Time for Change

Love for a Demon



A/N: I think I made Onew bi-polar... Sorry that everything is everywhere. I'm working on changing that! ^^;;



When Taemin woke up it was completely black. He couldn’t see anything and when he raised his hands close to his face, there was still nothing there. He sat up quickly and started to feel around for something, anything. He felt a warm hand cover his.


“Calm down, you’re in a bed.” said the voice as he clicked his fingers, turning on some lights in the room.


As soon as the lights Taemin moved to the far edge of the bed, away from the man. “Onew! W-why am I here?” said Taemin, “I can talk again!?” he brought his hands up to his throat. When he noticed there wasn’t a bandage there he felt around for a wound, a scar, anything, but there was nothing there other than smooth skin.


“I cleaned that up for you. Can’t have scares on that beautiful skin now can we?” smiled Onew. “I brought you here because I was missing you, and I could tell you were missing me too.”


Onew stood up and walked to the other side of the bed where Taemin was sitting. He sat down and paced his hands on Taemin’s. Taemin tried to move his hands away but Onew was too strong for him. “Taemin look, your soul, there’s something I missed before.”

“Onew, please, just let me go!”

“Taemin I can’t, it’s too dangerous.”


Taemin’s heartbeat quickened. He didn’t want to be stuck in this abandoned church with a demon. Even if the demon was extremely beautiful, he didn’t want to risk his life. Taemin remembered the first time he met Onew. He remembered how the beautiful man in front of him turned into something that’s only in stories. How the man took control of him and rendered Taemin utterly useless. That’s what scares Taemin.


Taemin was breathing quickly, entering an attack again. “Taemin calm down.” When that didn’t work for Taemin, Onew leaned closer to Taemin’s ear. “Saranghae” As if on cue, Taemin once again calmed down immediately.


“Wha- How… How did you do that?”

“We’re connected Taemin. Connected in ways that you would have never imagined.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“Your soul is special Taemin. It’s extremely rare so you have to be careful. Demons everywhere will try and take it from you.”


Taemin looked at Onew with a blank face. He laughed sarcastically and forced his hands away from Onew, once again breaking the trance. “You’re probably just saying that because you want my soul!” He rolled to the other side of the bed and stood up, grabbing his bag from the floor. “Well you’re not going to have it! I love my life thank you, so stay out of it!” With that, Taemin ran out of the room, finding his way out of the church and continued running down the street until he thought he was far enough.


He got about 5 blocks until he needed to stop for breath. “Demons coming after me… huh… That’s funny, why would they come now if it would have been easier to get me as a child?” he said to himself as he continued walking down the road.


It was about 8pm when he reached his home. He unlocked the door and walked in. It had been another terrible day but at least he was able to properly communicate with the world now. He reached his room and collapsed on his bed, not caring about his clothes. He slept peacefully that night, but he didn’t know it was going to be one of his last peaceful nights.


The next few days went buy smoothly for Taemin. He was able to talk properly talk again and Jonghyun didn’t bother him too much. Class had just ended for the day and Taemin was heading home.


“Taemin!” A voice called from behind him. Taemin turned around to see his classmate Kai running up to him.

“Hey Kai, what’s up?”

“Ah, not much… Actually can I talk to you? Alone?”

“Yeah sure”


Taemin walked with Kai until they were behind the school where no one goes. It was quiet and eerie but it didn’t bother Taemin as much as it used to.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Taemin asked innocently.

“A-actually it’s about you. I…” Kai took a deep breath as his cheeks turned dark pink, “I love you Taemin.”


To say Taemin was shocked by what Kai said was an understatement.


“I love everything about you. Your hair, your eyes, you smile, your sent… your soul… and I won’t let anyone else have it!” Kais features suddenly turned dark. The pink on his cheeks vanished as quickly as it appeared. His face grew pale and claws came out of his fingertips.


Taemin tried to back away but was back to back with the school wall. “K-Kai… What are you-“

Kai brought his finger up to Taemin’s lips, “Shh Taemin. As much as I love your voice, I don’t want to hear it now. I just want to taste your soul. It’s extravagant.” Kai brought his hand away and placed it on Taemin’s chest. “Let’s see how beautiful your skin is stained in your own blood.”


Kai slowly punctured Taemin’s skin with his nails, swiping his hand down to create three straight cuts to Taemin’s chest. Taemin screamed in pain but was too far away from anything for anyone to hear. Kai stood back to admire his work as Taemin fell to the ground, clutching his chest to try to stop the pain. He brought his hand to his lips and away at the blood. “Mmm you’re delicious Taemin.”


As Kai was about to swipe again at Taemin, causing the death of him, he was forcefully pushed away and flew into a wall, shattering the wall on impact. “How dare you touch what belongs to me!” screamed the figure standing in front of Taemin.


Taemin looked down and saw his hands. They were drenched in blood. Everywhere he looked was stained with the colour red, and all he could feel was pain. Pain and depression. Depression that he wouldn’t be able to see the face of his saviour.


Everything around Taemin was fading and the pain was finally subsiding. The last thing Taemin could remember was wings. Big black wings and the softness of the feathers, and he happily welcomed them.


A/N: Was it any good? Comments are much appreciated! :D

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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 18: Yep, sequel please...
11 streak #2
Just wondering if there is a sequel???
nobara #3
Chapter 18: Sequel please!!!
Yayoihope #4
Oh my god!!!!! Cool Picture!!!!!!!!!!
LG jp
Mrin_Jr #5
hi author ! I read and subscribed your fic for a long time and I really like it. So I wanna translate " Love for a Demon" into Vietnamese and share it to my friends in VietNam.I promise credit full and give you link when I finish. I hope you agree
Chapter 18: YAY I love the ending hun, I'm so so so glad that Taemin was ok, and that he gets to be with Jinki now, I'm reeeeeeally looking forward to the sequel, *excited squeal* it's gonna be epic, I can't wait to see what happens with OnTae, and to Key and Joon, I hope they get together, ;-D and this business with Jinki's twin, ;-O I'm glad that Key gave them his blessing; fantastic job hun, well done. <3 ;-P
awww endd?:"(( but huhuhuh ,make a sequel with M rate juseyooo :'*
Chapter 18: Ya sequal~!!!
im really excited to read about it XD
I love this story so much <3 I'm dying to read the sequel ><