
Paradise In Hell

Married life was...different. Different from what she had experience. 

As a child JiAh had always imagined her marriage to be one similar to that of her parents. Filled with laughter and joy, and love. One with stupid fights on who does the dishes or what to watch on tv. They would slow dance in the middle of the room for no apparent reason, they would drive around the block an extra time to make sure her and her younger brother were soundly asleep while her mother hummed a soft lullaby. That was the marriage she wanted. 
But what she wanted and what reality had to offer were two different realms. 
"Where the hell is my dinner!" She heard Hoya demand. Her mind fell back into reality as she grabbed the plate of food and brought it to the dining table where he was impatiently waiting. 
"Didn't I tell you to have dinner be ready at the dining table when I get home?" He mused. She apologized. 
"Whatever." He huffed as he began eating, purposely chewing loudly. She slowly walked away descending to the bedroom. 
She quickly changed into pajamas and went to her side of the bed to lay down. Her thoughts lingering on her past. 
Oh how happy it had once been. But the past was the past. The present was what was. 
She heard Hoya's stomping footsteps as he threw the plate into the sink before coming into the bedroom. She turned to face him. He didn't even bother to throw her a glance as he walked over to his closet before taking a shower. 
When the bathroom room shut she crawled out of bed and walked to the kitchen sink. Her mother had always won when it came to doing dishes leaving her father a victim to the dirty dishes. 
She softly smiled remembering how she would climb up on a chair and watched her father do dishes trying him that she could help her appa, but he always refused. 
When she finished drying the dish she went and stared out at the view of Seoul for a moment through the large window-wall. Two months, two months of marriage and she already felt like she could die in her hell at any moment. 
'Just a year of marriage JiAh. One Year.' Chairwoman Lee's words echoed in her mind. She didn't know how she'll last another ten months. 
Finally when she was sure Hoya was in bed she walked softly to their bedroom. She cracked the door opened and slipped inside and made her way to her side of the bed before slipping into bed. She stared up towards the ceiling and frowned. 
Yes, her marriage was far different from the one she had imagined as a child. 
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Chapter 31: I read this once a while back but I didn’t have an account so I never commented ._. But I have one now and I just so happened to stumble upon this beautiful piece of writing once again! I loved all the character development and Kyungsan, you smart bb. It made my little heart hurt to know how much things they went through ;-; but they’re happy together and that’s all that matters! Thank you for writing this wonderful story!
julietinlove #2
Chapter 31: This story... is... soooo goood!!!!!!!!
Chapter 31: haha the ending was so funny. it was a nice hoya fic ^^
CheCheBingEr #4
Chapter 31: At least I can say bye to the bucket of tears I shed;;
Chapter 31: Oh my God, I really love your fic so much. The way you made the characters was really alive.
Chapter 31: Can I just say how much I loved this story? The character development is on point and the way you portrayed their emotions was beautifully done. There were some typos but it didn't distract me from reading the story too much. Hoya and JiAh though :(( Many feelings, much love ughh.

Also the fact a great fic with Hoya in it...such a gem.

Such a good story keep up the good work! :)
awmyung #7
Chapter 31: omg i love this story!!!
Trin20k #8
Chapter 31: Yeah!!! I really like it!