Chapter 12.

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Chapter 12.

"Yah, it's not like you lost your ity." Jonghyun said with sympathy in his voice.

Yoon Ji shot him a glare,"After that hardly pressed peck on my lips, he gave me one more in french style! And when I tried to push him away, it got worse!"

Jonghyun scratched his head with one hand,"Hm, yeah I didn't see it.. But I have to have my eyes on the streets so stop bothering me."

"I'm not bothering you!"


"Yah." Key interrupted the two bickering,"Yoon Ji."

Taemin slept peacefully between Yoon Ji and Minho, his head resting on Yoon Ji's shoulder, while Key sat on the front seat next to Jonghyun the driver. Yoon Ji looked at Key,"Neh~?"

Key smirked,"You liked it, didn't you! Ayy~ this was so romantic!" *fangirling mode*

Minho rolled his eyes,"Oh gosh, he'll begin with that OTP thing again..."

Key ignored Minho and continued,"You two are my OTP since years! Since I met you! Since.. Since... I don't know but you two are just like-"

"JongKey, hm?" Yoon Ji interrupted with a smug look on her face.

Key looked back and gave her a glare. Yoon Ji pointed innocently at Taemin,"This drunk thing told me, remember?"


After Taemin had given Yoon Ji a french kiss too and had released her after exactly 23 seconds this time, he bounced around a bit while singing,"Me and Yoon Ji~~~ Just like JongKey~~~ Lalala~ You're my Dream Girl oh yeah!.." And then he fainted. Which was actually funny;

Yoon Ji & Minho reminded in their shocked station, Key in fangirl mode. Everything was silent. Then there was  Taemin, he bounced a few metres away singing. Then he suddenly fainted.

So they had to get Jonghyun so they could drive the maknae home and take care of him.

And Onew couldn't leave yet since he was the teachers assistant, and the teacher told him to stay a bit more.

Flashback end.

Key turned back to the front with a pout.

"Yoon Ji," Minho called her in a way Jonghyun and Key couldn't be bothered,"Are you okay? Because of what happened.."

Yoon Ji sighed,"Well, I didn't die, did I ?" 

"Uhm, I found out how Taemin got drunk while Key went looking for Jjong." Minho started and Yoon Ji gave him her full attention.

"He accidently took drinks from the teacher's table." Minho smiled with a `we-should have-known- look,"He already drank 2 cups there and then took two other cups after it while walking around."

"He got drunk quickly." Yoon Ji chuckled. Minho nodded,"Well, I wouldn't!"

"What are you both talking about?" Jonghyun interrupted the two, wiggling his eyebrows,"Maybe you're flirting?"

"No!" Minho and Yoon Ji said at the same time nervously.

Key chuckled,"Yoon Ji, don't you dare to cheat on Taemin with Minho!"

Minho and Yoon Ji made a face and gave each other the `did-you-hear-that-´ look.



When they finally arrived at the building, the quickly entered, Jjong and Minho carrying Taemin, while Key and Yoon Ji walked at the front.

"I can't belive this." Yoon Ji mumbled with a pissed expression,*Kissing every next person or what?!*

"I can't belive this either." Key grinned happily.


"Lay him down here." they entered Yoon Ji's appartment and Yoon Ji gestured to the couch,"It'll be comfortable enough for him."

Key pouted,"Taemin shouldn't sleep on the couch in his condition!"

"What condition, he is drunk!" Minho sighed and lay Taemin down on the couch,"He deserves the hangover anyways."

Yoon Ji nodded her head.


Key shrugged,"Don't come whining to me when he comes in your bed at night!"

"It is night!" Yoon Ji sighed.




"Are you sure you don't want anyone of us to stay?" Minho asked again for the nth time.

Yoon Ji nodded and smiled,"Don't worry, I can take care of myself."

"But Taemin can't.. not that you something like kicking him out right after he wakes up or something.." Jonghyun muttered, looking at her with his puppy eyes. 

Yoon Ji made a face and wanted to shut the door, obviously annoyed,"I'M SLEEPY. BYE." 

But Key stopped her,"We'll come in the morning maybe, okay? I took the spare keys! And again, you sure you want no one to stay here also?"

Yoon Ji nodded,"I would let Minho sleep here, but then again.. Taemin would go crazy again."

"Again?" Jonghyun raised a brow.

"The last time he went crazy because Key slept over." Yoon Ji shrugged and chuckled,"Guys these days."

"I know, sweetie." Key agreed, chuckling too.

Yoon Ji smiled,"Okay, you can go now."

Key smiled,"Okay."

"Bye~!" Jonghyun waved and dragged Key with him.

Minho gave Yoon Ji a smile and left then too,"See you tomorrow, Yoon Jinnie!"

"Yah, only Taemin calls me so!" she yelled after him, laughing. Then closed the door.


She went back to the living room to look for Taemin. A smile curled up her lips seeing him sleeping more peaceful than before,"Good night, Taemin."

She stopped halfway before entering her room and smiled,"To be honest, Tonight.. with your suit and everything you were more like a TaeMAN."

*Besides dancing salsa with Minho.. that wasn't really TaeMAN-ly.* she added in her mind, chuckling

She heard him moving but didn't bother much and went inside her room, closing the door.


Yoon Ji prepared everything so she could go to sleep which took two more hours because she had forgotten to clean the kitchen.

And so she ended up being still awake at 1am. 

"I am so tired!" Yoon Ji sighed deeply and sat down on the floor beside the couch Taemin lay on.

She looked up at him,"If you were awake you could've helped me, Tae."

"Well, I don't think you'll remember anything anyways." she shrugged. Then her eyes wandered from his closed eyes to his lips and she blushed furiously but still taking care to not be too

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noomin #1
Chapter 1: Update soon
Chapter 18: I feel like Kai likes Sulli. .-.
Yoon Ji nooooo!! Don't get rid of your feelings for Taemin. ;_; If he doesn't like Sulli back then who cares? You can't force them to.
Shroomies123 #3
Chapter 18: awww no yoon ji don't forget your feelings for taemin even though I understand where your coming from
Pls upload the next chapter. The Story sounds cool
Chapter 17: Hi:)
Pls upload the next chapter. The Story sounds cool
dm_robot #6
Chapter 17: Question to kai: well its not a question but i think you like sulli xD
Shroomies123 #7
Chapter 17: It was a great update finally!!!!
tae_lover #8
woow i love it author nim^^