
Paradise In Hell

What do you want to be when you grow up JiAh?" They asked her. She pondered at the question. What did she want? Then the answer became clear to her.          

I want to be happy.

JiAh opened her eyes, she had been dreaming, dreaming of a memory from so long ago. Back then, she said she wanted to be happy. It was a shame. When she was a little girl, she thought happiness was simple, if only she knew then what she knew now. Back then, she didn't know being happy was going to be like this.

She didn’t know you would have to fight night and day, that you had to put in everything and anything you owned and gain nothing out of it. She didn’t know that the world was going to throw her into hell and leave her to suffer.

She turned around, the bed moved and shifted as she. She turned around to find Hoya sleeping soundly. He had been gone literally all day, and she assumed he must've just returned.

She checked the time. It was two in the morning. JiAh sighed staring at her husband's sleeping figure. She felt a frown lit across her face. Her eyes were cloudy and filled with depths of emotions, each leading to a different direction.

How could someone who looked so angelic in his sleep be so different when he was awake. He had the face of a god, but no god was a coward, like him. And no god had fears quite like her husband. He was more human than most, he felt much more than most, he was more unpredictable than most. Hoya had dreams and hopes, he had the world open to him, he was limitless. Yes, he was divine alright.

A part of her wanted to believe he was truly evil, it only made his attitude towards her seem more acceptable. But then she remembered, he wasn't. Hoya wasn't a cruel monster. He was just going through a coarse idiom. That was fine with her. Everybody goes through those. Those times when you feel delimited by darkness, where light seems so out of reach. Those times when only wickedness and misfortune appear, swallowing you whole and turning everything you love and care into dust.

Hoya wasn't normally cruel or cold. He didn't yell or rant, he wasn't like that. She could see it in his soul. He was only like that with her. He was only cruel to her, he only showed darkness to her. She was fine with that. Better her than the rest of the world. Whatever it was he threw at her, she could handle. As long as the rest of the world didn't take blame for her.

"Hoya, I'm sorry." She whispered softly.


Hoya was going through another day of hell. He had returned home last night a little before two. He had drowned himself in work that day, and he knew why. He wanted to keep his mind off of her.

He remembered her words, those two syllables that fell off her lips. 'I'm sorry'. The words repeated themselves in his mind. Her voice was becoming permanently embedded into his mind like a tattoo. Why was that she could only speak honestly when he was asleep, or when she assumed he was asleep.

Why was it that she was apologizing? It made no sense in his mind. Nothing she did made sense. Any sane human being would had left him by now. He was horrible. He yelled at her, he ordered her around, he cheated on her, he hit her. He was horrible to her. Yet she stayed, yet she apologized. There were no sense to her actions, no logic behind anything she did.

"Son." His mother's sweet voice called to him breaking him from his deep train of thoughts.

"We're leaving." She told him. Hoya had always wondered why his mother had chosen JiAh was his wife, as her daughter in law? What was it about the woman? Why of all the people she knew, why JiAh?

What he was sure of was that JiAh was different. JiAh had the appearance of a goddess, and her heart was a endless sea of mysteries. It kept secrets locked deep inside. She was as fragile as glass porcelain, but as strong as titanium. She didn't think like others. She took the wrongs of others and put them on herself. She seemed like a saint. And this annoyed him a lot.

"Yes, I'm coming." He replied.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" She questioned, she noticed something different about her son's attitude. She noticed how he would dozed off as if space was suddenly a fireworks show of sparks.

"Yes, I'm fine." He replied, though neither one of them believed that remark. He didn't sit and wait for any more random questions to be thrown, he stood up from his seat ready to leave.

He knew how his mother was, she had the best intentions for him. Sometimes however, he didn’t agree with her intentions.  "I know I've put you in a difficult position son. I know you didn't want this marriage, you didn't want to settle down, you didn't want a wife. But trust your mother, trust me when I tell you that JiAh, this woman, she will truly change your life."

"Why her? Why of all people why her?" He asked. His voice had come off harsher than intended. His mother gave him a small smile. It was one of those knowing smiles only mothers had.

"Because she has heaven hidden in her eyes. Because she has a broken smile, because she has patience, strength, and most of all, hope." She answered as she stepped away leaving the door to his office open. Hoya pondered at his mother's words. Each word soaking in like poison to his body. His mother was right, she was right about everything.


When he got to the front his mother along with a few assistants were patiently waiting him. The car was parked, waiting for them.

"What is it mother?" He questioned already knowing that his mother had some sort of plan set up for today.

"Someone else will be joining us." She stated catching him off guard. His mother didn't invite guests in these situations. They were going to take a visit to one of the many orphanages his family funded for, these matters were handle quietly, no attention, no lime line.

"And who has the honor of joining us today mother?" He questioned. The question was soon answer when a black car rolled up, parking behind the car already waiting. Slowly the back door opened and stepped outside a figure he had already memorized. She held a frozen cold facial, she showed little, if not any, emotion. Her eyes danced around before laying on his mother who greeted her with a smile.

"JiAh." His mother called to his wife.

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Chapter 31: I read this once a while back but I didn’t have an account so I never commented ._. But I have one now and I just so happened to stumble upon this beautiful piece of writing once again! I loved all the character development and Kyungsan, you smart bb. It made my little heart hurt to know how much things they went through ;-; but they’re happy together and that’s all that matters! Thank you for writing this wonderful story!
julietinlove #2
Chapter 31: This story... is... soooo goood!!!!!!!!
Chapter 31: haha the ending was so funny. it was a nice hoya fic ^^
CheCheBingEr #4
Chapter 31: At least I can say bye to the bucket of tears I shed;;
Chapter 31: Oh my God, I really love your fic so much. The way you made the characters was really alive.
Chapter 31: Can I just say how much I loved this story? The character development is on point and the way you portrayed their emotions was beautifully done. There were some typos but it didn't distract me from reading the story too much. Hoya and JiAh though :(( Many feelings, much love ughh.

Also the fact a great fic with Hoya in it...such a gem.

Such a good story keep up the good work! :)
awmyung #7
Chapter 31: omg i love this story!!!
Trin20k #8
Chapter 31: Yeah!!! I really like it!