Second Sighting

Love for a Demon


A/N: I feel like I’m over exaggerating but it makes for good plot yes? -___-;; yeah its bad… lost focus I guess? I didn’t express Taemin’s fear enough in the first chapters. On an unrelated topic, I kindof just randomply pick the pictures when i'm about to post so they're going to make sense.. lol sorry XD But at least there's a picture~




The next few days went by terribly for Taemin. He was afraid of being alone so he stayed with Key in his apartment. The only thing Taemin was capable of saying was Onew and every time he did, he would have an attack. He tried desperately to say something other than the demons name but nothing came out.


“Still can’t say anything Taeminnie?” asked Key.

“Mmm mm” he shook his head. It was the only way Taemin was able to communicate.

Key sighed and sat down beside Taemin on the couch. “At least you’re able to communicate, unlike the others that had to go in a mental ward.” Key turned Taemin and hugged him close, “It’s okay, we’ll fix you back to normal Minnie.”


It was about 2am when Key was woken by groans and weeping sounds coming from his spare room. “Onew” Key could hear Taemin whimpering that word again and he got up quickly. He ran to Taemin’s door and pushed it open, turning on the lights.


What Key saw was something he would have never imagined. Taemin was squirming on his bed, neck and hands covered in blood, his blood. He was scratching at the side of his neck, digging into the already open wound.


“Taemin! Oh my god what are you doing!” Key screamed as he ran to Taemin, pulling the younger’s hands away from his neck.

“Onew, Onew, No!” Taemin sobbed.

“Shh baby, there’s nothing here. Calm down.” Key said as he used his free hand to caress Taemin’s face. “Shh, that’s better. I’m right here, you’re safe.”


Taemin’s tears stopped and his breathing evened. He felt disgusting. He could still feel Onew’s lips on his neck and he hated it. It was the reason he started scratching it in the first place.


Key left Taemin once he was back to normal. He came back with bandages, a cloth, and a bowl of water. He dipped the cloth in water then started washing off the blood on Taemin’s hands. Once they were clean, he moved to Taemin’s neck. He patted the cloth over the wound as Taemin hissed. “It hurts I know, just don’t move.” He continued to clean Taemin’s neck until all the blood was rinsed off. He took the bandages and put them on Taemin’s neck gently.


As Key got up to leave, Taemin whimpered and grabbed the bottom of Key’s shirt. “What’s wrong? Want me to say here tonight?”


Taemin nodded and released Key’s shirt. Key climbed on the bed and laid beside Taemin, holding him close. Taemin feel asleep peacefully in Keys arms that night.


The next day he had school and Taemin wasn’t the least bit excited for that. School meant talking and it also meant seeing Jonghyun again. Taemin still wasn’t able to say anything other the Onew and Jonghyun had already made fun of that 2 nights before.


“Ready to go Minnie?” asked Key as he made his way to the door.


Taemin nodded and walked out the door with Key. They made it to school with time to spare so they met up with Minho and Jonghyun at their regular table.


“Morning guys!” greeted Key as he sat down. Taemin just nodded and waved at the two at the table.

“Morning” Said Jonghyun and Minho in unison. “So Taemin, Got some questions for you” Jonghyun said with a smirk.

Taemin looked up at Jonghyun and crooked his head, “Hm?”

“Still only saying Onew? And what’s with the bandage?!” Jonghyun laughed.


Taemin brought his hand up and held his neck where the bandage was, looking down to avoid eye contact. He leaned on Key’s shoulder and tried to hide his face from shame and embarrassment.

“Sorry Minnie, bear with it, he’s Minho’s best friend.” Said key as he rubbed Taemin’s arm.


The bell rang loudly and everyone got up to walk to class. Taemin on the other hand took his time, not wanting to get made fun of from his classmates. Due to his thin figure and pretty face, he was usually made fun of. Now adding the huge bandage on his neck and the ability to only say one word… Class wasn’t going to be fun for him.


When he got to class, he made sure not to say anything to anyone. He would simply smile and nod if someone talked to him. It was awkward at times but Taemin just had to ignore it.


When it was finally the end of the day, Taemin was happier. He would finally be able to go home and act more normally around Key. Taemin waited on the benches outside the school for Key. His phone buzzed and he assumed it was Key. He took it out of his pocket and looked at the message.


From: Key

Hey Taemin, I’m going to be a little late. Some jerk decided not to clean up properly so I have to. Won’t take long! I’ll meet you in 5.


Taemin sighed as he texted him back. He didn’t mind it though, it was a nice day. A couple of minutes went by before a man dressed in black walked by. He was well dressed. The man wore a black suit with a red dress shirt underneath. It was ed at the top and the tie was hanging loosely. The man didn’t bother Taemin until he was close enough that he could see the man’s face. It was the same golden hair covering pale skin, plump lips and soothing brown eyes that Taemin had saw earlier.


Taemin started to freak out. What should he do? He was too close to get up and run away without being noticed. His heart beat quickened and he started breathing quickly.


As the man walked closer, he stopped in front of Taemin. “Fancy meeting you here, you’re usually walking home by now.” said the man as he leaned in closer to Taemin.


Taemin tried to lean away but he was already as close to the back of the bench as he could get. “Onew”

The man smirked, “Glad you could remember my name Taemin.”


Key had just finished cleaning the room so he picked up his bag and made his way to where Taemin was waiting for him. As he walked out of the school he saw Taemin huddled on the bench as a man in a suit was leaning over him. When the man reached out and touched Taemin’s face, that’s when Key stepped in.


“YAH! What do you think you’re doing! Get away from him!” screamed Key as he ran up to Taemin.


Taemin was curled up and breathing quickly. He was having another attack. Key sat down on the bench and started soothing him. “Shh baby, it’s ok. Calm down,” Key turned to the man and sent him a glare. “Leave us. Now!”


“Hmm, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Look at little Taemin there, he isn’t calming down is he?” The man smirked and leaned in to Taemin’s ear. He whispered something that Key couldn’t hear then leaned back out. Almost instantly Taemin calmed down. His heart rate stabilized and his breathing was normal.

“Onew” said Taemin as he reached out to the man.

The man grabbed Taemin’s hand and stood him up. He brought his head once again close to Taemin’s ear and whispered something. As he leaned out, Taemin passed out, falling into the man’s arms. “Good boy” said the man as he started walking away with Taemin in his arms.

“Yah! Where are you taking him!?” screamed Key as he stood up.

“Home. Don’t worry, he’ll be safe” the man smirked and turned back around, walking away.


Key was left to stand there in a daze as he saw his friend being carried away by a man he’s never seen before. Key could do nothing about it and he just hoped that Taemin would be safe.

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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 18: Yep, sequel please...
11 streak #2
Just wondering if there is a sequel???
nobara #3
Chapter 18: Sequel please!!!
Yayoihope #4
Oh my god!!!!! Cool Picture!!!!!!!!!!
LG jp
Mrin_Jr #5
hi author ! I read and subscribed your fic for a long time and I really like it. So I wanna translate " Love for a Demon" into Vietnamese and share it to my friends in VietNam.I promise credit full and give you link when I finish. I hope you agree
Chapter 18: YAY I love the ending hun, I'm so so so glad that Taemin was ok, and that he gets to be with Jinki now, I'm reeeeeeally looking forward to the sequel, *excited squeal* it's gonna be epic, I can't wait to see what happens with OnTae, and to Key and Joon, I hope they get together, ;-D and this business with Jinki's twin, ;-O I'm glad that Key gave them his blessing; fantastic job hun, well done. <3 ;-P
awww endd?:"(( but huhuhuh ,make a sequel with M rate juseyooo :'*
Chapter 18: Ya sequal~!!!
im really excited to read about it XD
I love this story so much <3 I'm dying to read the sequel ><