
Paradise In Hell


We all need a little help sometimes, someone to help us hear the music in the world. To remind us that it won’t always be this way. To show us the better side to ourselves. JiAh was lucky, she gotten the help that would guide her.

She sighed contently to herself as she watched Kyungsan play with the guys. They had just gone on a plane, flying over Seoul. They had saw the city from above and JiAh wondered if only Seoul was as clean as it looked from the sky. It was clean, tidy, organized. In reality it was nothing close to that. It was sort of like people, on the outside, they look perfect and beautiful, but deep within is where the monsters appear. They were now at the Jang Family Estate.

The snow was gone, the fresh green grass was back, the sky was no longer the gloomy grey color but now it was painted in a pale blue. The chirps of birds could be heard as a soft breeze blew by.

Kyungsan, along with most of the guys were piging out on the food before them. The staff had set up three table full of food for them. JiAh chuckled to herself as she watched Kyungsan stuff with his face with sweets.  He looked so adorable.

"Not eating?" Sunggyu asked as he stood beside her. She was admiring Dongwoo's mother's garden.

"No, I'm not hungry." She replied. Silence engulfed the two after that. Only the laughter of there friends reached their ears.

"You know, Kyungsan seems really happy. It looks like he just got a stack of bricks lifted from his shoulders." Sunggyu commented. JiAh frowned. That stack of bricks Kyungsan was carrying was her and Hoya. It was them and their inability to solve their issue, thus, bringing Kyungsan into the picture.

"You and Hoya did good." Sunggyu added as he nodded his head in approval.

"I think we messed him up." She commented with her own train of thoughts.

"No, I think what he gone through, what all of you have gone through, is teaching you all a really valuable life lesson." Sunggyu stated. He huffed out air as he looked to the sky.

"Then what's the lesson trying to teach us?"

"I don't know. You have to figure that out for your own."


"...And we went on the airplane. And we saw the city from the sky. Everyone looked so tiny. Then we went to hyung's house, and we ate a lot of yummy food..." Kyungsan ranted as he stared into the lap top screen.

He was video chatting with Hoya. JiAh was in the room tiding up, but Hoya was able to catch glimpses of her now and then.

It was morning in Seoul. Saturday morning. It was a little after nine and Kyungsan was already up and ready for the day. Hoya was the other hand was exhausted, and tonight was one of those rare nights where he wasn't returning back at midnight. It was seven, Friday night in New York time.

"Hyung, you look tired." Kyungsan mumbled, worried about his hyung.

"Don't worry about me. I just can't wait to be back and Seoul. When I return we have to go on a plane ride together. How does that sound?" Hoya suggested, he grin when he saw a bright smile appear on Kyungsan's face.

"Kyungsan-ah, how's noona?" Hoya asked, he made sure he was speaking loud enough so not only Kyungsan heard, but also JiAh, who was still in the background.

He saw her freeze in her spot and turn around to face the screen. Kyungsan turned around to face his noona.

"Noona...noona is doing well." Kyungsan replied turning his face back to Hoya. Something in his voice was reassuring Hoya enough to believe that. Besides, he knew Kyungsan wouldn't lie to him, not when it involved his noona.

"Can hyung talk to noona alone?" Hoya asked and he was sure JiAh's eyes widen and he saw her jaw drop before she brought back her mask of composure.

"Sure." Kyungsan chirped skipping out of his chair and running away. JiAh stood there, frozen for a second before coming to her senses.

Awkward. That was how you would describe the situation. Slowly she stepped closer to him, or at least closer to the lap top screen. Once in front of the screen, she sat down where Kyungsan was sitting just a minute ago.

Neither said a word. They just stared at each other. They were half a world away, but sometimes half a world was just next door.

"Hey." He mumbled gently. Hoya rubbed the back of his neck, but sure what to do, or what to say.

"Hey." Her reply was just as awkward as the current situation. It was quiet afterwards. Then out of no where, like a spark of light appearing in the midst of darkness, JiAh laughed.

It was the type of bubbly laughter you hear in the summer. It was light and angelic and beautiful. Hoya could only stared, eyes widen and confused. He stared at the screen, watching her laugh before he himself found himself laughing along.

JiAh was like a flower blooming in the dead of winter. And he liked that. He liked that she was different, she was understanding, kind, distant, cold, and strange.

"This is so awkward." He stated after the laughter that gradually died down. She could only nod in agreement.

"Laugh more. You're even more beautiful when you're laughing." He added. She gave him a small smile in return.

"How's New York?" She asked, she noticed his tired eyes. He must be over working.

"I wish I was in Seoul with you instead of being here." He stated honestly. She blinked, not sure how to respond to such a statement.

"Kyungsan misses you." She mumbled. His eyes lit up and a smile crossed his face.

"I miss him too." He replied. And after a moment of hesitation he let the words spill off his lips,

"I also miss you," He mumbled. His breathe cling onto his throat, waiting for her reaction.

She smiled. Even if they were half a world apart, looking through each other through their lab top screens, they felt their hearts sing in happiness.

And that's when it hits her. That's when JiAh is finally able to understand what Sunggyu had told her. This was the lesson they were learning: Happiness.

Happiness was the air around there, the breath of fresh air that lingered throughout. They just had to take a deep breathe and let it in. "Hoya, I miss you to." She answered back.


"What?" She asked looking at Kyungsan who's words reached her ears.

"Noona, thank you." He told her. She smiled as she turned to face Kyungsan. They were baking cupcakes. No, JiAh was and Kyungsan was just watching. She had banned him from touching anything when she realized all he was doing was eating the frosting that would go on top of the cupcakes.

"What for?" She asked.

"For bringing hyung into our lives. I think he makes you happy. Even if he made you cry. He's trying so hard to make up for the past, and he's succeeded in more ways than one."

"You over think too much for a kid, you know that." She commented patting his head.

"Noona, are you excited?" He asked. She froze and realized that she didn't know how she felt. She never really cared for her emotions, they were always the caused of her pain. Usually, she pushed then aside into a small corner of her mind.

"I-I'm..." Speechless. But Kyungsan knew, he knew how she felt, even before she did.

"I'm happy Hoya hyung is returning. I can't believe the auntie convinced the Chairmen to let hyung return."

It took some convincing, but apparently Chairwoman Lee was more stubborn than all of them. It took a lot of nagging, but they finally convinced the Chairmen to let Hoya come back. The Chairwoman insisted that business could wait. Business could wait, life couldn't. And right now her son needed to live.

"Noona, you're happy that hyung is returning, aren't you?" Kyungsan questioned.

"Yes. Noona is happy that hyung is returning." She admitted honestly watching as Kyungsan's smile widen.

"Noona, how did you know you missed hyung?" He asked in the most innocent voice ever.

"I didn't. I didn't know I missed him until he left." Just like how she left him first. She scoffed at that. The two of them were idiots that didn't realize what they had until it was long gone. Only then did they realized how much they treasured it.

"The two of us are so stupid." She mumbled to herself.

"Its okay noona, we all are stupid from time to time." Kyungsan added. She chuckled at his remark.





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Chapter 31: I read this once a while back but I didn’t have an account so I never commented ._. But I have one now and I just so happened to stumble upon this beautiful piece of writing once again! I loved all the character development and Kyungsan, you smart bb. It made my little heart hurt to know how much things they went through ;-; but they’re happy together and that’s all that matters! Thank you for writing this wonderful story!
julietinlove #2
Chapter 31: This story... is... soooo goood!!!!!!!!
Chapter 31: haha the ending was so funny. it was a nice hoya fic ^^
CheCheBingEr #4
Chapter 31: At least I can say bye to the bucket of tears I shed;;
Chapter 31: Oh my God, I really love your fic so much. The way you made the characters was really alive.
Chapter 31: Can I just say how much I loved this story? The character development is on point and the way you portrayed their emotions was beautifully done. There were some typos but it didn't distract me from reading the story too much. Hoya and JiAh though :(( Many feelings, much love ughh.

Also the fact a great fic with Hoya in it...such a gem.

Such a good story keep up the good work! :)
awmyung #7
Chapter 31: omg i love this story!!!
Trin20k #8
Chapter 31: Yeah!!! I really like it!