Truth of the Maid

Love for a Demon


Taemin hesitated before he spoke, “Human? W-what do you mean?”

“We are completely human. That is all.”

“You don’t look or act human…”

“That is because we have no soul.”


Taemin didn’t want to know why but he needed to. He felt that if he didn’t know, then he would always be off. “Why is that?”

“The demon took it.” said the maid in a monotone voice.

“O-Onew? But why?”

“It was either that or death… If you were strong or fast, you were able to escape.”


Taemin didn’t want to know anymore. His body started to shake. “T-thanks for your time” he bowed and turned around. He slowly made his way back up the stairs to his room. Taemin was in a daze and when he snapped out of it he was in front of Onew’s office… not his bedroom… and he had already knocked on the door. ‘Dammit, why am I even here? This is the last place in want to be right now’ he thought.

“Come in” said Onew on the other side.


Taemin hesitated opening the door. He couldn’t just walk away right? Onew probably already knows that he’s standing there. He sighed before he pushed the door open. “H-hi” he said as he stepped forward.


“Taemin, you don’t have to knock on my door. If you want something then just walk in next time okay?” Taemin nodded but avoided eye contact, unsure of what to say. “So what did you want?” said Onew as he placed his pen on the table.


Taemin tried to say something several times but each time he would stop and think of something else to say. “I-I… uh…” He fidgeted as he switched his balance from foot to foot. Onew chuckled and stood up.

“Spit it out Taemin-ah. I know there is something you want to ask me” Taemin stopped fidgeting. “It’s important… It’s about the maid’s right? You met one not too long ago.”

“I…H-how did you-”

“I watch over you Taemin. I have to make sure you’re always safe, it’s what I promised” he smiled sweetly ad he walked closer to Taemin. “So ask me your question now”

Taemin gimped and took a deep breath, “Did you really take their souls? And did you kill the people that denied you?”

“I did”


Onew was now face to face with Taemin. He placed on hand on Taemin’s arm and the other cupping his cheek. “This mansion needs a lot of people to keep it looking the way it is. I took the people that were willing to find me. The city already knew the legend of this abandoned church. The only people that dared to enter here were ones that wanted to know the truth, so I showed them, and since they knew that, I couldn’t let them go. I couldn’t have the whole city coming after me.” He said as he Taemin cheek with his thumb.


“So why am I still alive then?” Taemin asked, slightly scared of the answer.

“You’re special Taemin.” He leaned in and lightly kissed Taemin lips.

Taemin was use to the random contact with Onew now so the kiss didn’t bother him too much. It’s not like he didn't like it anyways. He waited for Onew to lean back out before he spoke, “How? Why?”

Onew sighed and let go of Taemin, walking back to his desk. “I’ll tell you when the time is ready. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you now anyways.” He sat back in his chair. “Go back and explore Taemin, I’ll see you for dinner.” He picked up his pen and continued to do what he was doing before Taemin interrupted him.


Taemin was going ask Onew to tell him but he looked like he didn’t want to talk anymore so Taemin just left. He closed the door behind him as he walked down the corridor, exploring the house once again.


It had been a week since Taemin moved in with Onew and he always seemed off. There was something odd going on with those two. Some days Taemin would have red spots on his back or chest. He only knew this because they had the same gym class and they were always the last ones to change so everyone had already left. He had planned on asking Taemin but the boy looked so oblivious of them that he would probably panic, so he didn’t bother.


That wasn’t the only thing either. One day Taemin got cut and beat up from a couple of the kids at school because he would get drivin to school every day. It was always in a different car too, but all expensive sports cars. He got beat up pretty bad but the next day he returned looking like nothing happened. Not even a scar on his thin body.


There was something up. Something unnatural and it needed to be stopped. He knew this ‘Onew’ guy was a lie and he needed to figure out what Taemin was hiding.


Kim Kibum did not let anyone hide anything from him. He would figure out the truth, even if it killed him.

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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 18: Yep, sequel please...
11 streak #2
Just wondering if there is a sequel???
nobara #3
Chapter 18: Sequel please!!!
Yayoihope #4
Oh my god!!!!! Cool Picture!!!!!!!!!!
LG jp
Mrin_Jr #5
hi author ! I read and subscribed your fic for a long time and I really like it. So I wanna translate " Love for a Demon" into Vietnamese and share it to my friends in VietNam.I promise credit full and give you link when I finish. I hope you agree
Chapter 18: YAY I love the ending hun, I'm so so so glad that Taemin was ok, and that he gets to be with Jinki now, I'm reeeeeeally looking forward to the sequel, *excited squeal* it's gonna be epic, I can't wait to see what happens with OnTae, and to Key and Joon, I hope they get together, ;-D and this business with Jinki's twin, ;-O I'm glad that Key gave them his blessing; fantastic job hun, well done. <3 ;-P
awww endd?:"(( but huhuhuh ,make a sequel with M rate juseyooo :'*
Chapter 18: Ya sequal~!!!
im really excited to read about it XD
I love this story so much <3 I'm dying to read the sequel ><