Old vs the New

Love for a Demon


“Not going to… what?” Key said, speechless.


“He won’t be the same.” Onew stated before he turned to Joon. “Joon I need you to get me a knife, a bowl of water with ice, and some cloths. Quickly please.” Joon ran out of the room and fetched everything Onew needed.


“What do you mean he won’t be the same!? AND WHY DO YOU NEED A KNIFE!?” Key screamed, jumping out of his chair.


“Key calm down, he’ll be the same Taemin on the inside, I wouldn’t let anything happen to that, but his outer appearance will be different. He won’t be an archangel or a demon, but a hybrid of them both. He will become something extremely rare. No human had ever made it this far.” Onew said as Joon ran back into the room with everything Onew needed. Onew took one of the cloths and dropped it into the ice water to make it cold. He rung out the excess water before placing it on Taemin’s forehead to cool him down.


Taemin’s groans quieted down when the cold cloth came in contact with his skin.


“What do you mean no human has gotten this far? What happened to them?”


“To put it simply, they got eaten by a demon.” Joon chimed in.


Key stood there with a blank face before collapsing in the chair. “…Why now though? Wouldn’t it have just been easier to kill him as a baby or child?”


“Yeah it would have been a lot easier, but a soul like this is most ripe just before it’s awakening. It lets out a pheromone that attracts demons. It’s extremely hard to resist, even to high ranking demons like myself.” Onew said.


“What kind of ranking are you? And what are the rankings?” asked Key


“I’m at the top, directly below Lucifer himself. I’m one of his offspring, an A Class demon. Other then me there is only one out there, my twin. Below me are B Class demons like Joon. They’re able to freely transform between demon and human form. Some, like Joon, are capable of having special powers. Joon here is able to resist anything he chooses. It’s not one of the best, but it was very helpful to help Taemin.” Onew smiled and looked over at Taemin.


“C Class demons are unable to take human form. Usually they will hide in the shadows and will smartly attack humans. Class D demons are the worst though. We call them the ‘Lost’. They attack when they please, not caring about hiding themselves. They’re ruthless beings.”


“The last are the ‘Hunters’. They’re most feared by demons. They’re a pack of highly intelligent humans set out to destroy every demon they find. The only thing they don’t know is that their leader is an A class demon.”


“A Class… but isn’t that your twin?” Key asked.


“Yes, yes it is.” Onew sighed. “Joon, pass me the knife” Onew said as he held out his hand.


“Wait wait wait, what are you planning on doing to Taemin?” Key asked, still slightly confused.


“I need to stop the current archangel transformation and start up a demon one.”


“What!? But I don’t want my baby becoming a demon!!” Key jumped in his chair.


“He won’t be, not like me at least. He will be a rare hybrid that will have power to defend himself and help others. He will be a shield and power source to the demons he wishes.” Onew said calmly.


“What do you mean? How will he do that?”


“Simple. If he chooses, he would easily be able to heal the burn marks up my arms with a simple touch. That same very touch could cause the burn too. He’ll be even more special then he already is” Onew looked down and smiled sweetly at Taemin.


Key saw the look in Onew’s eyes. It wasn’t hunger, or lust; it was something sweet, something pure. It was simply love. “You…” Key hesitated, “You really do love him, don’t you?”


Onew smiled, “I don’t love anything more then him.”


“How though? How is a demon able to find love? I always though that demons were ruthless beings who found joy in killing.”


“Each demon has a weak point though, their heart. Every demon has a link in their soul, they just have to find the other being that it links to. When that happens, neither of them will be able to be apart from another. They belong together, and if they can’t, they die. Mine just so happens to be Taemin, and I love him, I love him with all my heart. I would do anything for this boy.” Onew said as he Taemin’s cheek, burning his fingers in the process but not caring.


“Okay… You have my blessings then” Key smiled.


Onew quickly smiled back before getting up and walking over to Joon, grabbing the knife from him. “Key, can you close the blinds, he’ll be sensitive to the lights when I’m done.” Key nodded and closed the blinds quickly.


Onew walked back over to Taemin and held his arm out. He took the knife and cut his wrist just enough for the blood to spill out. He aimed his arm so that the blood hit Taemin’s mouth, prying it open with his other hand so the blood entered his mouth.


When Onew thought the amount of blood was enough, he moved his hand away and whipped the blood on a cloth. Taemin’s groans and rapid breathing lessened, making Key smile. Onew saw the smile and chuckled deeply, almost doing a 180 on his personality. “You think it’s over? The worst had yet to happen.” The blood drained from Key’s face, making it a ghostly white.


“Joon, grab his legs, you shout be able to hold him without burning yourself, Key grab his arm, don’t let go.” Onew said as he held Taemin’s other arm with one hand and applied pressure on Taemin’s chest with the other.


When Taemin’s breathing had gone back to normal, everything was quiet for a minute until Taemin stopped breathing in total, making Key panic. “Key calm down, focus, keep your hold on his arm.” Onew said.


Just as Onew finished his sentence, Taemin’s eyes opened quickly, changing colours between brown, red and blue. When they settled on red he started thrashing on the bed, screaming loudly. It was a blood screaming cry which hurt everyone’s ears. Tears were streaming down his face in mere seconds.


Onew applied more pressure on Taemin’s chest since Key could hardly hold on to his arm. Taemin continued to thrash around for about 5 more minutes until his body had calmed down. His screams had lessened as well.


When Taemin’s body was merely shaking, Onew knew it was done. He told Joon and Key to let go and that he would be fine. Onew sat on the bed and pet Taemin’s hair, removing some from his face. Taemin rolled into Onew and hugged his waist weekly, still slightly crying. Onew just pulled him in closer and continued to pet and sooth Taemin until he was completely back to normal.


Taemin tried to get up enough to sit on the bed, which he did with some help of Onew. He looked at Onew and smiled, leaning in for a proper hug. “I love you too Onew” He whispered with a raspy voice due to the screaming. He pulled back and kissed Onew lovingly, trying to express all the feelings he had bottled up. Onew pulled him in close and kissed back, completely content with the situation.

I feel like i rushed the ending a bit too much... :/ Hope you guys like it.

I'll be starting the sequal/next eventually, until then i'll mark this story complete.. (I'm very lazy and have lost the mood for writing)

If you could upvote this fic, that would mean the world to me, other then comments of course~ I love comments~ :D

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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 18: Yep, sequel please...
11 streak #2
Just wondering if there is a sequel???
nobara #3
Chapter 18: Sequel please!!!
Yayoihope #4
Oh my god!!!!! Cool Picture!!!!!!!!!!
LG jp
Mrin_Jr #5
hi author ! I read and subscribed your fic for a long time and I really like it. So I wanna translate " Love for a Demon" into Vietnamese and share it to my friends in VietNam.I promise credit full and give you link when I finish. I hope you agree
Chapter 18: YAY I love the ending hun, I'm so so so glad that Taemin was ok, and that he gets to be with Jinki now, I'm reeeeeeally looking forward to the sequel, *excited squeal* it's gonna be epic, I can't wait to see what happens with OnTae, and to Key and Joon, I hope they get together, ;-D and this business with Jinki's twin, ;-O I'm glad that Key gave them his blessing; fantastic job hun, well done. <3 ;-P
awww endd?:"(( but huhuhuh ,make a sequel with M rate juseyooo :'*
Chapter 18: Ya sequal~!!!
im really excited to read about it XD
I love this story so much <3 I'm dying to read the sequel ><