A Lie to Beat the Truth

Love for a Demon


“YOU’RE WHAT NOW!?” Key screamed.

“I said I’m moving in with him.” Taemin said calmly, trying to hide his fear. “”He’s helping me pack tonight so I’ll be all moved by tomorrow.”

“Lee Taemin. How long have you known this guy?” Key asked as he looked directly at Taemin.

“I’ve known him for about 3 years now. He’s a great-“

“DON’T LIE TO ME! I’ve known you long enough that I can tell when you’re lying to me. Tell me the truth.”


Taemin sighed. He didn’t want to tell Key because he wouldn’t understand. ‘It’s not like I can tell him that Onew is actually a demon and that if I don’t move in there then I’ll die. I mean how stupid does that sound? Why did I have to say that?’ Taemin thought. He immediately wanted to take back what he said earlier but he was confused and didn’t know what to say so he spurted it out. He had to make a lie that was good enough for Kim Kibum to believe. And then it hit him.


“Fine, I’ll tell you.” He sighed before he continued, “He was one of my brother’s good friends before I moved here. He used to tease me with scary stories and make me watch horror movies. One day when he got really hurt, he told me it was because he watched ‘The Ring’ and the girl from it tried to kill him but he got away. That was when the attacks started. When he heard about what he did to me, he tried desperately to apologize and say it was fake, but it didn’t help. The attacks would just randomly come and he made it a point that he would always be there. That’s why he was able to calm me down so easily and it was also the reason I could only call his name. He was a big part of my life.”


Key was staring him down. It was a huge lie that Taemin came up with and he hoped that he could pull it off. Taemin made it a point that he would keep eye contact with Key through it all.


“Why didn’t you tell me before Taeminnie? If he was the one to completely change your life why didn’t you tell anyone about him?”

“Well he lived farther away and then he went and traveled for a couple of years. I didn’t think I would see him again so I didn’t bother bringing it up. Plus most people would probably have laughed at the story anyways”

 Key nodded at Taemin as they started walking to their classes. “So why are you moving in with him?”


Taemin really wanted Key to stop asking questions since it was hard to Taemin to come up with understandable lies. “Well he was a big part of my past and I really missed him when he left so when I heard he came to Seoul I wanted to see him and that’s where he asked if I wanted to move in. He has lots of room and it’s lonely living alone.” Taemin faked a pout at Key.


“Aigoo, Taemin, you could have moved in with me.” Taemin mentally smirked as Key bought his fake pout.

“I know Umma but I haven’t seen Onew for years!” He giggled as they reached Taemin’s class. “I’ll see you later!” he said as he walked into his class and fell into his chair, head hitting the desk. He groaned as he looked out the window. “Man this is harder than I thought. Not like the movies at all.” He said under his breath.


The last bell of the day finally rang and Taemin quickly left his class. He didn’t want to talk to people about this morning and the red sports car. He had been bugged the whole day from his class mates and he was definitely tired of it.


As he walked outside, he was greeted by the same shiny red sports car that had dropped him off earlier. Taemin looked at the car then at Onew who was standing beside it. He was dressed in a beautiful blue dress shirt and a black silk tie. Over that was a vest and blazer, both in black. He looked stunning to Taemin and he noticed his cheeks were getting hot. He shook his head as he walked over to Onew.


“Can we leave quickly? I don’t like it when people stare.” Taemin said as he continued to watch the people stare at him.


“You should be used to it since you’re so beautiful. I know that’s one of the reasons I stare at you.” Onew said as he leaned in a kissed Taemin on the lips quickly.


Taemin turned a deep red as he stepped away from Onew quickly. “W-what did you do that for!?”


“Its cause I love you Minnie. Now get in.” Onew opened the door to the car and stepped in.


Taemin shook his head and ran to the other side of the car and practically jumped in. He would have looked around at the people staring at him but right now, after what Onew just did, he didn’t want to see their faces.


“I packed up all your things and moved them while you were at school so we don’t need to go to your apartment.”


“Thanks” he said as he looked out the window, admiring the scenery as the two drove out to the old church -that was HUGE on the inside- on the edge of town.



Little did he know what someone was actually watching them from afar.

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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 18: Yep, sequel please...
11 streak #2
Just wondering if there is a sequel???
nobara #3
Chapter 18: Sequel please!!!
Yayoihope #4
Oh my god!!!!! Cool Picture!!!!!!!!!!
LG jp
Mrin_Jr #5
hi author ! I read and subscribed your fic for a long time and I really like it. So I wanna translate " Love for a Demon" into Vietnamese and share it to my friends in VietNam.I promise credit full and give you link when I finish. I hope you agree
Chapter 18: YAY I love the ending hun, I'm so so so glad that Taemin was ok, and that he gets to be with Jinki now, I'm reeeeeeally looking forward to the sequel, *excited squeal* it's gonna be epic, I can't wait to see what happens with OnTae, and to Key and Joon, I hope they get together, ;-D and this business with Jinki's twin, ;-O I'm glad that Key gave them his blessing; fantastic job hun, well done. <3 ;-P
awww endd?:"(( but huhuhuh ,make a sequel with M rate juseyooo :'*
Chapter 18: Ya sequal~!!!
im really excited to read about it XD
I love this story so much <3 I'm dying to read the sequel ><