
Paradise In Hell

"What would you like?" Chairwoman Lee asked.

"Paint. I want to paint over the red wall in the apartment." JiAh replied. She couldn't stand looking at it anymore. It reminded her to much of it.

"Why?" Chairwoman Lee asked out of curiosity.

"Because it reminds me of blood."


JiAh grabbed the brush beside her, dripping it in the deep royal purple colored paint.

Each stoke masked away the deep color of red, replacing it with a vibrant royal purple.

She worked her way across the wall, painting over the shade of red. Her mind had lost all sense of time and space, it all left her while she painted.

"I like the other color better." Hoya's stated catching her off guard. She whipped her head around to face him, taken aback by how fast time had gone by. He was already home. The skies were now lit in a dark shade of blue, the bright city lights peeked in through the open windows.

Her eyes fell on her husband who eyed the wall carefully before turning his glare to her. She felt like he was examining every inch of her. She felt like he was burning her alive every time he even glanced in her direction.

"Change it back. The wall." He ordered sternly. dropped. Back to red?


"Change it back. I don't like the color." He demanded firmly sending rays of fire at her. She felt her body shake just being under his glare.

He didn't wait for her to reply before leaving to the bedroom. She turned her eyes back to the wall, most of it was already painted in purple.

He didn't like the color? She asked herself. But she knew he did. He loved purple.

"I don't want to change it back." She mumbled softly to herself.


Hoya threw the paint can on the ground on top of the plastic wrap JiAh had set up the day earlier. The wall was already redone in purple. But he wanted the red back. Through he hated that red color.

He turned his shoulder to find JiAh staring back at him, no, more like staring at the purple wall, her eyes landing on the spots of red underneath the purple. What was it about the red that made her twinge.

He picked up a paint brush and roughly threw it at her, hitting her in the arm before it bounced onto the floor.

"Paint." He demanded.

He then moved over to the couch, grabbing the remote he turned the television on. His eyes however didn't leave her as she moved from the corner of the room to the wall. She kneel down on the ground and lifted the lid off of the paint can.

He saw her face cringe just at the sight of the color. Hoya didn't understand himself. He hated the red. He actually preferred the purple. He liked purple. But he just couldn't stand looking at the purple. It was because of her. It was all because of her.

Hesitantly she brought the paintbrush forward and dripped it in the bright red paint. He turned his eyes to her. She was looking down at the paint. Her eyes were wet and filled with tears, trembled in fear, worry, hurt, he didn't know. She then blinked. It was a swift sudden move, and after she blinked it was like all her feelings were pushed aside. She brought the paint brush up and began red painting over the purple coat. She began painting it back to red. Back to the color of blood.

Each stoke felt like she was being stabbed with a knife, it didn't even make sense to her but every time she saw the red a flash of memory came rushing back.


When she was done she had practically ran to the bedroom dropping the paintbrush in the process on the nice floors. Hoya groaned at her carelessness as he picked up the brush and wiped away the spots of red paint on the ground.

He then walked over to the bedroom where he was going to rant about her carelessness to her. He stopped through when he cracked the door open.

She was on their bed with that notebook of hers that she always carried. She had a purple pen in hand and was coloring one of the pages of her notebook with that purple pen. She colored fast as if the color was to bleed off. Her eyes were wild and seemed like they almost didn't belong to her. They were scared, wild and lost.

She colored the page with purple ink. She covered every inch of white leaving nothing but purple. She scratched the piece of paper with the pen marking it in purple. She scratched it until the purple bled onto her hands. She scratched it until the page ripped.


JiAh walked into the living room the next morning to find visitors in the apartment. She eyed them curiously.

"They're here to paint the wall." Hoya stated when he noticed she had entered the room. The two painters turned and bid their hellos as she stared at the wall.

"Grey." She whispered softly.

"Yes. Grey. I'm painting it grey." Hoya stated. He painted all the walls into different shades of grey.

"You didn't like the red Miss?" One of the painters asked while they were cleaning up. The house now looked like a cloudy day. It was always a cloudy day. It always was


"Why not?"

"It reminded me of blood."

Hoya heard this, though he was across the room. Blood. That was the reason why she would spend hours staring at the wall. Because it reminded her of blood.


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Chapter 31: I read this once a while back but I didn’t have an account so I never commented ._. But I have one now and I just so happened to stumble upon this beautiful piece of writing once again! I loved all the character development and Kyungsan, you smart bb. It made my little heart hurt to know how much things they went through ;-; but they’re happy together and that’s all that matters! Thank you for writing this wonderful story!
julietinlove #2
Chapter 31: This story... is... soooo goood!!!!!!!!
Chapter 31: haha the ending was so funny. it was a nice hoya fic ^^
CheCheBingEr #4
Chapter 31: At least I can say bye to the bucket of tears I shed;;
Chapter 31: Oh my God, I really love your fic so much. The way you made the characters was really alive.
Chapter 31: Can I just say how much I loved this story? The character development is on point and the way you portrayed their emotions was beautifully done. There were some typos but it didn't distract me from reading the story too much. Hoya and JiAh though :(( Many feelings, much love ughh.

Also the fact a great fic with Hoya in it...such a gem.

Such a good story keep up the good work! :)
awmyung #7
Chapter 31: omg i love this story!!!
Trin20k #8
Chapter 31: Yeah!!! I really like it!