Missing You Episode 14

Missing You


After losing the suspect, Jung Woo disappointedly joins Partner Joo. He reveals the family photo to his partner and adds that the Kidnapper’s body was stiff, meaning he was already dead for a while.

The suspect purposely threw the body in front of Jung Woo.

Just then, the two detectives realize it’s snowing. All the footprints and hints will be covered up and they hurry to gather the remaining evidence.



At home, Harry reads a note from Joy, who went to go see Detective Kim. He scoffs, remembering Detective Kim from 14 years ago. He crumples up the note and throws it away.

The entire roof is covered in snow, and Jung Woo yells in frustration. He continues to take pictures of the area, when he suddenly spots a sleeping bag/body bag.

They guess that it was used to bring the Kidnapper’s body.

To the investigators, Jung Woo does his best to describe the mystery man in black – tall and lean body, slightly long hair.



Jung Woo hands the family photo to the police for investigation and Partner Joo worries that Jung Woo will be kicked off the case because he’s involved, but Jung Woo doesn’t worry, since it’s already happened to him so many times. Besides, Jung Woo has his wifey.

“Wifey, remember that between us, we don’t have any secrets.”

Partner Joo agrees, then asks what Jung Woo’s deal with Joy is. Jung Woo nonchalantly changes the subject.

CEO Han gets news from the doctor that the Kidnapper was killed. His assistant comes to CEO Han’s aide, only to be kicked out.

CEO Han asks if Kang Hyun Joo was erased from the patient list.



The doctor heads to do the act, when he sees that Jung Woo has his hand on the list already and the nurse didn’t delete her off the list yet.

Jung Woo flips through the list when he stops by at room 302. He’s about to open the door, when the doctor stops him, letting him know that the patient was discharged in the afternoon.

Jung Woo’s a bit suspicious because the patient has no information on file at all.

Also, the doctor’s really hesitant about leaving Jung Woo at the room by himself. But when Jung Woo enters, the room is already empty.

Instead, he finds a drawing on the wall of a mom and a child holding hands. Jung Woo finds it cute and snaps a picture of it.



Joy returns home with groceries and finds Harry listening to music extremely loudly. He’s still upset with her and Joy does her best to make him happy again.

She asks what she has to do, and Harry replies in French, “Kiss me.”
He grabs her hand and pulls her close, but when he leans in to kiss her, Joy turns away.



A sudden flash of fury causes Harry to push Joy up against the bookshelf, frightening Joy. He holds her wrist down.

“Is this what you call being by my side?” asks Harry. Joy asks him to stop because it hurts, but Harry’s grip only gets together.

Dude, stop. She’s already been traumatized. You of all people should know.

Harry tries to kiss her again, and once again, Joy turns away.
This time, he pushes her down on the ground and Joy hits her wrist and yelps out in pain. Oh heck no.



He asks her the same question again and scoffs. “Fine. Stay by my side like this then.”

He starts to walk away when Joy speaks up, telling him never to do this again.

“I’ll overlook it this once, but if this is your way of making up, I don’t know if I can tolerate it again.” You tell him, Joy.

She walks away as Harry realizes that he made a mistake. He calls for her to come back, but she leaves.

Joy drives off in her car, but she doesn’t get too far away from the driveway before she bursts into tears. Her wrist is red and swelling up.

As if on cue, Magic Castle begins to play to make her feel better.



Likewise, Jung Woo is listening it to calm himself down.

Partner Joo wonders how he can listen to that song now, when things are getting pretty nerve-wracking.

Jung Woo agrees. These days, his heart starts to pound at night. He remembers kissing Joy and starts to laugh, reliving the moment.

Partner Joo looks at him confused and worries that Jung Woo has finally gone crazy.

He tells Jung Woo to just forget the case, but Jung Woo has a good feeling about it.

The person who killed the Druggie-napper, the Kidnapper, Detective Kim, and faked Soo Yeon’s death could all be the same person.

Jung Woo adds that if he’s lucky, he can solve this case in one go, but what Partner Joo is worried about is that Jung Woo can get screwed over in one go too, especially with something that happened 14 years ago.

He’s pretty sure the person behind this is crazier than Jung Woo.

Suddenly, Jung Woo yells for Partner Joo to stop the car.
He tells Partner Joo to get out of the car, so that Jung Woo can go get some fresh air.



He ends up at Soo Yeon’s mom’s restaurant, where he orders a meal and a bottle of soju. Knowing his low tolerance level, Soo Yeon’s mom smacks him on the head and takes the soju shot away.

But Jung Woo, who calls Soo Yeon’s mom ajumma (sob), takes the shot back and gulps it down.

Soo Yeon’s mom scolds him for sleeping at the police station and Jung Woo complains that she’s being a stalker.

“I’m a person who found a new girlfriend,” says Jung Woo. “Her name is Soo Yeon and she’s gorgeous – she says she looks like her mom.”

Soo Yeon’s mom cries, saying whenever she sees Jung Woo, her heart breaks into two. Jung Woo reassures her to go meet Soo Yeon and to comfort her when she gets bad memories.

Soo Yeon’s mom apologizes because everything’s her fault, and Jung Woo asks for a favor: tell Soo Yeon the truth about her father.

She promises to do so.



Right on cue, Joy enters the restaurant and spots the two. She meets eyes with Jung Woo and she quickly turns around and leaves.

Jung Woo chases after her as Joy walks through the large crowd of people on the streets.

Joy stops at a scarf cart and buys a red scarf. Jung Woo watches her and then notices that she’s been crying again.

As it beings to snow, Joy buys a can of warm coffee and leaves.
Moments later, Jung Woo arrives at the same cart, wearing the same red scarf, and buys the same can of coffee.

He finally approaches her at the light, complaining about how cold it is. Joy turns around and Jung Woo puts his arm around her and asks for comfort as a friend.



He starts to tell her about how he lost the criminal despite all of his efforts.

Joy asks how long he’s been finally chasing her, but he brings the focus back to himself and how he lost the criminal. He then proceeds to show Joy how he’ll beat up the criminal and starts to mimic what Detective Kim showed him 14 years ago.

Joy smiles, admitting that she went to see Detective Kim earlier that day. She adds that she’s going to try to bring up past memories. Jung Woo feels satisfied by having a good friend around and grabs her hand to put into his pocket.



The contact has Joy yelping as Jung Woo examines her bruised wrist. Joy quickly says she bumped into something, but Jung Woo doesn’t seem convinced.

He doesn’t say anything more and puts her hand into his pockets. He suggests getting a bottle of soju, but Joy avoids it.

As she tries to hail a cab, Jung Woo takes off his scarf and puts it around Joy before deciding to take her home.



In the cab, Jung Woo notices from the corner of his eye that Joy is trying to cover up her bruised wrist. He tells Joy that he’s going to take a short nap.

As Jung Woo pretends to sleep, Joy starts to cry silently and Jung Woo opens his eyes, unable to do anything more.



At her house gate, Joy takes Jung Woo’s scarf, promising to get him one more suitable for him.

Jung Woo asks if Joy really has to go. “Is this what you really want?”

Joy hesitates before she gives him a positive answer.

Jung Woo nods and sends her off, but adds, “Lee Soo Yeon, don’t think I’ll always be waiting for you. If he makes you cry again, I’m not going to wait until you come. I’m going to come to take you with me.”



Heading to her house, Joy replays Jung Woo’s words. She steps out of the elevator and finds Harry in the living room, having prepared some street food and two bottles of soju.

Harry has been sitting for three hours in punishment and admits that he didn’t know the right way to ease his anger. Joy takes a seat without a word. She has something to say.

She tells Harry that she needs to meet her mom and Jung Woo. She also wants to help find the Detective Kim’s murderer, which makes Harry crack up silently.

Harry asks how she plans on finding the murderer when Jung Woo couldn’t even do it for 14 years. Without missing a beat, Joy asks where they were before they left Korea.

Harry’s face freezes.
Joy admits she doesn’t remember much during that time, but Harry must know.



Harry asks if Joy remembers meeting her the first time. He was 12 at the time and already out of his mind after running away from the man who made his leg the way it is.

“I only remember one thing. During the time when I feared I could be murdered, I only remember you, who asked if I was okay and if I was in pain.”

That was when Harry decided that he will protect Joy and he still feels that way to this day.

He pulls up his laptop and shows Joy the picture of his mom in the missing person advertisement.

Joy is shocked to see his mom’s picture. Harry is sure that his mom is dead, but the man behind his leg injury is after him now. He lies that he doesn’t know who it is or where the man is from, but Harry′s going to keep running away.



The catch is that the man also knows Joy is with him.

“If you go back to being Soo Yeon, then I become Kang Hyung Joon. He’ll find us.”

Harry reminds her that he warned her to always remember that Soo Yeon is Joy, because she might also be in danger.

“I know you don’t love me, but the reason why I can’t let you go is because I want to protect you until the very end,” says Harry. He reminds Joy that he likes Jung woo, especially since Jung Woo saved him from the burning house and even found his mom’s necklace.

He tells Joy that if she doesn’t waver, the three of them can remain as good friends.



At the station, Jung Woo flips through pictures of crime scene, but he can’t concentrate because he can only think about Joy, her wrist, and what she said about wanting this life.

Likewise, Joy also thinks about what Jung Woo said about taking her back.

On the mirror, she writes ‘Lee Soo Yeon.’
Harry’s words resound in her head and Joy erases her name on the mirror.

In the morning, Joy fixes up breakfast. Harry pouts that he wants to eat Korean, and Joy adorably replies that she’ll remake the food, but he needs to make breakfast the next morning.

As she heads to the kitchen, out of nowhere, Harry tells her he loves her.
“I’m just saying that I do.”

Joy tells him not to talk to her anymore because she needs to prepare the breakfast, and Harry playfully gives in to eat the toast she prepared.

He greets her, welcoming Joy back.



Joy asks if she continues like this, the three of them can get along. She then adds that when things settle down, they should go look for the man threatening him since they can’t just keep running away.

Harry’s face falls, but Joy says she’ll do her best to be Joy.
She also announces that she will be starting work at Fake Mom’s store starting today.

Harry nods. If that’s what she wants.



Joy settles in at the boutique, explaining to Fake Mom that she decided to work because she felt like she would go crazy if she didn’t.

Joy gets a call from Jung Woo, who is at the station, repeating, “She’ll answer. She won’t answer.”

Luckily for him, Joy answers, playing a joke on Jung Woo and pretending that it’s not Soo Yeon’s cell phone, scaring Jung Woo in the process. Joy laughs in the middle of the conversation, making Jung Woo happy.

Joy tells Jung Woo that she started work at Fake Mom’s store and Jung Woo asks why Fake Mom’s store. “Now I can see you whenever I want.” Hehehe.

Joy ends the conversation, making Jung Woo agonize over the fact that he worries about her when she cries and when she smiles.



At the door, Team Boss and two of his colleagues inform Jung Woo that-
“I’m off the case, right?” asks Jung Woo cheerfully, already expecting it. He cheers the team on and turns to leave, when the Team Boss tells Jung Woo to get mad because it’s scarier that Jung Woo is happy.

But Jung Woo has back up – his wifey.



Partner Joo pretends he’s doing #2 in the bathroom as he tells Jung Woo about all the inside information about the murder of the Kidnapper. He was drowned to death after his head was held under water.

Jung Woo asks if there was a wet towel involved because that’s how the Druggie-napper died along with the dry ice.

Another weird fact: the body was left on the rooftop for about a day, which is why his body was so stiff. This means that the criminal did wait until Jung Woo was at the hospital to drop the body.

How did the criminal know Jung Woo was going to be at the hospital?

Partner Joo mutters that it was at Harry’s house when Jung Woo mentioned going to the hospital, but they rule Harry and Joy out of the case. Then Jung Woo remembers that Fake Mom was startled that Harry brought up the hospital at the boutique.

Jung Woo doesn’t share what he realizes to Partner Joo and hurriedly sends him off to a meeting. Writing down all the hints, Jung Woo finds a common thing – water.



Jung Woo visits the cleaning lady, who is happy to see him in prison, but unfortunately, Jung Woo’s not there to play. He tells the cleaning lady that the Kidnapper is dead and shows her a picture of his family portrait and how it was on the dead body.

Jung Woo knows that the cleaning lady is leaving something out. The wet towel over the Druggie-napper is not the cleaning lady’s doing. The cleaning lady tries to avoid it, but Jung Woo says it’s a serial murder and Jung Woo could be in danger.



Jung Woo’s on his way home as he replays what the cleaning lady said to him.

She asks if Jung Woo would lock her away if Joy was the murderer. He replies that he’ll run away with her. “Before I’m a detective, I’m a man.”

Hesitantly, the cleaning lady spills that she didn’t see the face of the second person in the house but heard footsteps – the sound of heels, Click. Click. Clack.

Having heard Joy’s footsteps when she was at the station, the cleaning lady thought Joy was the other murderer.

Jung Woo stops in front of the boutique and watches Joy.

The cleaning lady remembered the sound of the slow paced footsteps, but kept it hidden because she wanted to protect Soo Yeon.

He texts Joy to look out the window, and they happily exchanged a few gestures and smiles before Joy signals for him to go.



Eun Joo goes to the station to exchange clean clothes with dirty ones, but while she’s there, she threatens Partner Joo to spill on the real reason why Jung Woo left the house.

Partner Joo whispers that it’s because of Joy, who Eun Joo adds is NOT Soo Yeon. Partner Joo goes onto say they’re really close, holding hands and passing secret codes like 280 steps from the streetlamp.

Eun Joo pauses, asking how Partner Joo knows, since it came out from Soo Yeon’s diary. Partner Joo puzzles over the fact that Joy and Soo Yeons fingerprints didn’t match when he tested it.

Jung Woo storms into his father’s office with his assistant stiffly telling Jung Woo leave since CEO Han is not in. Jung Woo says CEO Han is his father. No luck. He pulls out a police badge. It works. Kind of sad if you think about it.



CEO Han is at the mental hospital, wondering if Hyung Joon is capable to killing a person. Then he spots the drawing on the wall, the same one he saw in Hyung Joon’s secret hiding spot 14 years ago.

He orders Hyun Joo to be readied for something.

Back at the office, Jung Woo and the assistant chit chat. Jung Woo asks what he should call the assistant since they’ll be seeing each other more often. The assistant tells him to call him Assistant Yoon without even looking at Jung Woo.



A knock on the door interrupts them and in comes Harry, who actually has an appointment with CEO Han. Assistant Yoon says CEO Han’s not here. Harry asks for a new appointment and leaves. Jung Woo follows.

The strange thing is, Assistant Yoon intently watches the two go out.

Jung Woo walks with Harry in the parking lot, asking how Harry can work with the bank he assigned Jung Woo to investigate. Harry replies business is business and he doesn’t spend time on a business that will fail.

As they walk, Jung Woo notices something strange.

Click. Click. Clack.



A chill goes down his spine as Harry’s footstep along with his cane make the exact noise that the cleaning lady described.

Harry stops, asking Jung Woo if it’s his first time seeing a disabled person. Jung Woo remarks that most canes have a rubber tip, but Harry’s doesn’t.



Harry shows it to him, explaining that Joy made it for him. Harry gives him permission to go ask Joy why. Jung Woo scoffs.

“There is one thing that I like about you, Harry,” says Jung Woo. “It’s that you’ll do anything for Soo Yeon. But if you change your words, I also get scary when I’m mad.”

Jung Woo suggests getting a drink and Harry asks if he doesn’t, will Jung Woo get mad? “Of course not. I’m a man.” They smirk at each other.



At the Han residence, Fake Mom is in disbelief that CEO Han would bring that woman into their house. CEO Han tells Fake Mom that Hyung Joon killed a person, and thinking that CEO Han killed his mother, he could do even worse.

Clutching onto her plastic flower, Hyun Joo sits in the living room with Ahreum, who comments that she looks like someone.

They meet eyes, and Hyun Joo smiles. Ahreum smiles back. “When you smile, you’re exactly the same.”



Knowing enough French to get by, Jung Woo examines Harry’s cane and the French phrase on it – God, rescue us.

As Harry compliments Jung Woo’s abilities to everything, Jung Woo mentions that he’s also good at interrogating and starts asking about Harry and Joy’s relationship. He wants to know because Harry continues to pretend that Soo Yeon is Joy.

Just then, Jung Woo gets a call from Ahreum, who informs Harry that his birth mom’s sister is here and she looks exactly like him.

Jung Woo wonders out loud about his aunt, and Harry’s ears perk up.
Ahreum adds that his aunt looks just like him, but is a bit off mentally. Jung Woo repeats the phrases, and Harry’s eyes widen in shock.

Jung Woo hangs up and turns to Harry, who looks away.



Jung Woo casually greets Joy at home for drinks as Harry heads to his room in a hurry.

After joking around with Joy about getting drunk and sleeping over, Jung Woo sends Joy to Harry because he seemed nervous about something.

Harry is looking at the missing person ad with his mother’s photo and gravely wonders if his mother is alive and currently at CEO Han’s house.

He messages the friend and orders him to go find out if his mother is at CEO Han’s house.

Joy knocks on Harry’s room, asking if he’s okay, and Harry lies that he can’t find his sweater. Joy enters the room to help.



Jung Woo keeps himself entertained at the pool table, when he hears Click. Click. Clack.

In comes Harry, who is closely followed by Joy with faster footsteps. Jung Woo listens carefully as Harry and Joy both walk away to get the drinks ready and Jung Woo notices the difference between the speed and how the cleaning lady described it.

He gives Joy a thumb up for having pretty shoes.



They begin to drink, and Jung Woo boasts the fact that he can now drink four shots of soju. Despite Joy’s scolding, Jung Woo says it’s a good thing, because he felt terrible when he couldn’t drink with his honey.

Jung Woo remembers he has something to show Joy. It’s the sketch of the mother and son holding hands from the hospital wall. Jung Woo mentions that the mother even has a necklace on it.

The necklace rings a bell, and Joy holds onto her own necklace and watches for Harry’s reaction. Harry doesn’t flinch.



He reaches for his laptop. His friend responded that something is up at the Han residence. He can’t enter. The friend asks what he should do if it is Harry’s mother.

Harry meets eyes with Jung Woo momentarily, and Jung Woo asks if there’s something wrong. Harry shrugs it off and angrily types away.

“That’s funny. Mom is at Han Tae Jun’s and Han Jung Woo is right in front of me. Check Mom’s status, because I’ll make everyone the way she is.”

Harry minimizes the chat window to look at his mom’s picture again. Just then, Jung Woo receives a call from Ahreum, who wants to send him a picture of his aunt.



Harry looks up and starts to grow nervous.
He asks Jung Woo what’s up, and Jung Woo replies that he’s going to be seeing his aunt for the first time and it feels weird, because he’s never seen a picture of his mother either.

The picture comes to Jung Woo’s phone and Harry grows fidgety, trying to check if it is his mother.

Then he realizes that Joy knows what his mother looks like.



Jung Woo looks at the picture of Hyun Joo and comments that she is pretty. He offers to show Joy and Harry flinches.



Jung Woo sits next to Joy on the carpet, but at the moment when he’s about to show Joy, Harry grabs his cane and hits the phone out of Jung Woo’s hand, causing Jung Woo and Joy to fall to the ground.



Shocked, Jung Woo stares at Harry, who starts to breathe hard. Harry stares back with a soulless expression.


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ueng066 #1
Chapter 22: Thank you, you did great job! I read this in 2016 and still recall my emotion with the series...aww your writing is really cool.
xXMaurix #2
Can anyone make a revised Missing You??? Please, I want Yoo Seung Ho and Yoon Eun Hye to be together, you know- instead of EunhYe gong for Yoochun, she chooses Seung Ho instead. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!
lovehaesica #3
Thanks for making this :)
Chapter 1: I actually like Harry, he went through alot and for some reason all my symphaty is with him, (also he is SOO GOOD LOOKING LOL) eventho its agreeable that at parts he does seem soo scary.. >.< But i hope he finds someone that truly loves him aint like Lee Sun who is truly meant for Jungwoo.. hehe
Chapter 14: Thank you very much for giving us this summaries! It helps so much especially becausr I didn't watch it ;u;
I like the way you summarized it too. Detailed and I really can go 'aww' when reading it. (partner joo and jungwoo bromance ftw~)
chaceu #6
Chapter 6: huwaaa this is a sinopsis bogosipoyo aka i miss u aka missing u??
i love this drama so much
thx for write this sinopsis author-nim <3<3<3
n update soon ^^
i'll be wait <3<3