
Paradise In Hell

He found himself embraced by darkness once again. Darkness consumed him like a flesh eating virus ready to send him to hell. Hoya thought for a second, was hell really this dark? Was it really this empty? Was it really this lonely?  
He closed the front door, letting the emptiness of what was once a shared apartment elope him in memories. Stepping into the cold bedroom he dropped onto the bed, not even bothering to change out of his clothes. The only light that shed its brightness on him was the moonlight, a piece of rock billions of miles away.  
He closed his eyes gently replaying his day. Hell. That was how his day went. It went like hell. He flipped around, so he was facing the ceiling. Then he felt something underneath the pillow case. Lifting his head he dug under the casing. He pulled out a book. JiAh's book. The only thing she left behind was this book.  
It still smelt like her, even if she hadn't touched it in weeks. He never had the heart to look inside it. Another one of the many things Hoya never had the heart to do. So he was confused on what made tonight different.  
Slowly he flipped the cover open, his heart felt like shooting out of his heart right now. On the first page was her name, written in sweet string of purple characters. Just seeing her name made his heart hurt. His fingers brushed on top of the characters, tracing them out before he hesitantly flipped onto the next page.  
This page was a clean piece of white paper with black writing spilled on top. He didn't read anything, he just glanced before turning to the next page, and the one after that. He was content with just seeing her writing.  
His fingers came to a sudden stop when he saw something on a certain page. His name.  
Hoya reminded me of umma. Determine and wild. Hoya reminded me of appa. Free and Strong. Lee Hoya, he's different from everyone else. I just wished he knew that.  

Hoya stared at those short six sentences letting them soak in. She wrote about him. He flipped the page back to find that this was the first entry she ever written about him. According to the date, she wrote it a little after meeting him for the first time.  
Hoya wasn't what I expected him to be. He was better. At least he talked to me. Even if it was an complaint. At least he acknowledged me. That's all I need.  
He felt like the sky was falling down on him after reading this. How could he be so cruel, so heedless. How come he was such an idiot. He began reading more. Her entries were short. Just a few sentences. He found this odd since she was always glued to the book as if she was writing down an essay.  
Nam Woohyun got into a fight tonight. Hoya was the first one up. He was the first one to help. The first to fight. Hoya fights for his friends. At least he has something to fight for. What do I have to fight for?  
That was one of their dates. The one at the club where he literally ignored her the whole night. She she sat, looking like an lost star, fallen from Heaven.  
I remember how umma and appa use to fight over who did the dishes. I wish I could experience that, someday. I remember how they used to slow dance in the living room, even with no music. I remember how they love each other. Why can't Hoya and I have that?  
I wanted an happy marriage. A loving marriage. I don't have that. Its okay. Not everybody can. We don't have a happy marriage. But we have an honest marriage. He hates me. That's being honest. I can live with that.  
It hurts. Being hit. Over and over and over again. And it terrified me, when I saw blood. my blood. And it was all because of him. That's why it hurts. It hurts being hit. But it hurts more when Hoya's the one hitting me.  

The last passage hit like hard, like being repeatedly hit by a semi-truck, day after day. It was like he was trapped in a battle field, stuck in the middle, archived in time. And no matter what he did, he couldn't stop any of it.  
Someday, I'll be free. But not today.  
And now she was free, now she was free from him. He held her captive. He caged her in a barb wire cage watching her die. he locked her up in a tower where there was no escape. Now she was free, right?  
And his heart broke on the last passage. It was short. Written the day before she left, according to the date written in the corner. Only a sentence. Those few words, and he realized that sometimes the shortest amount of words, could impact more than an essay worth of words and letters.  
I'm going to miss Hoya.

Sunggyu was down to the last project. He was supposed to visit a small library, his father was a sponsor for libraries like this. You know, the ones that still existed and people went to libraries to read books. Each corner was filled with stacks of books, shelf after shelf there were books packed together. A seating area could be found, wings leading to different part of the library could be found.
"Sunggyu? Is that you?" Someone called out his name. He turned his shoulder to find Chairwoman Lee smiling at him.
"Mrs. Lee, I'm surprised to find you here." He asserted. He stepped closer to him. Wasn't she supposed to be in Japan. Hoya told him she left yesterday for Japan. Apparently there was some issues in Tokyo she had to take care of.
"I know. I'm not supposed to be here." She mumbled as if reading his thoughts. She looked down, as if ashamed, but then her eyes lit up and a grin appeared on her face.
"Don't tell my son, okay. I want to see how much he can take before he cracks." She said. Sunggyu narrowed his eyes. What did she mean by that? Chairwoman Lee was not the practical house wife slash Co-CEO. She wasn't the typical mother either. If Sunggyu could put it in words he would say she was, different. Amazingly different. That was her charm.
"Sunggyu." He heard someone else call out his name. The voice was delicately soft. Stunningly beautiful and at the same time, sad. He knew the owner of that voice, even if he only had a few short conversations with her. He turned around to find the woman who had his friend going crazy staring back at him. She had been here the whole time. She hadn't escape to some far off land. But then he saw her eyes, and reality dawn on him. Hopeless.
That was the only thing in her eyes. No matter how dreadful or sad she looked, there was always hope in her eyes. Maybe she was gone.





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Chapter 31: I read this once a while back but I didn’t have an account so I never commented ._. But I have one now and I just so happened to stumble upon this beautiful piece of writing once again! I loved all the character development and Kyungsan, you smart bb. It made my little heart hurt to know how much things they went through ;-; but they’re happy together and that’s all that matters! Thank you for writing this wonderful story!
julietinlove #2
Chapter 31: This story... is... soooo goood!!!!!!!!
Chapter 31: haha the ending was so funny. it was a nice hoya fic ^^
CheCheBingEr #4
Chapter 31: At least I can say bye to the bucket of tears I shed;;
Chapter 31: Oh my God, I really love your fic so much. The way you made the characters was really alive.
Chapter 31: Can I just say how much I loved this story? The character development is on point and the way you portrayed their emotions was beautifully done. There were some typos but it didn't distract me from reading the story too much. Hoya and JiAh though :(( Many feelings, much love ughh.

Also the fact a great fic with Hoya in it...such a gem.

Such a good story keep up the good work! :)
awmyung #7
Chapter 31: omg i love this story!!!
Trin20k #8
Chapter 31: Yeah!!! I really like it!