Missing You Episode 2

Missing You


“Be friends with me.”

Soo Yeon looks up at Jung Woo in confusion after his offer to become friends. She has an expression of “Why in the world would you want to be friends with me?” which she actually asks. He his head and says, “You don’t want to?” and Soo Yeon gets up immediately to retract her statement.

Suddenly, Jung Woo darts off, surprising Soo Yeon, who picks up her shoe and chases after him.
Jung Woo steals a plastic clothespin from someone’s laundry line and clips Soo Yeon’s hair back.

“Ah~ So that’s what you look like.”
He tells her to keep her hair this way and promises never to ignore her again.
Soo Yeon’s eyes well up, touched by his words, just as the wind blows. Jung Woo spreads his arms and tries to block the wind.



“Don’t cry. It’s because of the wind, right? It’s hurting your eyes?”
He shoots her a grin and she smiles back, and we officially love them.

Now that they’re friends, Jung Woo tells Soo Yeon that he just needs a friend who’ll lend him an umbrella when it’s raining.

He asks about her conditions, and Soo Yeon doesn’t say anything but tries to keep up with his quick steps, still a bit awkward having a friend for the first time.



Back at home, Soo Yeon’s mother bawls at the unfairness of the brutal treatment by the victim’s family. Everything inside the house is even flipped upside down, as Soo Yeon’s mother cries that it was she who called the police on her own husband.

Unable to see continue to cry, Detective Kim confesses that the real criminal has been caught. He kneels on the floor and apologizes for his mistake and Soo Yeon’s mother watches in shock.

Hyung Joon stands by the window, waiting.
When he hears Soo Yeon’s voice, he gets ready to throw another bowl out of the window, but he stops when he realizes Soo Yeon walks past his room with Jung Woo.



Soo Yeon shows him her house and comments that it’s small.
Jung Woo agrees. His house is so much bigger than his.
As Soo Yeon starts to go in, Jung Woo adds, “My house is so big that the wind blows strongly inside, so tears come out….Not because I’m sad, but because it hurts my eyes.”

Hyung Joon watches Jung Woo in jealousy.

Meanwhile, CEO Han orders his assistant to find Nurse Hye Mi.
Nurse Hye Mi isn’t home at the moment though. She’s inside Hyung Joon’s playhouse, where a bag loaded with money is hidden inside a piano. She pulls out a picture of CEO Han’s family with shaking hands.

A flashback to the hospital scene shows Hyun Joo telling Nurse Hye Mi to kidnap Jung Woo. She reminds the nurse that if CEO Han finds out that she hid Hyung Joon from the CEO, she’ll be the first to die.



Nurse Hye Mi returns home with the bag of money, only to be met with CEO Han’s minions.
CEO Han threatens Nurse Hye Mi to quickly find Hyung Joon and bring him home, so that he can see his mother before she dies.

CEO Han leaves the house, planting a few of his minions to make sure Nurse Hye Mi doesn’t run off somewhere.



Soo Yeon runs to the restaurant, where her intoxicated mother is getting kicked out of.

Soo Yeon’s mother cries out in despair, asking what these judgmental people know. Soo Yeon promises to be good to her mother.

The next day, Jung Woo runs to school in high spirits, which are quickly dashed when he arrives in the classroom to find the three punks who beat him painting Soo Yeon’s desk red and splattering glue on her seat.



The next day, Jung Woo runs to school in high spirits, which are quickly dashed when he arrives in the classroom to find the three punks who beat him painting Soo Yeon’s desk red and splattering glue on her seat.

A student calls out that the homeroom teacher is going, and in order to prevent the fight from escalating, Soo Yeon closes her eyes and runs towards Punk 1….and hugs him.

Everyone freezes and watches in shock. Soo Yeon apologizes and goes to her desk as the teacher scolds Punk 1 for dating in the classroom.



During class, Soo Yeon burns holes in the back of Jung Woo’s head, but every time he turns around, Soo Yeon quickly hides in front of her book.

At break time, Jung Woo pulls her aside and asks what’s up.
“Are you ignoring me because I did it to you once?” Aw, too cute.

Soo Yeon asks him to be her secret friend in school, which Jung Woo refuses.
“You’re the first person who wanted to be friends, and I might not have friends in the future.” She promises to fight her own battles, and tells him to stop fighting with all the people who hate her.

Lunch time comes around and the punks decide to throw milk cartons at Soo Yeon, pretending like they were aiming for the trashcan behind her. Everyone joins in the ‘fun’ and Jung Woo gets up to stop it, but Soo Yeon is faster.



She gets up and picks up the milk cartons and the trashcans. As she walks to the front of the classroom, she slams down the milk cartons on the punk’s desks and glares at them, shutting all the punks up.

She puts the trashcan on the front desk, and Jung Woo aims and shoots his milk carton into the trash.

He cheers and takes the 1,000 won from Punk 1’s hand, the prize for making it into the basket. Punk 1 starts to argue, but backs down when Soo Yeon shoots him an evil glare again.



Jung Woo leaves the classroom, and returns to the door, waving the money in the air. “Lee Soo Yeon. Aren’t you coming? Let’s go to the snack shop.” Soo Yeon’s shocked, but Jung Woo beams at her, the money still in the air.

The other school kids are disgusted as Soo Yeon watches Jung Woo eat ice cream at the steps. Soo Yeon’s mad at him because now Jung Woo will also become a loner.

Jung Woo scoffs.
“Have you ever seen a loner with a friend?”

He sits her down next to her, when suddenly, it starts raining trash from the sky.

(These dumb kids are really starting to get on our nerves.)



Jung Woo smiles at her and tells her to lift her chin up.

“I told you, I just needed a friend. If I start getting really scared, then I’ll pretend you don’t exist.”
Soo Yeon smiles, and joins Jung Woo in eating the ice cream.

Jung Woo’s newfound fame as #41 at school has Soo Yeon upset, as she pulls off the post-its saying ‘Boyfriend of murderer’s daughter.’ Those dumb kids….

Suddenly, a house explodes into flames as Hyung Joon cries inside.
Soo Yeon and Jung Woo run to the house. Jung Woo grabs a brick to break the lock as Soo Yeon runs off to find help.

After hurting his hand in the process, Jung Woo manages to open the door, just as Hyung Joon jumps out and falls on top of him. In a struggle, Jung Woo accidentally pulls Hyung Joon’s necklace off of his neck.



Hyung Joon tries to limp away as his leg continues to bleed. Soo Yeon runs after him, but Hyung Joon fights back, trying to run away. Jung Woo picks him and head for the hospital.

At a small local clinic, the doctor says Hyung Joon needs to proper treatment for his leg or it may get amputated. Jung Woo calls his step mother for help. She ignores him but CEO Han snatches the call and says he’ll send help.

CEO Han tells Mama Hwang to stop trying to be the lady of the house and do what she was brought into the house for – to take care of the kids.

Nurse Hye Mi gets news of the fire and luckily manages to escape without CEO Han’s minions noticing. When she gets to the hospital, she recognizes Jung Woo as CEO Han’s son. Jung Woo shows Soo Yeon Hyung Joon’s necklace and Nurse Hye Mi sees the key attached.

“The money is in a Swiss bank,” says Hyun Joo’s voiceover.



Hyung Joon wakes up and sees Soo Yeon watching him. He snatches back his necklace from Soo Yeon.

Because of his long hair, Soo Yeon addresses him as a little sister, and he calls her stupid several times, until Soo Yeon finally hears and laughs at him. He manages to smile.



Nurse Hye Mi appears out of the blue, uninvited, and carries Hyung Joon to a taxi.

Soo Yeon and Jung Woo chase after the car, as Nurse Hye Mi tells Hyung Joon who Jung Woo is – the son of the man who made his leg like this.

At home, CEO Han throws a hissy fit at his assistants, who let Nurse Hye Mi go, while Mama Hwang scolds Jung Woo for getting him in trouble.

Jung Woo suggest that they both try to get along, but Mama Hwang tells Jung Woo to stop being greedy.



“You’re going to get everything from your father. You need me as well?” She tells him not to hate her, because it was his father who made her this way.

When Soo Yeon comes home, her mother gets up and starts packing their stuff away, saying they’re going to move away from this dreaded neighborhood….and into Detective Kim’s house.

Detective Kim has a daughter named Kim Eun Joo (Ryu Yun Mi), who is obviously not happy with the sudden family arrangement. She storms out the house glaring at Soo Yeon, then at her father.

Soo Yeon’s mom asks for the truth in the case to remain hidden and for Detective Kim to allow them to stay at the house until Soo Yeon is old enough to move out.

Before Detective Kim can argue in the battle he’s already lost, he receives a call from the supermarket owner.



At the supermarket, Eun Joo is opening every bag of bread and taking a bite, saying it’s okay because her father is rich enough to support two more people in the family.

But she’s not the spoiled brat that she appears to be, as she tells her father, who denies the claims, that he’s better off using this right to remain silent when the evidence is all there. “If you’re upset, you can call a lawyer.”

Said it like a true detective’s daughter. We think we will like her. A lot.

Back in their new home, Soo Yeon asks if she can still keep going to her school, saying she has a friend. Her mom laughs at her, reminding her that she has no friends.



At the same time, Jung Woo is finding out from the landlord that Soo Yeon has disappeared out of the blue. His instincts tell him to run to the playground, and amazingly enough, Soo Yeon is there on the swings, with the clothespin holding her hair back.

She kicks a bucket of water, creating ripples and saying, “He’s coming. He’s not coming.”
Soo Yeon smiles as Jung Woo approaches her. “You’re here.
He carefully asks if she’s going to transfer schools and he pretends like he doesn’t care while pouting.

Soo Yeon tells Jung Woo that she’ll give him a present, since he gave her the clothespin - her first present ever. But her present can only come when its raining.



She brings her to her new house and they sit together on the steps.

He notices that she’s not wearing any socks and he say it must be cold, and Soo Yeon immediately gets self-conscious, saying her feet are the most embarrassing.

Jung Woo realizes it’s because of her scar, so he proceeds to showing all the scars he has on his body.

Soo Yeon takes off her shoes and shows him the huge scar on her foot. She had gotten it stepping on glass while running away from her father.

“Whenever I see it, it hurts. Even though it’s healed over.”

Quietly, he puts his hand over to cover the scar.
“Now it doesn’t hurt, right? Because you can’t see it.”

Then he waves his hand in her face as if he’s casting a spell.
“Now it’s gone. All of your bad memories. You can just make new ones again. Good memories.”



Just then Eun Joo appears and asks what Soo Yeon is doing with a boy in front of their house.

One look at Jung Woo’s face, Eun Joo becomes dazed because he’s exactly what she’s dreamt off. Jung Woo reaches out to shake her hand, putting on the most adorable smile ever, and Eun Joo hurriedly runs away before she faints.

CEO Han investigates the burned down room as the assistant informs him that Hyung Joon was sent to the hospital by Jung Woo.

The assistant informs that CEO Han knows Nurse Hye Mi has Hyung Joon to Hyun Joo. He promises to take care of her and her son if she just gives up and tells them where the money is. With her son’s health on the line, Hyun Joo shakes nervously.



Nurse Hye Mi inserts a briefcase into a locker in a subway station and runs off to their new hiding place.

Hyung Joon is still not cooperating in taking care of his body, just wanting to be with his mom. Nurse Hye Mi gravely replies that all of their lives are in her hands now.

Back at the station, a man takes out the briefcase.

Jung Woo convinces Soo Yeon that if she continues to study hard, she can convince her mom to continue going to the school and not transfer. They head out of the school gates, when the same man from before watches Jung Woo and Soo Yeon walking home.

On the bus, Jung Woo chats, not realizing that Soo Yeon has fallen asleep.



He picks this moment to ask for his present.

He gets in front of her face with a big grin, making fun of her as she sleeps, when suddenly, her head falls and lands straight on his.

Their lips meet and Jung Woo’s eyes grow round.

After his first kiss is stolen away, Jung Woo doesn’t know what to do with himself and what kind of expressions to make in front of Soo Yeon, who has absolutely not clue what’s going on.



Thinking he’s has motion sickness, she spread her arms wide in front of him to block the wind, but that only makes Jung Woo more nervous.

He turns her away from him and pushes her forward, trying to avoid looking into her pretty face.

As they run down the street, a street lamp goes on and off.
Soo Yeon tells Jung Woo that the lamp’s been doing that for a long time, but no one’s fixing it and she can’t because she can’t reach it.

Jung Woo reaches for the lightbulb and twists it, while balancing himself on Soo Yeon’s arm. A tingle goes through Soo Yeon’s body and she looks up Jung Woo as he peers down.



They stare into each other eyes, having a moment, when Detective Kim comes out of nowhere and grabs Jung Woo’s ear, asking what he’s doing.

As Detective Kim drags the two away, the man in the truck watches from afar.

Jung Woo sits in front of a dinner table, as Soo Yeon’s mother watches him, amazed that Soo Yeon actually has a friend. Detective Kim presents Eun Joo and Soo Yeon, after buying his two girls matching sweaters.



Jung Woo and Soo Yeon match eyes and they smile, until Detective Kim picks at Jung Woo for sneaking a glance.

He starts to talk about how he couldn’t even stare at girls, but Eun Joo catches his lie, saying she knows Detective Kim kissed her mom in middle school.

Jung Woo chokes on his water at the word ‘kiss,’ and Eun Joo dashes to his rescue.



Soo Yeon’s mom asks if Jung Woo’s the one who put the tag on Soo Yeon’s umbrella, and Jung Woo confirms.

Soo Yeon meets his eyes again and she pins her hair back with a clothespin. Jung Woo sends another smile again, and Detective Kim drags him away again.

But it’s not to punish him, but to teach Jung Woo how to fight like a man.

Eun Joo joins Soo Yeon at the steps and watch Detective Kim and Jung Woo learn self-defense. Eun Joo notices right away that Soo Yeon likes him and assumes that Soo Yeon was the one to seduce him.



Soo Yeon drops her head, saying Eun Joo’s right, and Jung Woo is just pitying her.

Eun Joo puts her arm around Soo Yeon, saying she isn’t pitiful and to be more bold, because they are the daughters of a detective.

This is all so beautiful. Soo Yeon has a sister now.

Soo Yeon’s mother stands behind them, watching the entire scene as Eun Joo continues to encourage Soo Yeon.

Soo Yeon’s mother sends Eun Joo to give the boys their drinks, then sits next to Soo Yeon and tells her that she looks better in the sweater. “You look pretty.”



Soo Yeon asks if her mother is happy where they are.

She jokes that only money will make her happy, but the smile on her face says otherwise.

Soo Yeon joins the group and Detective Kim steals Soo Yeon’s clothespin and the four of them play around with each other, as Soo Yeon’s mother laughs joyfully, watching her new family.

Later, Soo Yeon writes, “I miss you” on the wall with a piece of red brick.

A man calls out her name and Soo Yeon turns around and smiles.



It’s Jung Woo, adult version.
“You’re smiling? I’m so angry that I’m dying. I’m so angry, I’m going crazy.”

Soo Yeon just continues to smile at him.
“I’m only going to wait today. Just today.”

Suddenly, Soo Yeon is gone and Jung Woo’s just by himself.

A tear slips out of his eye.

“I think I might go crazy.”


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ueng066 #1
Chapter 22: Thank you, you did great job! I read this in 2016 and still recall my emotion with the series...aww your writing is really cool.
xXMaurix #2
Can anyone make a revised Missing You??? Please, I want Yoo Seung Ho and Yoon Eun Hye to be together, you know- instead of EunhYe gong for Yoochun, she chooses Seung Ho instead. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!
lovehaesica #3
Thanks for making this :)
Chapter 1: I actually like Harry, he went through alot and for some reason all my symphaty is with him, (also he is SOO GOOD LOOKING LOL) eventho its agreeable that at parts he does seem soo scary.. >.< But i hope he finds someone that truly loves him aint like Lee Sun who is truly meant for Jungwoo.. hehe
Chapter 14: Thank you very much for giving us this summaries! It helps so much especially becausr I didn't watch it ;u;
I like the way you summarized it too. Detailed and I really can go 'aww' when reading it. (partner joo and jungwoo bromance ftw~)
chaceu #6
Chapter 6: huwaaa this is a sinopsis bogosipoyo aka i miss u aka missing u??
i love this drama so much
thx for write this sinopsis author-nim <3<3<3
n update soon ^^
i'll be wait <3<3