Kyuhyun vs Yunho

My Adorable Bodyguard


Kyuhyun saw Sungmin got up and run towards the open window at his father’s room. Sungmin’s left arm is badly hurt and bleeding, but he didn’t mind the stinging pain as he tried to look outside the window for any signs of the man who tried to kill Mr. Cho. He was glad that he arrived on time and prevented the man from firing his gun towards the old man, who can only plead for his dear life. When he saw the man running outside the house, he didn’t think twice and immediately jumped out from the window. Kyuhyun’s eyes widened, his jaw dropped, and he swear he’s going to have a heart attack soon because of Sungmin. He called Sungmin’s name after he recovered from the shock, but the latter didn’t hear him. He hurriedly went towards the stairs and looked for any things that he can use to help Sungmin in chasing the masked man.
“Stop right there! Hey!” Sungmin called the man as he kept on running towards him. “Goodness! He’s too fast.” Sungmin complained and tried to ran faster this time. He grabbed his phone in his jean’s pocket and dialled Yunho’s number, and the other line answered after the first ring.
“Yunho….. I need….. a backup….” Sungmin said between pants.
“What happened? Where are you?” Yunho replied in voice full of concern.
“I don’t……have time……to explain…..Just come here quickly… the Cho’s residence.” Sungmin then ended the call and when he saw that he is a few inches more from the man he’s chasing, he immediately jumped and managed to grabbed the man’s waist and they both fell to the ground. The man tried to struggle from Sungmin’s tight hold. They wrestled on the ground and Sungmin’s injured arm had been hit a lot of times that he can’t help but groan because of severe pain.
“Who are you?” Sungmin hissed as he tried to free the man’s face from the mask.
“Do you think I am that dumb to tell you? I know you’re an undercover police agent. I won’t let you ruin my master’s plan. And getting rid of you will be our first step.” The man answered before grabbing Sungmin’s injured arm and gripping it tightly. He smirked when Sungmin shouted in pain, letting him escape from Sungmin’s grasped. “We’ll be seeing each other again, Lee Sungmin.” The man whispered at Sungmin’s ear before pushing Sungmin’s body away from him.
Sungmin tried to get up from the ground, but the pain in his left arm is too much for him to bear. He saw the blood dripping on his arm, and before he knew it, everything around him became dark and he lose consciousness.
Sungmin slowly opened his eyes and scanned his surroundings. He tried to move and groaned in pain when he felt something on his left arm. He furrowed his brows in confusion as he tried to remember what happened.
“I’m so glad that you are awake now.” He turned his head to the side and saw Mr. Cho looking at him with brooded expression. “I’m sorry for what happened.”
Sungmin was about to say something when the door of the room he’s currently in, swung open, revealing a furious Kyuhyun followed by Changmin who’s trying to calm him down. Kyuhyun saw his father, but he didn’t say anything as he made his way towards Sungmin.
“Kyuhyun-“ Sungmin tried to say but he felt his mouth became dry as he saw the dark look that Kyuhyun gave him.
“Why did you do that, huh? Who told you to jumped out of the window, and not to mention that it’s from the second floor, just to follow that man? What if you landed face first? Or worst you could have fractures everywhere? What do you think of your self? A ninja? A vampire who can’t be hurt and can do a lot of supernatural things? Or a trained secret agent? Goodness! You are one hell of a crazy bastard, Lee Sungmin!” Kyuhyun started bombarding him with a lot of questions and Sungmin can only blinked his eyes as he stared at Kyuhyun’s panic-striken and worried facial expression. He wanted to laugh but that would definitely make Kyuhyun angry more. He find Kyuhyun adorable as he stared at the way he widened his eyes, then throw a lot of curses words to him, while flailing his arms in the air.
Sungmin can’t take it anymore as he started giggling, making Kyuhyun stopped with his rants and looked at Sungmin curiously. “Why are you giggling?”
“I never thought that you’ll be this adorable when you’re angry.” Sungmin replied between giggles, and he also heard Changmin and Kyuhyun’s father started to laugh as well. He glanced at Kyuhyun and saw the latter was blushing madly. Sungmin swear that he never thought that a brat like Kyuhyun can turn into an adorable person like this in front of him. He wanted to . “You’re blushing, Kyuhyun.”
“I am not!” Kyuhyun immediately denied and turned his back from Sungmin and mentally cursed himself and touched his burning cheeks. “Damn you sympathetic ganglions for making me blush!” Kyuhyun whispered as he cursed at his poor nerves.
“What Kyuhyun really wanted to tell you Sungmin hyung is, he was so damn worried about you that he almost punched to death the guy that shut you. He kept on yelling, ‘You’ll gonna pay for hurting MY Sungmin!’” Changmin started teasing Kyuhyun as he emphasizes the word MY  that Kyuhyun had used for Sungmin. Kyuhyun threw him a deathly glare and he ignored it completely.
“I was not! I was just teaching that bastard a lesson. He should not be doing that, it’s wrong.” Kyuhyun tried defending himself.
“Really? And when did you learn to teach someone a lesson for doing something bad, Kyuhyun?” Changmin continued.
“Since…. Since…..” Kyuhyun thought for a while before stomping his feet in frustration when he cannot think of anything. “Aish! Do I not have any rights in doing that? And I am not worried with Sungmin. I am just angry because of his stupidity.” Sungmin stopped smiling and his face became gloomy all of a sudden after hearing Kyuhyun’s remarks.
Changmin ignored Kyuhyun and went to sit at the edge of the bed, while Mr. Cho was just observing everything with a smile on his face. Changmin leaned towards Sungmin, while the latter stared at Changmin’s face wide-eyed. Kyuhyun who saw it quickly pulled Changmin’s body away from Sungmin.
“Hey! You are not worried about Sungmin hyung. Let me comfort him and help him to recover fastly.” Changmin said in a mischievous way.
"By harrassing him? Please. I know your ways Changmin.” Kyuhyun retorted back.
“I am not harrassing him. I am trying to make him feel that someone as awesome as me is concerned about his well-being. Unlike some other people that I knew.”
“No! You are not going near around Sungmin. I will be the one to take care of him and you are going to mind your own business. Sungmin is mine.” Kyuhyun said possessively and Changmin smirked before looking at the dumbfounded Sungmin on the bed. He winked at Sungmin knowingly, while the latter’s cheek suddenly took on a bright, pink hue, and smiled shyly.
“I think we should both leave them for a while, Changmin.” Kyuhyun’s father said after a minute of silence. Changmin gladly accepted Mr. Cho’s offer, because he know that if he stays longer and tries to flirt with Sungmin more, Kyuhyun will definitely strangle him to death. He still loves his life and he still wanted to taste all the delicious food in the world. Yeah…. Changmin’s in love with food like that. 
There was an awkward silence inside the room when Changmin and Mr. Cho left. Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun’s back, who is currently looking at the ground as if thinking of ways on how he will start talking to Sungmin. He saw Kyuhyun sighed and put his hands inside his jean’s pockets. Maybe Kyuhyun is really angry for what he had done. But he can’t blame him. It’s part of his job to protect them, even though Kyuhyun doesn’t have any idea that he is indeed a trained secret agent.
“Don’t do that again.” Sungmin snapped his head towards Kyuhyun’s direction when he heard him talked. “I was so worried when I heard that gunshot that I rushed towards my father’s room immediately. When I saw that your arm was bleeding, I felt my body tremble. I don’t want to see you like that again. I wanted to help you, but what you did next almost gave me a heart attack. I mean, who in their right minds will jump out from the window with an injured arm? I saw what that bastard had done to your arm before you lose consciousness.” Kyuhyun paused and Sungmin saw him tightened his jaw in anger as memories of Sungmin’s scream of pain echoed inside his head. He was glad that the police had arrived on time and was able to capture the masked man. When he saw that man, he was not able to stop himself from punching and kicking him after what he had done to Sungmin. He lose control, and before he can kill the man, Yunho stopped him. 
Kyuhyun sat at the edge of the bed and stared at Sungmin’s face. He saw some scratches and small bruises at the side of Sungmin’s lips. He moved beside Sungmin, and gently cupped his face. “You may be strong, but I don’t want your life to be in danger. Don’t do that again, please.” Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin’s eyes pleadingly before gently Sungmin’s bruised lips. He inched his face closer to Sungmin while staring intently at those pair of perfectly bow-shaped lips. Sungmin felt his cheeks burned and his heart thumped wildly in his chest as Kyuhyun’s face was a mere centimeter away from him. They stared at each other’s eyes for a moment, before Kyuhyun hungrily claimed his lips, to which he responded immediately, surprising both of them. Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s waist pulling him closer, while Sungmin unconsciously Kyuhyun’s messy locks to deepen the kiss. Kyuhyun slowly nibbled Sungmin’s lower lips to allow his tongue to enter Sungmin’s hot cavern, to which the older gladly obliged. Soon, Kyuhyun was starting to his tongue and pushed his body to lie down on the bed, without breaking the kiss. Sungmin let out a moan because of too much ecstasy he’s feeling. 
They were both lost in the kiss that they did not notice the door opened. Yunho felt like a bucket of cold water was being thrown at him, and his heart was being ripped apart when he saw what is happening. He cannot move his body as he stared wide-eyed at the two people kissing in front of him. He was so worried about Sungmin, that he decided to visit him after his work, but what he saw is just enough to break his heart apart. He cleared his throat hoping to get Sungmin or Kyuhyun’s attention, but to no avail. The two seemed to forget about their surroundings as they both enjoy the kiss. Yunho tried to get their attention again and this time, he succeeded. He saw Sungmin immediately pushed Kyuhyun’s body away from him and trying to cover his blushing face. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, just scoffed at Yunho angrily.
“What a good way to interrupt.” Kyuhyun complained as he settled himself in sitting beside Sungmin at the bed. “What are you doing here?”
“I never knew that I am not allowed to visit Sungminnie here.” Yunho replied sarcastically. “Sorry to interrupt you on your most intimate scene.”
“I’m glad that you are aware of that. If not because of Sungmin, I will not allow you to visit him. And what’s with calling him, ‘Sungminnie’?” Kyuhyun glared at him before getting up from the bed.
“I can call him whatever I want because he’s my best friend.” Yunho replied trying to control his anger.
“Well, I wanted to inform you that from now on, you cannot call him like that. Sungmin is mine, and I am the only one who is allowed to call him in whatever endearments that I want.” Kyuhyun said in a possessive tone.
“Childish! As far as I know, Sungmin is never owned by anyone, most especially by a troublemaker like you.” Yunho retorted back.
“What did you say?” Kyuhyun grabbed Yunho’s collar, and before he can hurt him, Sungmin shouted at them.
“Will you two stop bickering?” Sungmin shouted angrily and looked at Yunho, before turning his gaze at Kyuhyun. “If you two don’t start acting friendly towards each other, I will not allow you to step inside this room. What is even wrong with you?”
Kyuhyun let go of Yunho harshly, while the latter started to fix his shirt’s crumpled collar as if mocking him. It only made Kyuhyun’s blood boil, but he needed to control his emotion or else Sungmin will kick him out of the room. He can only think about their shared kiss to calm himself.
Kyuhyun and Yunho stayed at the hospital for the whole day to take care of Sungmin. Whenever Sungmin feels hungry, both Kyuhyun and Yunho will offer him foods. He will take the food from both of them. He don’t want to choose, cause he know it will only create a bigger problem. Kyuhyun and Yunho tried to get along with each other, but they find it hard. If Sungmin is sleeping, or busy reading something, they are silently throwing daggers towards each other. Or whispering curses when they are near each other.
“Can I talk to you in private, Sungminnie?” Yunho said as soon as Sungmin finished eating his dinner, which is courtesy of both Kyuhyun and Yunho again.
Kyuhyun, who heard it, immediately replied, “No. I will not allow for the two of you to talk in private.”
Yunho turned his head towards Kyuhyun and sighed in frustration. “I did not ask for your opinion. I am talking to Sungmin so stop butting in to our conversation.”
“Kyuhyun, please. Don’t start another fight with Yunho.” Sungmin pleaded while pouting his lips.
Kyuhyun’s jaw dropped when he heard that from Sungmin, and he swear he’s going to cut Yunho’s head after he saw him smirk in victory. No! He won’t let this Yunho win over him. He will show him who’s the real boss here. He crossed his arms in his chest and smirked evilly.
“Let me remind you, Sungmin is my bodyguard. You may be his best friend, but I am his boss. And as his boss, I won’t allow my bodyguard to talk to you in private. Who knows what you will do to him in his current state. And as for you, Sungmin,” Kyuhyun said before staring intently at Sungmin. “how many times shall I remind you that you are mine? Shall I start showing it to you after this best friend of yours leave?”
Sungmin groaned in annoyance. ‘Oh God! When will their bickering end? I wanted to be discharge from this hospital as soon as possible, and be away from these two.’
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I won't be able to update cause I need to start reviewing the topic that I'll be discussing in our hospital :(


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Somy1375 #1
Chapter 19: This is so beautiful. I enjoyed reading it. :)
minimina91 #2
Chapter 19: OMG this is the best o ador si ma bucur k am găsit aceasta ff pupici XOXO
Chapter 19: Me? Ow..what for? *scratching head
It's me who should be thanking you.
Nice theme. I like bodyguard Sungmin. I thought Sungmin died, I nearly had a heart attack. Kyu brat how did he manage the dream proposal? It's Yunho, wasn't it?
How are you coping with the news? I hope you'll be fine.
Lots of hugs and kisses for you.
Chapter 19: OMG this is just perfect. I really thought Sungmin would die... I´m glad there´s happy ending :)
Thank you for this awsome story, autor-nim <3
Chopumpkin #5
Chapter 19: OMG I LOVE THIS! You should make a kyumin kdrama version of this!!
Im telling the truth. You, author nim should filmed it. XD
1235t4 #6
Chapter 19: say "yeeaayyy" for the end \o/
OMG this is so sweet, angst, and i love how u slipped some humors in it. I aLmost have the urge to kiLLed u when i thought that Sungmin might be dead orz *sorry ㅠㅠ
Thanks for the story *kisses u :33♥♥
1235t4 #7
*brb after finishing this fic*
mingie101_ #8
I love this fic! :))
elfcloud9 #9
Chapter 19: ah so SWEET authornim.. though the few chapters before it ends make me cry..and i thought you kill minnie=_= the ending is really DAEBAK^0^
Chapter 19: