their dream” said Byunghun and thought about it.

“Okay so let’s do that”

“There’s a risk. If we kill them there’s a 50% chance that they won’t make it” he sighed.

“So… what are we going to do now?”

“I guess we’ll take the risk and kill them” said Byunghun and looked at the boys he was supposed to save. He actually knew one of them and that’s why he’s doing this now.


When the soldiers visited the farm Niel got so scared that he locked himself in one of the rooms. He saw Minsoo taking Jonghyun and Changhyun to their room and he saw Chanhee crying. Niel was just too scared to even wonder what was wrong with Chanhee.
Am I real? Changhyun already has Jonghyun and… Minsoo has Chanhee… Maybe I am real afterall.. because I have some emotions… Ah who am I kidding. They all found their childhood friends but me. And they all love each other…

“Niel?” someone knocked on the door. “Are you in there?” the person asked and tried to open the door. “Why is it locked?” he asked himself quietly. “Open up!”

“Just a second” said Niel and wiped away his tears that he just noticed. He got up from the bed and unlocked the door. He then saw a smiling Minsoo.

“Hey” Minsoo smiled at him sweetly. The boy then noticed that Niel wasn’t feeling or looking so good. “What’s wrong? Are you sick?” he asked concerned.

“N-no. I just got… a little scared” he chuckled but then frowned. “I’ll be fine” he said and tried to get out of the room but Minsoo blocked his way.

“Let’s talk about it” said Minsoo and grabbed Niel’s hand. The two of them went into Niel’s room and luckily it was empty. They sat down and Minsoo waited for Niel to start talking. “Tell me what’s wrong”

“Nothing, I just got scared and I locked myself in that room” answered Niel and avoided making any eye contact.

“I have a feeling that you’re not telling me everything”

“We already talked about it” mumbled Niel, hoping that Minsoo didn’t hear him.

“Talked about what?” asked Minsoo.

“About…” started Niel and for the first time made eye contact with Minsoo. “Me not being real” he said. “I’ve been thinking about it all day and… it totally makes sense. I know you said that I shouldn’t think like that, but I just… can’t let it go” sighed Niel.

“Dolls don’t have feelings you know” said Minsoo and hugged Niel. “If you were one of them you would be cold hearted and you would of killed us long time ago. But you’re not one of them. Because you can feel things, you realize things and you see them. Niel… you love me” smiled Minsoo. “Are you still going to think that you’re one of them?”

“I… think you’re right hyung… there was one guy… His names was Kwangmin and he tried to kill Changhyun…” said Niel. “He was really scary and he didn’t talk much. I think you’re right. I’m not like him” Niel shook his head and smiled. “Thank you so much. I was so stupid thinking that I was one of them. Maybe one day we will wake up from this nightmare and I will see you again” he then started to cry and hugged Minsoo. The older boy smiled and hugged his boyfriend back.

While the two of them were hugging they heard a gunshot and some screaming. 

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can't tell how much this story still piqued my interest... :)
hyeseokpark #2
Chapter 2: I got it... :)
Chapter 35: Yay ChangRick is back back ~~ Update soon
Chapter 35: yeay!! changrick is back! *do minion dance.
Chapter 33: Noooo!! Ricky!! I don't want him in the fake world alone he will be scared ;_;
Chapter 33: Omoooo! My ricky! Okay, this is not good. Totally not good. I'm deeaddd!!
PotatoLife #7
Chapter 33: I hope they will be able take out the drug from Ricky's machine I don't want him to be alone in the fake world:(