Love for a Demon

Love for a Demon



It was a gloomy day and Taemin really didn’t want to go through with the bet.


“Taemin I don’t care what you say. You lost the bet, now go!” Jonghyun said as he pointed to the old abandoned church.

“But Jonghyun-”

“No buts, you lost fair-in-square.”


Taemin just held his head low as he started to shake. The young boy had always been easy the scare. He hated any type of horror movie, sometimes action movies would even scare him.


As he walked up to the old building, he eyes started to water. All of this started over him losing a bet one day earlier.


Taemin’s class had just let out for lunch so he made his way to the cafeteria to meet up with his friends. They were in their regular spot, in the corner by the window. He walked over to the table and sat down.


“Hey guys!” Taemin greeted the three boys sitting at the table.

“Hey Taemin, we were just talking about the abandoned building at the edge of town,” Key said. “Legend has it that something lurks inside, haunting it, but no one knows what it is. They say that whoever goes in, usually never comes back out and the ones that do are mute, too scared to talk about what happened. They’re forced to go through therapy and live in a mental ward.”


Taemin didn’t like where this was going. Just the idea of something that bad would give him nightmares.


“My friend said that when he passed there one day, he could see a shadow in the window. He couldn’t tell what it was but it looked human. When he looked again, it was gone. He’s never walked that way ever again.” said Key as he smirked and leaned back.

“Guys let’s have a bet,” Jonghyun said and Taemin nearly had a heart attack. He always hated when Jonghyun started bets. “Last one to get a girl for tomorrow’s party, goes in the church.” He said with a wicked smile.


Taemin wished he could just kill himself now. He never talked to girls. He would even avoid them in class. He sighed and banged his head on the table.


“Sounds good to me Jjong!” said Key as he pulled out his phone, going through the numbers to text someone. Minho just nodded and leaned back in his chair.


“It’s settled then! See you all tomorrow,” said Jonghyun as he stood, leaving for class. The bell rang moments after that and everyone walked back to class. Taemin was not excited for tomorrow. Jonghyun was a playboy so all of the girls fell for him, it wouldn’t be hard for him to find one. Minho was already in a relationship with a girl for a solid 2 years, and Key, well Key had Amber and Amber would never say no to anything Key asked to bring her to. They weren’t in a relationship but they were always together.


Taemin sighed as he sat down in his desk. He was thinking about who he could ask. All he had to do was get someone before Jonghyun and he didn’t have to go in that creepy church. He knew one girl that he was able to talk to. She was in the class beside his. He would ask her to go with him after class. She was a nice girl so she probably wouldn’t say no.


As class ended, Taemin packed up his bags and ran to the class next door. He spotted her walk out and called her, “Gwiboon!” She turned around and smiled as she saw Taemin.


“Hey Taemin, what’s up?” she asked.

“I, uh, I actually have a question. Will you go to the party tomorrow with me?” He asked as he rubbed the back of his head, nervous.

“That’s so sweet of you Taemin, but I actually agreed to go with Jonghyun. He asked me right before lunch ended. Sorry Taemin!”


That’s it, Taemin was doomed. There was no way he could ask anyone else. Jonghyun knew this and probably did it on purpose. “N-no, it okay. Thanks anyways.” Taemin bowed and faked a smile, leaving to go home.


The next day was a terrible one for Taemin. As he guessed, all of his friends had someone to go with and Taemin was all alone.


“Looks like Taemin gets to go into the abandoned church.” Jonghyun said with a smirk. Taemin swore that Jonghyun hated him. “Well meet there at 7 tonight okay?”


Everyone nodded and Taemin just sat there. He muttered a “Yeah” then waked off to his class. He just wanted the day to be over.


As Taemin was walking to the church, he had an unnatural feeling to walk a different way. He followed the feeling and he walked through a bunch of shortcuts that no one probably knew of. It was a fun little adventure for him.


When he got to his destination, Jonghyun Key and Minho were all standing there. “You’re late” Jonghyun said in a cold tone.

“Sorry, I took a different path.”

“Doesn’t matter, now get in there.”


All the happiness that was in Taemin before, suddenly vanished. When he didn’t move, Jonghyun pulled his arm and guided him to the doors then ran back to Key and Minho.

“Good luck Taemin” Said Key.


Taemin just whimpered and grabbed the doors, pushing them open. They made a loud creaking noise and echoed off of the church walls. He slowly walked forward until he reached the first pew. He put his hand on it and swiped at the dust. As he pulled his hand back, he noticed his hand was black with dusk. He shook his hand to remove the dust.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew through the church, causing the doors to smash shut. Taemin screamed as he ran to the doors, trying to open them but they were sealed shut. It was like the doors were never made to open in the first place.


Taemin’s heart rate began to speed up. He could hear it in his ears.


“My my, that’s an awfully loud heartbeat isn’t it?” said a voice behind Taemin. Taemin’s heart nearly stopped as he heard the voice. Tears started rolling down his face as he turned around.


The figure standing in front of his was human. It took a while for Taemin to get accustomed to the darkness but once he did, he could see the features of the man’s face. Golden brown hair covering pale skin, he had plump lips and soothing brown eyes. It was a perfect mix of beauty. Taemin thought that this man wasn’t capable of hurting anyone.


The man’s face was gentle until he spoke up. His eyes went a deep red and fangs sprouted from his mouth. His skin colour faded more to a light grey and his body shape changed. Wings sprouted from his back and his hair grew longer. He would look terrifying to anyone else but for some weird reason, Taemin was intrigued by the thing standing in front of him. It was scary yes, but Taemin felt drawn to know more about the demon standing before him.


“I was expecting you Lee Taemin. Glad you could show up”


A/N: I rushed a bit in areas but i think its pretty decent. Comments are much appreciated! :D

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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 18: Yep, sequel please...
11 streak #2
Just wondering if there is a sequel???
nobara #3
Chapter 18: Sequel please!!!
Yayoihope #4
Oh my god!!!!! Cool Picture!!!!!!!!!!
LG jp
Mrin_Jr #5
hi author ! I read and subscribed your fic for a long time and I really like it. So I wanna translate " Love for a Demon" into Vietnamese and share it to my friends in VietNam.I promise credit full and give you link when I finish. I hope you agree
Chapter 18: YAY I love the ending hun, I'm so so so glad that Taemin was ok, and that he gets to be with Jinki now, I'm reeeeeeally looking forward to the sequel, *excited squeal* it's gonna be epic, I can't wait to see what happens with OnTae, and to Key and Joon, I hope they get together, ;-D and this business with Jinki's twin, ;-O I'm glad that Key gave them his blessing; fantastic job hun, well done. <3 ;-P
awww endd?:"(( but huhuhuh ,make a sequel with M rate juseyooo :'*
Chapter 18: Ya sequal~!!!
im really excited to read about it XD
I love this story so much <3 I'm dying to read the sequel ><