
The Mansion 2: Invitations And Journal


Youngmin's POV


It's still 3:00 a.m. Everyone was still asleep while I can't. *Why am I still thinking about what happened earlier? How can I let Tiffany out there while I hid behind the sofa? Am I that scared?* I sighed. I might as well get some water.


Before I open our door. I heard someone outside. I slightly open our door and saw someone going downstairs. His figure is familiar.


I followed him downstairs but he is already gone. He left the main door open. I went outside and saw foot tracks on the sand. I followed it and I end up infront of a big tree.


There is something writen on the tree. "Kai and Jae Bin / Taemin and Jae Bin." I gasped. *Why are Taemin, Kai and Jae Bin's names are writen on it and why is it crossed?*


"Hey." Someone whispered. I turned around but I didn't saw anyone or anything. 'Is a-anyone t-there?" I stuttured. "Help us." Someone pleased.


"Guys, don't scare him. His totally freaked out right now." A voice waved through the woods. "Ugh! Stop it!" I shouted and cover my ears. I run but I tripped to a thin string.


My head hits a rock and my vision is getting blury.



Author's POV


That morning, everyone was abit down. Krystal and Jae Bin is cooking while the sleepy boys are in the living room. "Did anyone of you saw Youngmin." Kwangmin rubs his eyes. "Nope." Baekhyun yawned.


"That's odd, he is usually the first one to wake up." Taemin twitch his eyes. "Maybe his outside." Kai said while his eyes are closed.


"Let's go and check then." Siwon suggested. The boys went outside and find a beautiful sunrise on the horizon. "This is so pretty." Minho was amused. Everyone was also bedazzled.


"Guys! Remember that we are looking for my twin." Kwangmin raises his arms infront of them. Everyone went back to reality and began to search for Youngmin.


"Ok! let's split up. Baekhyun, Minho and I will go to the north side while the three of you go to the south side." Siwon separated them. Everyone nodded and went of.



Kwangmin's POV


"I wish my brother is alright." I sighed. "I know he will." Kai patted my back. "Hey! There's a big tree over there." Taemin run towards it. We followed him and brought us to....MY BROTHER?


He was there, lying on the floor. There is blood on his head and it looks like he hits a rock.


"Youngmin? Wake up! I am here. Come on. You said you wouldn't leave me." Tears started to flow from my eyes. I started to shake his body but his eyes were closed and more on as dead.



Siwon's POV


We look and search but we couldn't see any sign of Youngmin. Then, we went farther and ended up in a shack. We went in and I scanned the room. It was very clean and it looks like someone has been in here.


There was a bed, desk and a bookshelf. I went closer to the desk and saw a paper with names on it:














*Who are this people? Why is Kai's name in there? What happened to them?* I folded the paper and put it in my pocket. "Hyung! Look at this." Baekhyun showed me a book.


"It's Kyuhyun's journal." He was bewildered. "Kyuhyun?" Minho asked in a confused face. "This book is the one I was reading yesterday." His eyes was wide as Minho's eyes were.


*Wait! Kyuhyun's name was also in the paper!* I gasped. "How did it get here?" I took the book. "I don't know. I know I put it in my desk." He looks at me.


"Well, let's go back to the mansion first. Everyone must have been waiting for us." I closed the door and went back to the mansion.



Author's POV


Everyone was outside, waiting for Siwon, Baekhyun and Minho. When they finally appear, everyone was glad. "Where have you 3 been?" Jae Bin nags.


"We're sorry, we are looking for Youngmin but we couldn't." Minho apologized. "We ended up to a shack in the middle of the forest." Baekhyun looks in the ground.


"You don't have to. We already found him." Taemin sighed. "Great! Where is he?" Siwon smiled. "H-he is d-dead." Kwangmin sniffed.


"What?" Minho started to frown. "Where? How?" Baekhyun was shocked. "Next to the big tree. His head hits a rock." Kai looks in the ground. Siwon began to cry, feeling guilty to what he have done.


"Where d-did you b-bury him?" Minho stuttured. "Next to Tiffany." Jae Bin frowned. Rain started to pour.


"Let's all get back inside and eat our breakfast first." Krystal ordered. Everyone sipped their coffee quietly. "By the way, what did you find in the shack?" Jae Bin breaks the silence.


"This." Baekhyun showed a book. "The book you were reading yesterday?" Taemin choked. "Yeah! I don't know how did it get there." He examines the book.



Jae Bin's POV


"Someone must have brought it there." I bit my bread. "By who?" Kai raises his eyebrow. "Maybe a ghost?" Baekhyun joked.


"True! I don't know if you would belive me but I saw a ghost in the kitchen. He even introduced himself. I think his name is Jonghyun?" I told them. Then, Minho began to squeal.


"Really? I saw one too. When we are playing hide and seek, I saw a girl with an angelic voice but she didn't introduce herself." Minho's eyes was as big as it can be.


"Mine's even worse. I saw a girl on the mirror but when I look at my side, she was not there and when I look back at the mirror, she was still there." Krystal explained.


"Well, you three have already experience some spirits around the mansion. Is that the cause of Tiffany and Youngmin's death?" Kwangmin questioned.


"It's possible, but why don't we continue what we are doing yesterday." Siwon suggested. "Yeah." Everyone agreed. "Ok!" Baekhyun smiled.


7 - 5 - 12


Today wasn't great at all. There has been a rivalry between Yoona and Jessica because of Donghae. Yoona locked herself in their room while Jessica went outside.


We tried to knock on her room but she won't answer it so we went outside to ask if Jessica can talk to her but she wasn't alive anymore. Someone stabbed her on the chest with a stick.


We tend to open Yoona's room to check if she is also alright. She was but she was also sad when she heard about her sister's death. I scanned the room and saw a thread on the window. I opened it and saw a ladder outside. Could she be the killer?




Everyone gasp. "What if she was the killer? What if she is the reason of Tiffany and Youngmin's death?" Kai hugs a pillow. "We don't know yet. We are still not in the half of the journal." Jae Bin smartly explained.



Siwon's POV


Hmm! Yoona? Jessica? Donghae? Their names are also in the paper. Who could they really be? What did they do here? Did someone kill them?


*Ugh! I need to find out sooner or later.*



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veve_monggu #1
Chapter 16: you have suceed to fool me author-nim, i thought they're really going to die.. and it turns out that it was a horror story made by Suho ._.
Chapter 17: Please write it asap T^T xD
Nice story, by the way ^^
naringgit #3
Chapter 16: once again no need to ask since i'm more than glad you'll write it again
Chapter 16: Lol i love it :D
Chapter 16: Nice story i though it was real it comes up as a story that Suho wrote by the way is it true they gonna die at the end
Chapter 16: Lawl.....
Baek as the killer is reallllyyyyy epic xD

Nice story ^^
Chapter 16: its so nice!!! i want moooooooreeee!
Chapter 16: uwahahahaha!!!!
Baekhyun is the evil on!XD
I thought it's true....
it's like a movie, and it's really great
did ya' know author-nim?
you could make a movie by using this,
it's relly awesome!!!