Not the Same

Love for a Demon


Key ran with Taemin in his arms as fast as he could, Joon close behind. Many things were buzzing through his head but one seemed to be more important than the rest.


“How did you know my name?” Key asked, between breathing in air.


“I’ve been watching over Taemin since he left, and I’ve been remember the names of the people around him.” Joon -who seemed unfazed by all the running- answered.


“Why?” he gasped.


“Isn’t that the normal thing to do? Remembering names?”


Key groaned, “No, why were you watching over Taemin?”


“Onew asked me to. He cares for that boy so much.”


“Then why did he attack Taemin? Why couldn’t he protect him? Why wasn’t he the one here to save him?” Key asked as he slowed down.


“Everything will be explained later, for now just keep running. Taemin doesn’t have time for your questions.” Joon pushed Key and ran faster.


They ran down a couple of more blocks before they were met with the old church. As they were nearing the doors, they swung open and Onew ran out.


“Thank god you’re here!” He said as he ran to Key.


“Isn’t that a bit weird for a demon of your ranking to say?” Joon said as he giggled.


“Joon, I don’t have time for your foolishness.” Onew pulled Taemin out of Key’s hands.


“Onew! He’ll burn you!” Key said as he tried to pull Taemin back


“Doesn’t matter, this boy means the world to me.”


Onew ran up the stairs and into his bedroom, placing Taemin softly on his fluffy bed. Onew groaned and fell back in a chair he had pulled beside the bed. He patted his arms and inspected the damage.


I had been much worse then Joon. The clothing was completely burnt off. His skin was an angry red and some spots started to bleed. There were burnt areas that started to peel as soon as his arms cooled down.


“Jesus Onew! Why didn’t you let Key carry him! Look at your arms! Damn I have to get something for you!” Joon said as he started running around, not sure what to do.


“Joon, calm down. I can fix this as soon as Taemin is up, he can help.” Onew said calmly, turning to face Taemin on the bed. There were two other chairs around the bed as well, one for both Joon and Key.


“Please hurry Onew!” Key said as he ran to one of the chairs beside Taemin.


“Key… I…” Onew sighed, “Look, he’s not going to be the same if I save him.”


I know this is really short. I was writing and decided that i wanted to end here so it will be super drama filled in the next chapter. It will be the final chapter of this arc. The chapter~ 

Tell me what you think will happen!!~


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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 18: Yep, sequel please...
11 streak #2
Just wondering if there is a sequel???
nobara #3
Chapter 18: Sequel please!!!
Yayoihope #4
Oh my god!!!!! Cool Picture!!!!!!!!!!
LG jp
Mrin_Jr #5
hi author ! I read and subscribed your fic for a long time and I really like it. So I wanna translate " Love for a Demon" into Vietnamese and share it to my friends in VietNam.I promise credit full and give you link when I finish. I hope you agree
Chapter 18: YAY I love the ending hun, I'm so so so glad that Taemin was ok, and that he gets to be with Jinki now, I'm reeeeeeally looking forward to the sequel, *excited squeal* it's gonna be epic, I can't wait to see what happens with OnTae, and to Key and Joon, I hope they get together, ;-D and this business with Jinki's twin, ;-O I'm glad that Key gave them his blessing; fantastic job hun, well done. <3 ;-P
awww endd?:"(( but huhuhuh ,make a sequel with M rate juseyooo :'*
Chapter 18: Ya sequal~!!!
im really excited to read about it XD
I love this story so much <3 I'm dying to read the sequel ><