
Paradise In Hell

JiAh signed staring at her reflection for a moment. She was all dolled up to mere perfection.

Inside she felt hideous however.

"Woman, will you hurry up!" Her husband's voice boomed from the living room to their bedroom. The whole day a team of hair and make-up people had been at her neck, in the end their creation was of a flawless porcelain doll who was dead on the inside.

JiAh put on a pair of heels quickly before going to the living area where her already impatient husband waited. "Sorry." She instantly apologized as she stepped into the living room.

Hoya was sitting on the couch, his phone was in his hands and his eyes burned with a fire that JiAh had grown used to. Her eyes instantly fell to her feet to avoid his glare.

The electric blue dress fitted her perfectly, hugging all her curves in the right places. The sweetheart neckline allowed for the showcase of her necklace, a simple silver chain that fell into a simple diamond shaped like a teardrop. JiAh wasn't lavished in jewels and diamonds, just the necklace and the diamond wedding ring on her finger. Her hair fell back in curls that framed her beautiful face.

Anyone could see that she was breath taking. Her husband sure thought so. Here standing before him was his wife, her beauty could capture a man at first glance.

But her eyes were lakes of pain, this no one saw, but he did. Though he never ever told her this.

"You look decent enough." He muttered monotony without either realizing his eyes didn't leave JiAh for a second.


It was a parade of gowns, three piece suits, diamonds, and money. A chatterbox of voices and tones, laughter and remarks. JiAh stood side by side to Chairwoman Lee the whole night.

She saw no resemblance between the Chairwoman and her son at all. They were two different characters.

JiAh didn't find herself alone until the end of the night. The lights were dim and music was clearly heard from the live band. JiAh stood amongst the crowd by the corner of the dance floor watching with envy as CEO of Jang Industries danced with his wife.

There was something about the look in their eyes, that look that both shared when they gazed upon each other. A gaze filled with peace, comfort, love.

Oh how it reminded her of her parents. Slow dancing in the living room with so much love in the air. When she was a little girl she wanted a relationship liked that. She followed their every move, the couple who were already in their early fifties yet still loved each other so eternally.

Oh how she wished for a love like that.


Hoya paid no attention to his so called 'wife' the whole night. He didn't want to think about her, he didn't want to admit that she had an invisible hold on him even if she didn't realize it.

"Where's this wife of yours. I haven't seen you with her all night." Myungsoo asked.

"Like I would know." Hoya answered uninterested in the direction the conversation was leading.

"Whatever man, she's your wife." Myungsoo responded. Hoya furrowed his thick brows and scanned around the huge ballroom decorated with the luxuries of the wealthy. A large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, as silk fabric wrapped around the dining area, along with candles and flowers that embellished the room.

However it didn't take half a second for his eyes to find his wife. Standing by the corner of the room by the open doors leading to the balconies in the back. A slight breeze blew in picking up strands of her hair.

She was beautiful, yes, he admitted that. But he also noticed how her eyes followed the dancing CEO and his wife as every step. JiAh's eyes were filled with envy. But not the envy of a green-eyed monster, but the envy for love. Her eyes sparkled in the dim light, they looked like they were hundreds of miles away in a far, far away land.

That was when he realized what JiAh wanted. She wanted a marriage filled with love. A marriage of compassion, trust, care, passion, laughter, hope, love.

JiAh was a foolish girl in his eyes. An hopeless idiot.

"You're staring man, if she wasn't your wife, I would find it creepy." Sunggyu stepped in breaking Hoya's eyes away from JiAh.

"Shut up man." Hoya huffed at the older male. Sunggyu snickered.

"Dance with her. I can tell that she wants to dance." Sunggyu commented patting Hoya on the shoulder.

"No she doesn't." Hoya shot back as he turned his back around to avoid seeing her figure.

"Well if you don't, maybe Dongwoo will." Sunggyu remarked when he saw his friend talking to a certain somebody's wife, causing Hoya to flung his shoulders around.



"You look kind of lonely." Dongwoo commented as he stepped beside JiAh. JiAh knew the man, he was Hoya's best friend. From what she saw, he was a hyper, fun-loving guy who also happened to be a total playboy, much like some of Hoya's other friends. But he was kind and clearly understood women better than her husband did.

"I'm fine." She replied not taking her eyes off the couple.

"You know, I'm really jealous of your parents." She commented. The CEO of Jang Industries happened to be Dongwoo's parents. Dongwoo didn't need to look twice to understand JiAh. Maybe it was a trait that all women had. The desire to find a man who would love you as you love him. A friend, a partner, an enemy, a lover. It was kind of like searching for your prince charming, though it was safe to say, prince charmings never existed.

"Yep. That's mom and dad for you. Going on for 25 years." He answered in a bright lively tone to add some light to this girl's face. He had to admit, JiAh was beautiful. He envied Hoya because the guy had such a beautiful wife. But the beautiful wife was also so sad.

When he first saw JiAh, it was at a club, she looked like she would burst into tears. Every time he talked to her he realized her eyes were always miles away and her face held a frown. JiAh was terribly lonely.

And he couldn't help but feel angry at Hoya for this. He knew that his best-friend had no feelings for JiAh. But that didn't mean Hoya had to treat her like crap.

"It would had been my parents 25 year anniversary next month." JiAh commented. Dongwoo noticed how she had said 'would had been'. Were her parents still around. He didn't remember them being at JiAh and Hoya's wedding.

"Did you want to dance?" He asked. She tilted her shoulder towards him,

"No, its okay. I actually want some fresh air, so please excuse me." She said stepping away from him and walking through the opened double doors onto the balcony.

Hoya what the hell are you doing to her? Dongwoo thought as he watched her disappear.


Jiah slowly made her way down the steps and into the garden out back. Lanterns lit the way for her as she slowly made her way to a water fountain. She felt stupid. She felt so pitiful. She envied something she couldn't have.

But maybe that wasn't true. Maybe some day she could have a love like that. Someday. Someday, long after she has left Hoya she could have a love like that. Love. It seemed so simple, but in reality, love was so difficult.

She stopped to stare at the water fountain. The breeze and the water were the only thing she heard as she slowly closed her eyes. A drop of salty liquid spilled onto her cheek. She quickly wiped off the streak of liquid and walked closer to the fountain.

She didn't know why but she began humming. It was a familiar melody. One she had grown up with, it was her lullaby. Her mother used to hum it to her to get her to sleep.

"What are you doing here?" Her husband's voice called to her. He sounded angry and upset.

She turned around to face him. "I needed some fresh air." She responded. He huffed at her response.

"Well now its time to get back in, mother's looking for you." He told her, though it was a lie. His mother was mingling around and hadn't noticed that JiAh was gone.

"Oh." She responded as dropped when Hoya painfully grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind away. She winced in pain but he didn't bother to notice.

"And don't talk to my friends. Don't talk to Dongwoo." He ordered his anger not even close to its boiling point. He didn't like seeing her around his friends. She was a leech and he didn't want her sticking around.

Secretly up on the balcony two pair of eyes looked down on the couple.

"You don't think he notices do you?" Dongwoo asked. Sunggyu shook his head.

"Hell no man, I don't even think he realizes how he feels. He's still so pissed off and is taking it all out on her.

"Its a shame through. Such a shame."





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Chapter 31: I read this once a while back but I didn’t have an account so I never commented ._. But I have one now and I just so happened to stumble upon this beautiful piece of writing once again! I loved all the character development and Kyungsan, you smart bb. It made my little heart hurt to know how much things they went through ;-; but they’re happy together and that’s all that matters! Thank you for writing this wonderful story!
julietinlove #2
Chapter 31: This story... is... soooo goood!!!!!!!!
Chapter 31: haha the ending was so funny. it was a nice hoya fic ^^
CheCheBingEr #4
Chapter 31: At least I can say bye to the bucket of tears I shed;;
Chapter 31: Oh my God, I really love your fic so much. The way you made the characters was really alive.
Chapter 31: Can I just say how much I loved this story? The character development is on point and the way you portrayed their emotions was beautifully done. There were some typos but it didn't distract me from reading the story too much. Hoya and JiAh though :(( Many feelings, much love ughh.

Also the fact a great fic with Hoya in it...such a gem.

Such a good story keep up the good work! :)
awmyung #7
Chapter 31: omg i love this story!!!
Trin20k #8
Chapter 31: Yeah!!! I really like it!