
Paradise In Hell

"A present?" JiAh asked looking down at the small box wrapped in purple wrapping paper. Kyungsan nodded, indicating a yes.

"Its actually hyung's. He thought you should have it." Kyungsan replied. He was looking through another book, slowly trying to sound out the more difficult words.

JiAh looked around, still no signs of Hoya. She hadn't seen him since the other day. It was like he was avoiding her.

"No, he's just busy. Hyung's been stress lately. Guess why? Yep, because of you noona. He has a lot of work to do and he's been putting it off for too long." Kyungsan stated. JiAh looked down at him, a smile crossed her face.

"Does he usually leave you at the orphanage a lot?" She asked. Her question came out of pure curiosity.

"He's busy, and sometimes none of the other hyungs have time. Its fine with me. I like the orphanage. I actually insist that he brings me there more often." Kyungsan answered. He really knew why Hoya hadn't shown his face to JiAh. It was a complicated, yet stupid process adults went through. Revealing their emotions. It was so much easier for children than it was for adults, Kyungsan had realized.

"It must be hard for him." She muttered softly. It must be hard for Hoya to have full responsibility for Kyungsan. In a way Hoya was being a single parent. And she felt a wave of guilt lodge into her stomach at the thought of this.

"Was it hard for you noona?"

"Yes. It was hard for noona." JiAh replied remembering a certain younger brother of hers.


A new shipment of books had arrived and JiAh was busy organizing them into the shelves before her. She had shut out all other noises as she focused on the job at hand.

Kyungsan was in the play room, so she didn't worry much about him. He was in safe hands.

She accidentally brushed against the chart of books causing some of the books on the edge to fall. She groaned, kneeling down to pick them up, only to have someone beat her to it.

Her eyes looked up, widening in the process. He stood there, still like usual, a god-like being.

"New books?" Hoya asked looking at one of the books before reverting his gaze back to JiAh who had on her emotionless poker face.

"Yeah." She mumbled softly as she turned away from him and began sorting through the books again. She expected him to ask about Kyungsan, but he didn't. Instead he followed her, his eyes glued on her the whole time, never leaving her.

"Did Kyungsan give you the present?" Hoya asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, he did." She answered, "But I didn't open it yet."

"You should. Right now."

She looked at him and narrowed her brows. She reached into the pocket of her sweater and pulled out the small box package.

She felt her breath hinge in . She was suddenly nervous about opening it. That was the thing about presents. There was a sense of curiosity before opening each present. A sense of wonder, where one tried guessing what awaited them.

Slowly she began tearing the wrapping paper and tape off. She could feel Hoya's intense gaze on her making her nervous.

"Red." That was the first thing that crossed her mind when she laid eyes on the present. It was a simple ruby gem stone necklace. And it was red.

"I know, its red. And I know you hate red." He stated matter of factly.

"Then why did you give it to me?" She asked. If he knew that she hated red, which she did, why give it to her in the first place?

"Because you hate red." The answer made no sense. Maybe this was how he felt like around her. She didn't make sense to him.

"Kyungsan told me, about your brother. I'm sorry." He added. JiAh's eyes examined his facial expression. He really was sincerely sorry.

"Its okay. Its been a long time now." She assured, but he saw right through her facade. That was the main reason why he gave her that necklace. She was reminded of her brother's death everything she saw the bloody red color. She could never move on with her life under she learned to let go. That was a lesson Kyungsan had taught him. The option of letting go.

"But you're not over it. You're still traumatized by his death." Hoya stated. She looked at him with wide eyes. Since when did he read her so easily, when did he see through her so clearly?

"Red like blood, right. So until you're done healing, I'm going to stick around." He insisted as he picked up the necklace, "Let me put it on you."

She grabbed her silky ebony hair, pulling up and away from her neck. Hoya stepped closer to her, content by just being near her again, he pulled the chain around her neck and clasped the chains together. She smelt just like before. Her scent was familiar, yet so far away. He stepped away from her and adjusted the necklace so the ruby gem fell in place.

"Its pretty." She murmured softly looking down at the necklace.

"Yeah, so are you." He countered. She looked up to him to find a small smirk on his face. A small smile lit onto her face. She didn't know why, but she smiled along.

"Kyungsan misses you. You should stop by, you know for dinner at least." All she could do was nod.

He cleared his throat and she saw his eyes darken as if he was struggling to say something.

"I never signed them you know. The divorce papers." He revealed, this was what was so difficult to say. She tilted her head a bit, trying to figure out what was going on in his head. Maybe it was as messed up as hers.

"And why not?"

"Because I'm not done. I'm not giving up on you." He stated firmly locking eyes with hers. His gaze was intense, so strong, so determined, yet at the same some, so caring and honest.

"You should, I'm nothing but-"

"No. I'm not." He repeated, more sure of himself than ever. "I'm not giving up on you, because you're not giving up on yourself. You understand. Neither of us are allowed to." He sounded so sure and so positive, she almost wished he was right.





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Chapter 31: I read this once a while back but I didn’t have an account so I never commented ._. But I have one now and I just so happened to stumble upon this beautiful piece of writing once again! I loved all the character development and Kyungsan, you smart bb. It made my little heart hurt to know how much things they went through ;-; but they’re happy together and that’s all that matters! Thank you for writing this wonderful story!
julietinlove #2
Chapter 31: This story... is... soooo goood!!!!!!!!
Chapter 31: haha the ending was so funny. it was a nice hoya fic ^^
CheCheBingEr #4
Chapter 31: At least I can say bye to the bucket of tears I shed;;
Chapter 31: Oh my God, I really love your fic so much. The way you made the characters was really alive.
Chapter 31: Can I just say how much I loved this story? The character development is on point and the way you portrayed their emotions was beautifully done. There were some typos but it didn't distract me from reading the story too much. Hoya and JiAh though :(( Many feelings, much love ughh.

Also the fact a great fic with Hoya in it...such a gem.

Such a good story keep up the good work! :)
awmyung #7
Chapter 31: omg i love this story!!!
Trin20k #8
Chapter 31: Yeah!!! I really like it!