Someone New

The Mansion 2: Invitations And Journal



Author's POV


At the mansion. Everyone was there except of Kai and Jae Bin. "Oh no! We left Jae Bin. I didn't even know we left her." Baekhyun walks around and around. "Calm down Baek. We'll find her." Siwon sighed.


"I must find her right now." Baekhyun opens the door and slammed it. "What's his problem?" Taemin raised his eyebrow. "Everything." Siwon rolled his eyes. "What are we gonna do now?" Krystal hugs a pillow.


"We need to calm down right now. By the way, did you know that your brother is the killer the whole time?" Siwon went closer to Taemin. "Uhhh." His jaw dropped and simply vanished.


"Woah! Where did he go?" Krystal throws the pillow. "I bet he is part of this." Siwon made a fist.



Jae Bin's POV


I turned around and saw a guy with an annoying face but looks handsome. "W-who are y-you?" I stuttured. "Kris." He smiled. *Wow! He's got a killer smile.*


"And you?" He went closer to me. "Jae Bin." I step backwards. "How did you end up here?" He asked. "Running from someone. You?" I sighed. "Same." He plays with the rocks.


"By who?" We asked at the same time. "Kai." We said at the same time again. "How?" I look directly into his eyes. "Well, I kinda followed my brother Chanyeol because I feel it's not safe to go here." He sighed.


"Then?" I smiled. "I saw Kai. He killed him and his friend Kyungsoo. Kai saw and followed me but I manage to hide in this cave and never went out." He told.


"How about you? How did you stumble here?" He giggled. "Well, we should really have a reunion but it became a nightmare. All of our friends kept on dying." I blew my bangs.


"Today, one of our friend Kwangmin died and left a blood trail. It ended up in a shack where Kai is. At first, I couldn't believe it was him but a knife fell from his pocket. My friends and I ran but I tripped." I pouted.


He smiled. "About Chanyeol, I kinda saw him." I rested my back. "Really? Where?" His eyes became big, It kinda remind me of Minho.


"Uhm! The time that me and my boyfriend had our first fight, I came down to the bathroom and cried but Chanyeol showed up and made me smile." I grinned. "Haha! That's my brother." He smirked. "Yah!" I flick his head lightly.


"One question, is this your boyfriend?" He gave me a unique paper with a picture of me and Baekhyun in it. "Yeah! where did you get it?" I asked him.


"I saw it on the ground yesterday. But why are there alot of suns around the picture?" He looks directly into my eyes. "I don't know?" I raise my shoulder. "Don't you think it's a curse?" He asked seriously. "What? Why would you think that?" I shrug.


"Well, this uniqe paper is kinda familiar. I saw it before but I can't remember." He faced his palm.


"Let's just change the topic. I bet my friends are at the mansion. Let's go back and see." I smiled. "Do you think it's safe?" He held my wrist. "I know a short way to get there." I drag him outside and went of.



Kris' POV


I know that uniqe paper but I can't remember it. All I know is she is not safe. *Speaking about my brother, I bet he likes her.* I smirked. "Why are you smirking?" She glared at me.


"Nothing." I smiled. Then, she stopped. "Why did you stop?" I questioned her. "Look at that." She pointed something...or someone.


We went closer and closer until we saw it was...Kyungsoo. "Kris?" He went closer to me. "Ayo wassup~ How are you?" I felt more relieved than to be scared.


"Lifeless." He sighed. Jae Bin hid behind me and was shaking. "Don't be afraid, he's nice." I smiled. "Hi! your Jae Bin right?"  Kyungsoo waved. "Yeah! How did you know?" She went infront of me but still shaking.


"Chanyeol." He smirked. Both of us giggled. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "We need your help. The killer is on the loose and if you didn't kill him. We wouldn't be able to go up." Kyungsoo pointed the sky.



Author's POV


- Back At The Mansion -


Siwon went to the kitchen to get some knifes. "Here, take this." He gave Krystal a knife. "Huh? What am I gonna do with this?" She look at him innocently.


"Just take it. You might need it." Siwon smiled and opens the door.



Krystal's POV


"Where are you going?" I cried. "Sshh! I'll come back. I am just gonna look for Baekhyun." He wipes my tears off. "No your not." A familiar voice waved through the room.


Then, someone covered my mouth and dragged me into the dark hallway. I turned around and saw...Kai?


"Yah!" I tried to move but he is very strong. "Sshh! Be quiet, he might hear you." He covered my mouth again. I peek a little and saw Siwon on the floor and a figure, standing infront of him.


I can't see who the figure is because it is hiding behind the darkness.


"Krystal, run!" Siwon shouted. I got scared and run towards the back door. Bang! I covered my ears. *Oh no! Siwon, I am so sorry.* I sighed. "Come on." I whispered.


I tried to catch Kai's wrist but I pass through him. "Huh?" I look at him. "Just go." He smiled and vanished.  *Wait! is he dead? What if he is, and also Taemin. I need to find Baekhyun or Jae Bin.*



Author's POV


Krystal runs away from the mansion. She kept on running wherever her feet is taking her. "I wonder what happened to Siwon. I felt kinda sad after I leave him there." She sighed


Then, she felt a pain in her back. She got stabbed by someone. "You know you wouldn't be able to look for some help." A voice wave in the place...



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veve_monggu #1
Chapter 16: you have suceed to fool me author-nim, i thought they're really going to die.. and it turns out that it was a horror story made by Suho ._.
Chapter 17: Please write it asap T^T xD
Nice story, by the way ^^
naringgit #3
Chapter 16: once again no need to ask since i'm more than glad you'll write it again
Chapter 16: Lol i love it :D
Chapter 16: Nice story i though it was real it comes up as a story that Suho wrote by the way is it true they gonna die at the end
Chapter 16: Lawl.....
Baek as the killer is reallllyyyyy epic xD

Nice story ^^
Chapter 16: its so nice!!! i want moooooooreeee!
Chapter 16: uwahahahaha!!!!
Baekhyun is the evil on!XD
I thought it's true....
it's like a movie, and it's really great
did ya' know author-nim?
you could make a movie by using this,
it's relly awesome!!!